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Ayahuasca and Klonopin

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I am going to an Ayahuasca ceremony. I am on .75 mg of klonopin. I have tapered down from 2 mg but not able to taper in time to nothing for this ceremony . It takes a very long time to stop benzos. The 2mg to .75 took me a year.
I have informed those running the ceremony . My neuropsychiatrist who knows about psychedelics (he studies the effect of certain ones on PTSD), says he is not worried about mixing the two, only that my experience may be dulled.

My question is has anyone ever mixed Ayahuasca and benzos and what was the effect?

Thank you
I am prescribed 5mg of Diazepam (Valium) for back problems, but usually only take 1.25-2.5mg daily. At this point, I probably don't need it, but I'm too busy to implement a taper. I have had pharmahuasca with no interference. Caapi brew with dmt fumarate with no apparent dulling of the experience. Lots of sublingual caapi/rue extract with vaporized dmt... and if it's dulling the experience, I'm not sure if I could handle a non dulled one :) I have become god, the universe and everything. I have visited angelic realms and lived out all possible versions of my life from a given point in time.. simultaneously. I have been in deep dialog with entities and I've been operated on by alien doctors.
Maybe it effects the experience if you take large doses or have no tolerance and take a single dose before Aya or one of it's analogs, but I've never had an issue. I've gone plenty deep and I've been on Diazepam for a long time. I need to do the math, but I probably have quite a bit of it in my system on any given day due to the long half life. I am pretty sure Klonopin is stronger than Valium, but I think you should be okay.

There was one time, a long time ago that I tried to get rid of pre-flight jitters with a solid dose of Valium and I got hyperslapped for it. It was not pretty. I learned my lesson.
I really wish there were a better list of medication interactions with harmalas/DMT.

I see lots of lists, but they seem like they are simply cut and pasted off long acting MAOI interactions lists. Even one of the lists here on the Nexus that takes some serious digging to find lists many of the drug interactions as simply the side effects of said drug without interactions. Before going on my ayahuasca tour in Peru, I was cutting avocado out of my diet. Upon my second meal served on site, I get a few slices of avocado on my plate. When I question it, they tell me it's fine unless rotten.

It's very frustrating because I know many of these interactions are literally heart attack serious. To see so much information in conflict and often just flat wrong or missing causes a lot of anxiety regarding these issues.
I'm starting to see that there is lots of disagreements within the community itself which yes causes confusion .
I have informed those running the ceremony . My neuropsychiatrist who knows about psychedelics (he studies the effect of certain ones on PTSD), says he is not worried about mixing the two, only that my experience may be dulled.
Kudos for asking your prescriber, you are doing it right. :thumb_up:
Kudos for asking your prescriber, you are doing it right. :thumb_up: [/quote]

Thanks. I wonder though in terms of withdrawal how it may affect me, benzo withdrawal lasts a long time, as slow as I am going there are symptoms. These things are so potent.
I am still booked to go and even though I still am in acute withdrawal the facilitator and my Dr. tell me it's ok . I'm curious how they get this ? I'm not sure I want to risk it .
Being in benzo withdrawal while having an ayahuasca ceremony doesn't sound very good to me, but I've never experienced benzo withdrawals. Apart from the mental effects, wouldn't you be risking of increasing the chance of having a seizure? Whatever you decide to do - good luck!
Not sure about seizure . I should stabilise soon I think but wonder if anyone's experienced this . All I'm told by the facilitator is it's safe and it's how he got off opioids . I think it's 2 different things here . He is a nurse but people can be wrong .
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