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Ayahuasca: at home or in the Amazon?

Migrated topic.
I can say without any sort of doubt that preparing a brew and setting up the context and intent for ingesting the brew can easily be done within the proper setting [if you have the means and knowledge available to safely and responsibly do so]. You most certainly do not have to travel all the way to another country to drink. The several experiences I've had with various brews have been nothing short of extraordinary and reality-shattering.

I think self empowerment is important with these things, and self empowerment 'can' be a beautiful thing. Though with that said - we're all different, and while some have the means to ingest powerful brews within their residence - some don't quite have that luxury, so there's that to consider. Some feel that paying X amount of money and traveling to another country to drink with an ayahuasquero is the only way - which is fine too - if that's what they feel personally should be done.

At the end of the day it's your call as a free-thinking and able human being to choose which route you go. Smile

This. I was seriously under the impression that the traditional setting in the jungle was the only correct setting for ayahuasca. Knowing that one can have a genuine experience in one's own home is very reassuring.
I have conflicting feelings about it. YES because it's true and NO because that golden touch you're missing out on and you don't even realize that you're missing it, until you receive it.

Yes one can do tremendous good work at home and that might be plenty enough already.
For me that doesn't mean it couldn't benefit from a life time dedicated dude. Tatt's tricks of the trade as he calls them.

The moment you feel yourself transforming trough a particular icaro sung by jungle imprinted and jungle loaded essence, life, this you never ever can get at home, not on CD either. The way the Sacha Waira is beaten, only that life act alone, can result in a hallway to another experience. It's beaten in a way you and I never could.

If you go to Egypt and open yourself to feel the desert spirit, helped with for example syrian rue, you connect to it. There must be a willingness to see beyond the fake, the commercial, the imposters, the advertising lies, etc... and this works even in a mass touristic hotel. You have all responsibility for this to succeed, or not.

If I would find myself in a gringo aya resort with a lot of BS and woo then I'm sure to find my golden worthiness keys nonetheless between the debris. I think it's a matter of attitude mainly, eye on serendipity too.

But I share the drift that home does magic and Peru is a chaos.
Having the means and knowledge to do it safely at home is one thing, but how is it actually to be left all to your self?
The only ceremonial I had was in Peru, with a fairly large group, both foreigners and locals. In my opinion the ceremony was held very well, with Icaors and various musicians playing music. I felt very comfortable. Somehow I am hesitant to be left all by myself .... obviously, as long as I feel uncomfortable I shouldn't do it.

But then again, when I freebase, I lock myself in a room. I do not want anyone around, not even the closest person in my life ....
Hawaiigold said:
Having the means and knowledge to do it safely at home is one thing, but how is it actually to be left all to your self?
The only ceremonial I had was in Peru, with a fairly large group, both foreigners and locals. In my opinion the ceremony was held very well, with Icaors and various musicians playing music. I felt very comfortable. Somehow I am hesitant to be left all by myself .... obviously, as long as I feel uncomfortable I shouldn't do it.

But then again, when I freebase, I lock myself in a room. I do not want anyone around, not even the closest person in my life ....

Of course, having a sitter would be essential for ayahuasca, just like with any other psychedelic.
Hawaiigold as soon as you know to be biologically compatible (no allergies or super sensitivities) then you could consider starting really low. Or even microdosing for that matter over a period, it all works nice :thumb_up:
Jees said:
Hawaiigold as soon as you know to be biologically compatible (no allergies or super sensitivities) then you could consider starting really low. Or even microdosing for that matter over a period, it all works nice :thumb_up:

Sound advice Jees!:thumb_up:
JustAnotherHuman said:
Muskogee Herbman said:
Theres nothing that says you can't make your own jungle. Complete with ayahuasca and other plants ;)

I agree with tat 100%


Oh i know all about excuses, and the 'talking myself outta doing stuff thing', cos i've done it all through my life. One thing that i did do however, was decide to travel. It was hard deciding, but when i did it i found out that it was a lot easier actually doing it, than it was thinking about doing it.

The thing is, that was like 25 years ago before the internet and it was more of a challenge. Nowdays travelling is so damn easy, and Peru is a cheap Country, with friendly people, great food, easy to learn Spanish, and wonderful attractions. In fact Ayahuasca is the least of the attractions for most people.

Now if you ask me the question of home, or Amazon for Ayahuasca, then i'll say PERU, because it would be damn silly to travel all the way down there and miss out on all the other amazing stuff, and even if you preferred drinking at home, you would still have had an incredible experience and learned a lot about yourself just by travelling in a foreign country!

However, i seriously doubt you will beat the Amazon jungle experience, because a Curandero will take things up some serious notches, and you'll drink brew made from fresh plants, and be away from you day to day lifestyle, and regular distractions and 'safety net', etc.

The bottom line is that if you stay at home rather than travel and experience what there is on offer, you will not know what you are missing out on!
Jees said:
Hawaiigold as soon as you know to be biologically compatible (no allergies or super sensitivities) then you could consider starting really low. Or even microdosing for that matter over a period, it all works nice :thumb_up:

Thanks Jees for the incouragement.... I actually brewed up a tea on several occasions but since I didn't feel comfortable for a full dose, microdosed my tea over several days. A few times I pushed my self accidentally slightly over the threashold ... and all was good... I am still hesitant with guiding myself throuh a full ceremony .... like choosing music, .... not sure if that could be overwhelming. But maybe I am overthinking.

I am not too concerned about a sitter. My wife would be in the same house.
As much as I agree that for the inexperienced a sitter is a very good idea, at least with mushrooms, I am a firm believer that no one not participating has any business being present. I find it rather disturbing and distracting ....
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