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Aussie Plant extraction

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM was Wondering if anyone has done the Acacia extraction yet? SWIM is in Perth Australia and is trying to find out the best Aussie plant for extraction. I think he is ready and know's how but doesn't want to stuff it up by selecting the wrong plant. All help will be greatly appreciated!
I belive it is the Lex Tek that works with Acacia. Many have done it successfully. I belive there is an old thread or two in the Extraction Forum...also check the old Nexus... I know there were threads on there as well.

Please do not post the same question in two sub-forums. If a thread needs to be moved the mods will be more than happy to put it in the right place. I have deleted the duplicate thread in Plant Discussion.

Thank you.
acolon_5 said:

Please do not post the same question in two sub-forums. If a thread needs to be moved the mods will be more than happy to put it in the right place. I have deleted the duplicate thread in Plant Discussion.

Thank you.
Yeah Sorry very new to this site.. I love it though the obtusia mentioned earlier is mainly a eastern states plant.. SWIM was hoping that a Perth native has been used by anyone?
As for the Lex Tek .Thanks although heaps of research has been done some how that one has slipped passed the radar :)
SWIM is planning on using the Acacia maidenii or Acacia spirorbis subsp. solandri, not sure which one it is yet as they both look exactly the same to me. But thats on the east coast too...search the forums for 'perth' im sure i read about someone else using a specific species from there. longfolia or something.

Acolon or someone, can you tell SWIM if one should only use the bark to extract DMT or can the rest of the inner stem be used as well?
OK, here is a really good resource if you are new to finding plant material of your choice, use:
1. Find a species containing DMT Plants that Contain DMT - Other Psychoactives - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
3. Click the species you want under scientific names, then download the "Placemarks for google earth" and, viola, your google earth will tell you where to look :D

Happy hunting.
p.s: this is not only for Australia, but worked well for SWIM.
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