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Aya/DMT: potential for catalysing psychosis, neurosis, schizophrenia or latent psychological problem

Migrated topic.
totally the shock of finding out that there is another part of life hiding behind the veil is really a traumatic shock to some.
LLB said:
totally the shock of finding out that there is another part of life hiding behind the veil is really a traumatic shock to some.
Thanks for all the responses.
This revelation is what makes life worth living, the world needs magic! Was it H.G.Wells who said that famous thing about how all adults need to rediscover the wonder in life, to see the world through the eyes of a child? I always forget who it was, but it's an amazing quote.
So bipolar people should stay away from entheos? A LOT of people are borderline bipolar, I know at least 2 (neither of whom partake).
what do YOU mean by borderline? people who are borderline disorder... have an axis two personality disorder... its an attachment disorder that begins in early childhood that stems from children not being able to establish appropriate attachments with their primary care givers. people who are bipolar with and axis two personality disorder are well... pretty screwed up folks sad to say... who need alot of help. I know of no reason why some one with an attachment or personality disorder shouldnt ingest ( other than they may have a hard time emotionally dealing with the experience which could lead to a trauma)... however bipolar disorders especially if they are manic with a past history of psychosis may wish to be very careful... usually these folks are already diagnosed and receiving some sort of treatment, they are on meds and need to be careful of conflicting drug interactions...
now folks that have not been on meds, and have been doing their best with out them working with alternatives... well I would dare to say that their symptoms are not highly acute and that they are the few that would probably benefit from ingesting under the right set and setting...

and thats another point...
peoples intention with ingesting... the effects of entheogens are highly subjective in nature and will reflect your conscious and unconscious intentions. i would say that every one is subject to psychological trauma and people who have an actual intention bound with an appropriate internal set and external setting will have an experience they can deal with... note i say deal with. not a good or bad experience... but one they can deal with. people can have psychotic breaks during or after an experience that can be really healthy believe it or not! but once again it takes some sort of internal set that will allow for it to be so.
which brings us back to intention.

so should bipolar folks ingest entheogens... well... depends on the severity of their symptoms... and whether or not its absolutely necessary for them to take medication to function... ( trust me for some it is for some its not) some people control their symptoms through diet and therapy and herbs and well... entheogens are a potential medicine which is a combination of therapy and medication... the really tricky question though is who is the therapist? is it you? is it the chemical, or the plant... or something larger... fascinating
LLB said:
what do YOU mean by borderline?
I just say borderline because that's what they've told me. Neither of them are close enough friends that I've seen them have an episode (the girl I was originally talking about isn't one of them, she's the one who gets messages, senses ghosts, and the last time we hung out she was dosed on codeine due to a migraine).
Please could I ask... are you a pschologist? Just curious.
That appears to be the risk one takes when exploring transpersonal phenomena with out have any real cosmology for integrating transpersonal phenomena into ones conscious daily life.
EVERY entheogenic experience is a transpersonal experience. If people had an appropriate and culturally sanctioned cosmology for these experiences to be integrated into people i dont think would have such problems.

I aked my ayahuascero freind who works with the shipibo what they do when some one goes "nuts" he said that when some one starts creating problems inthe village they catch them... tie them to a pole and make them rink ayahausca and do ceremonies until they can fix the problem...
like i said before... mental illness is a social problem more then anything else...
My friend who I mentioned earlier phoned me and confided in me last night. She says she can feel an 'episode' coming on, and has decided to have councelling. She has her first appointment with a psychologist tomorrow. She hasn't really explained what an episode is for her, but she does dread them.

She says she had an awful childhood, because her parents were unhappily married and she feels that her mother blamed her children for trapping her in a loveless marriage. Her mother never wanted children and got pregnant accidentally (yet somehow it happened a second time because she has a brother who is also messed up). She was never told once 'I love you' by either parent. Her father is an alcoholic. Now her parents resent her because she can't face going home to visit them because it apparently brings on her episodes.

She described how an ex-boyfriend once encouraged her to tell her parents how much they'd messed her up to explain why she can't face coming home. She then completely broke down at the station when she returned to the city, because her boyfriend wasn't there to greet her as promised and his phone was switched off. She also says that her motivated attitude and busyness, which I so admire about her, is actually a coping mechanism to stop herself from thinking about things.

So does this mean she's not mentally ill in any 'chemical imbalance' way, but rather is messed up as a product of her childhood? I can imagine a lack of love explaining the imaginary friends and feelings of the universe communicating with her (sending good vibes when she's happy, or bad vibes when she feels the proximity of an 'episode'). Because if that's the case, maybe she'd benefit from the love that the entities have to give? All advice appreciated :)
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