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Ayahuasca retreat help

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I've been researching south american ayahuasca ceremonies, and have found a lot of good and bad press and prices ranging from next to nothing too several thousand dollars. The threads on the nexus i have read give some recommendations but are pretty outdated.

I was hoping you guys could make a few recommendations based off of personal experiences with ayahuasca and the shaman that were performing the ceremony as well as there ability and trust factor. It involves a lot of trust undertaking something like this and i truly believe the opinions of the nexus members over internet hearsay.. Thank you in advance, feel free to pm the information if you'd like as i don't know the exact rules this would fall under. i don't believe it would be sourcing but id rather no violate the rules.. Remember since i'm still new i wont be able to respond except for in this thread.

Again thank you in advance.


I have experience with dmt for 5+ years aya seems feels the next step in my journey
Hi there. If going to Iquitos,

There are many places to choose from. I take it you're only going for a week or two? You've gotta decide for yourself what you want and are prepared to pay.

For this reason i don't like to reccomend but i can say i've heard good things about 'DAS centre'. Ron Wheelock's has many glowing reviews. If you pay more you goto places like Blue morpho-who get great reviews, etc.

I would reccomend you take some time to do some research into this yourself. There are many people loving many places. Look out for strong medicine and a good Curandero. Make a list of ones you like, then come back and i'm sure we can help you decide the best of the bunch for you.
I think i may have worded that poorly... its not the money or cost im concerned with. But with all the research i have done it seems like there are alot of places and people which are unsavory or highly inexperienced offering "the ayahuasca experience" im looking for a traditional ayahuasca ceremony for healing purposes with someone experience and knowledgeable... the problem im running into are the shear number of supposed places with unknown qualities. As for the duration of the trip the first time would more than likely be 14 days i dont want to commit to a place for longer without first hand experience with the. If the vibes are right and im making progress i will more than likely extent my stay if possible.

But ill take the advice and post links to the three i feel are the most legitimate thankyou
drown said:
im looking for a traditional ayahuasca ceremony for healing purposes with someone experience and knowledgeable...

Yep, try broadening your search on this traditional type ceremony by asking on sites that might have great info such as Ayahuasca.com as well as here.

Sadly the scene has been very money orientated and whilst there are many centres that will be able to provide healing through the medicine alone, there are less really good Curanderos who can do the kind of healing you're probably looking for.

Nevertheless, don't be put off. There are many excellent places with good reputations but i feel it's your call to research this. Nowdays most people looking for healing visit a centre to participate in a set programme with others. Many it seems report good results, however there are so many options and paying a lot isn't always better than paying a lot less. It all depends on the medicine and above all ability of the Curandero.

Good luck with the search.
I go to Peru every year - it's my second home. So far I have only had great experiences at each spot I have stayed, though I do know of a few unsavory places (I just avoid them).

There are many different places, so I wouldnt worry so much about which is the best or most powerful - you just want some good referrals you can trust, and from there pic the spot which resonates with you and what you want the most.

PM me and I can tell you about a number of great spots. BTW - I will be in Peru again this July, so depending on when you go, maybe I will see down there :)
travsha said:
I go to Peru every year - it's my second home. So far I have only had great experiences at each spot I have stayed, though I do know of a few unsavory places (I just avoid them).

There are many different places, so I wouldnt worry so much about which is the best or most powerful - you just want some good referrals you can trust, and from there pic the spot which resonates with you and what you want the most.

PM me and I can tell you about a number of great spots. BTW - I will be in Peru again this July, so depending on when you go, maybe I will see down there :)

Saddly since I'm new i still dont have the ability to reply too or send pm's.. I can recieve them tho, little odd right lol

The trip will be in the summer either july or august its variable on the schedule with my daughter... I would be indebted for the information if your willing to pm me an e-mail or something i would be able to reply too if you're not comfortable with that its understandable..

