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ayahuasca changes

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Things have changed in my life since I used ayahuasca first time. I have understood things that have never made sense to me, seeing connections that apparently few see, each day that passes more synchronicities happen to me and this has scared me a lot. Anyone here going through this? I'm looking in various DMT forums and communities but I can not find anyone.
Hey mate

I know what you are talking about.
I had 5 ceremonies in total. The first weekend i did ayahuasca was two ceremonies in 2 days. The second one was really intense. Could talk about that for hours...but let's skip that.
Back home i had a meltdown. I could not stand the pressure of being back in Babylon. Back in the system. But it got better.
Then I started to see the strings even more clearly. The fact that there are no coincidences has been proven nearly every day.
That has the potential to scare you. Because mother ayahuasca shows you your elemental and natural patterns and instincts and feelings...but then you have to function in modern society. And that's fucked up. But there is no need to be scared. Focus on yourself. Try to make the world around you and your family and friends a world where you fit into....and you will be surprised how much that effects way more than only the world around you. It changes perspective. It shows you how to enable what Mother Aya gave you. And that should not to be scared of all the strings and patterns 😉
Peace and Love for you my friend.
Yes, this is normal! Don't be afraid. Perhaps try to ground yourself through things like yoga/exercise/meditation/contemplation/good food/nature/reading/writing/creative outlets/speaking to us/others.

These things can help immensely
It sounds like you had a powerful experience. The advice the two previous people shared is good stuff, work with the love and light it's shown you in this world. There are no coincidences, as I'm sure you know now, nothing has ever just happened. The experience came to you much as you to it.

And yeah, you're in Babylon, and yeah it's falling and yeah it's ugly as hell, that's where the working with the love and light comes in. Only you know what that means for you.

But you've taken a great step joining a great community of kind, intelligent, helpful common sense folks that know the good and weird of what ayahuasca showed you.

Peace, welcome, and be good to you!:thumb_up:
Ive had some wild synchronicities post aya. One experience involved women and an ex girl friend. Ran into her the morning after and had a 30 min chat.
The syncronicities appear to be benevolent in nature :)
but the thing is that it doesnt stop, and it's a really bad time for me to lose my ground, for my world to became magical and not so logical. My first experience was years ago, but things are coming together now.
Its like I know stuff, and then something happened that proves that I'm right, but the only thing is, I'm the one that sees, so there's no real prof, cause I didn't wrote anything.
Now I had something that I longed for and I had for sometime, I didnt know what it was till I lose, and now Im lost.
this syncronicities are benevolent but painfull
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