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authentic Amazon shaman

Migrated topic.
Hey guys, I'm planning a trip to south america. One main part of this is to experience Ayahuasca with an authentic shaman.

Ideally, I would stay away from western retreats. (unless someone has had experience at one which was 'authentic' and not lead by a psudo-shaman. Who's intent is just to make money from ayahuasca tourism.) This is something i have read warning off. I want to be careful to keep away from such bad intent.

I asking here as im sure some of you have had the pleasure to walk the path im trying to find. And I was hoping i could benefit from your experience and work with someone of your recommendation?

I hope all is well and I get to hear back from you soon!

(If all goes as planned, i could keep this theead as a little log of my journy from planning till i came home. I guess it depends how it works out. fingers crossed!)
I am also planning a trip to the Amazon over the summer. I hope to be at Machu Picchu for the solstice. Where are you traveling in SA?
I take aya 2 times with Asencia....http://medicinashipiba.blogspot.com.ar/ ... very good and good shaman... she is pure love...
Amazing,lobo, others experience means a lot. How was communication? Presumably there was a language barrier, were others in the retreat able to translate or was the ceremony/everything carried out on intuition?

Im going to look into both.

Hesus, I am actually planning to do a pretty extensive trip. Its been a long time in the works! However, im fortunate enough at the moment to have pretty good access to the continent and I am hoping to take full advantage of that!

Ill keep you guys update with information.

Exciting times.

Thanks again guys.
Hi unans! ... Asencia dont speak spanish well... but she is always with his son Santos... he speach spanish.. if you want i can give you the phone number ... Greattings!
unansweredquestions said:
Hesus, I am actually planning to do a pretty extensive trip. Its been a long time in the works! However, im fortunate enough at the moment to have pretty good access to the continent and I am hoping to take full advantage of that!

UNANSWEREDQUESTIONS, I too am planning an extensive trip, on scholarhip to do independent research on water related issues throughout Peru. I will be arriving to Lima next week (June 1) and studying fog harvesting, meeting with universities to attend studio classes (I am a Landscape Architecture student), and visiting museums. By the 15th I will begin the Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu (camping in Aguas Caliente and visiting Machu Picchu during the solstice). While in the Andes I will be studying irrigation practices, new and old, and terraced farming techniques. From there I will be going into the Amazon to study water purification. I will then finish my studies by visiting Uros, from there I will have an open itinerary through mid-late August when I must return to present my findings, observations, and experience. The only dates I am not flexible with are a FEW days from arrival in Lima through June 22 at Moray in the Sacred Valley.

At some point I am hoping to attend an ayahuasca retreat/ceremony. I have found some places that seem too good to be true, and others that are too expensive to even consider. I am currently considering the Sapan Inka Project and Ayahuasca Satsangha but still don't feel comfortable making this decision online, I feel I need to arrive, meet people and the trip will find me. Have you had any better luck finding legitimate retreats? I am looking for a low-tech, traditional, authentic experience. I don't want a beautiful building, wi-fi, toilets, etc. I would prefer a few day hike to prepare for the journey, camping under the stars, and true shamans, not showmen.

What are your plans thus far for your adventure? I would be very interested to meet up and discuss our trip at some point, should we cross paths.
If I ever go to peru I am gunna drink with this guy..Ron Wheelock..the "gringo shaman".

..and yeah hes a white guy from america..but everyone says this guy is the best and the real deal. This is a guy who really does live off in a little tiny hut like house in the jungle like the locals and was apparently healing local native peoples and not charging a penny.

Never been there myself or anything but I have many people say this guy is just super legit with powerful medicine.
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