Rising Star
So I've been researching south american ayahuasca ceremonies, and have found a lot of good and bad press and prices ranging from next to nothing too several thousand dollars. The threads on the nexus i have read give some recommendations but are pretty outdated.
I was hoping you guys could make a few recommendations based off of personal experiences with ayahuasca and the shaman that were performing the ceremony as well as there ability and trust factor. It involves a lot of trust undertaking something like this and i truly believe the opinions of the nexus members over internet hearsay.. Thank you in advance, feel free to pm the information if you'd like as i don't know the exact rules this would fall under. i don't believe it would be sourcing but id rather no violate the rules.. Remember since i'm still new i wont be able to respond except for in this thread.
Again thank you in advance.
I have experience with dmt for 5+ years aya seems feels the next step in my journey
I was hoping you guys could make a few recommendations based off of personal experiences with ayahuasca and the shaman that were performing the ceremony as well as there ability and trust factor. It involves a lot of trust undertaking something like this and i truly believe the opinions of the nexus members over internet hearsay.. Thank you in advance, feel free to pm the information if you'd like as i don't know the exact rules this would fall under. i don't believe it would be sourcing but id rather no violate the rules.. Remember since i'm still new i wont be able to respond except for in this thread.
Again thank you in advance.
I have experience with dmt for 5+ years aya seems feels the next step in my journey