You create your own reality
I can say without any sort of doubt that preparing a brew and setting up the context and intent for ingesting the brew can easily be done within the proper setting [if you have the means and knowledge available to safely and responsibly do so]. You most certainly do not have to travel all the way to another country to drink. The several experiences I've had with various brews have been nothing short of extraordinary and reality-shattering.
I think self empowerment is important with these things, and self empowerment 'can' be a beautiful thing. Though with that said - we're all different, and while some have the means to ingest powerful brews within their residence - some don't quite have that luxury, so there's that to consider. Some feel that paying X amount of money and traveling to another country to drink with an ayahuasquero is the only way - which is fine too - if that's what they feel personally should be done.
At the end of the day it's your call as a free-thinking and able human being to choose which route you go. Smile
This. I was seriously under the impression that the traditional setting in the jungle was the only correct setting for ayahuasca. Knowing that one can have a genuine experience in one's own home is very reassuring.