Long cold soak for rootbark (powdered, by dreamer)
Now, 20 drops of 10% food grade phosphoric acid in 1/2 gal of distilled water = ph3... Please be sure to get that right!
So, place the herbs in the solution at a ratio of at least 20/1 solution/herbs, (by ounces).
1st soak, 4-5 days in fridge shaking often. Filter, place in fridge to settle.
2nd soak, 4-5 days in fridge, with 1/2 the amount of acid, shaking often. filter, place in fridge to settle.
3rd soak (might be optional, it's pretty pale) 1-2 days, plain distilled water, shake, filter, place in fridge to settle.
After all the extractions have completely settled, VERY carefully decant, combine, and gently reduce to 2-3 oz per dream serving. Then in a dream, drink after drinking a caapi brew (2-3 oz) made with the other tec.
This cold soak bark tec has produced marvelous results, but...
Just to be on the safe side...
Another word of caution.
Now, those who know me know that I'm what you might call a "deep sea diver", so hear me well...
When playing around with rootbark, one must be careful. It is not NEARLY as forgiving as leaf.
An experienced dreamer I know, (who admittedly is pretty sensitive) had a challenging experience dreaming of 2g rootbark, with the Bird's phos tec!
Now certainly, YMMV, but if there was ever an occasion to carefully climb the ladder, it is when dreaming of this tec with rootbark.
Another, macho deep sea diver had a somewhat white knuckle rapids ride with 8g in a dream, and although he tends to like the big challenge and managed to ride it out OK, he says he knows it would be too much for some, more sensitive types.
It is also highly suggested that caapi be dreamed, not rue, as rue makes rootbark even less forgiving.
If you have any doubts at all, play it VERY conservatively, until you know where you stand.