Yeah what im trying to avoid are scams, or places with a self proclaimed Curandero that could do much more harm than good or would possibly mix datura with the aya as ive read there have been a few cases, and as my wife we be accompanying me i'm concerned with safety as there was an issue with a very popular and well known Curandero "Guillermo Arevalo" involving multiple accounts of sexual abuse at his retreats... so personal recommendations from the nexus i assumed would be better as this would be essentially first hand accounts and give me peice of mind which is invaluable...
one place i was looking into which seem to be reviewed well is

Thank you all again for the advice and all suggestions and comments are welcomed with open arms:grin:

~Peace to you all
I will send you a PM.

While I personally prefer my Ayahuasca with datura in it, none of the centers I go to add datura unless you are dieting it (then they make you special Ayahuasca!).
Pm me, I have a contact in Urubamba (near cusco), she is a western shaman who learned in the Amazonian jungle and she is a pretty good sitter, very spiritual and far away from the aya-tourism retreat centers with lot of people and shamans inducing your travels instead of only helps when you needed
mimiAtlas said:
I can't pm because I am a new member...

Ok sorry, me neither.

But I'm only want to say is please keep away from "retreat" centers of you are seeking a real Aya experience. I know a lot is retreat centers in Iquitos and cusco and all of them are business for 'gringos' (Yankees) and they want your money first, then a retreat for you.

There's other place near Lima with a group of real shipibos.

None of that I could recommend have website or even a business, they are simple people, with simple and honestly intentions. Obviously you have to pay because they have to lunch, but it worth every penny.

In Urubamba costs usd50 and a full retreat usd100 (24hrs treatment with tobacco purges in the morning).

mimiAtlas said:
Wow cool thanks! Can you tell me what they are called? So I guess you just go to Lima and ask around?

It was friend-of-a-friend contacted.

But if the admins could make my account full member you can pm me...

None of they you'll get asking around... Mmm... I'm thinking how could I help...
drown said:
...Remember since i'm still new i wont be able to respond except for in this thread...

Looks like the DMT gods answered your prayers and you are a full member now. Congrats!

Remember to use your membership wisely. Respect and kindness go a long ways around here.

Best of luck with your research and consequent travels!:thumb_up:
SYE said:
If you joined ONAC you can do a americanized retreat in KY... I can give you details if you are interested..
Here we go again:?
ONAC is a pile of crap. That damn card does nothing but make Paul Mooney more money. If you bought it for anything other than novelty,you're not just a fool, you're a well trained damn fool.:thumb_dow

I've been hearing things about the "place in **KY" involving multiple accusations of sexual abuse and even rape by the perpetrators of that fraud, so there's that. Again,these are only allegations, but from several women who attended that place.

It is not legal in the states for any groups other than SD and UDV. A onac card does not prove the religious bona fides necessary to receive an exemption for peyote in Oregon even, let alone ayahuasca in Kentucky. Again,:?
null24 said:
SYE said:
If you joined ONAC you can do a americanized retreat in KY... I can give you details if you are interested..
Here we go again:?
ONAC is a pile of crap. That damn card does nothing but make Paul Mooney more money. If you bought it for anything other than novelty,you're not just a fool, you're a well trained damn fool.:thumb_dow

I've been hearing things about the "place in **KY" involving multiple accusations of sexual abuse and even rape by the perpetrators of that fraud, so there's that. Again,these are only allegations, but from several women who attended that place.

It is not legal in the states for any groups other than SD and UDV. A onac card does not prove the religious bona fides necessary to receive an exemption for peyote in Oregon even, let alone ayahuasca in Kentucky. Again,:?

^^^ :thumb_up:

And also, I mean.. I prefer self empowerment of the individual in making and taking their own and developing their own relationship directly. Just takes some honest reading, learning about these things [learn what needs learnt], contraindications, etc, then working the plants in along with a responsible sitter of some sort. I mean.. you just have to be smart about, don't be silly or half-a** it :d :p

Buy aya retreat in KY? :lol: :!: 😁 :p

O boy 😁
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