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Ayahuasca with Tinctures

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM has never experienced DMT, but after reading a Caapi Copy thread here in which a MHRB tincture was described in combination with caapi copy, this sounded like the easiest introduction for a SWIM like SWIM, who would rather not deal with extraction teks (above a simply mixing alcohol with plant matter).

Anyway recently SWIM found a vendor that sells a caapi extract, 40% active alkaloids, at close to a dollar per gram. The vendor only specifically mentions that the extract contains harmine and harmaline, but if it's a caapi extract, it should have THH right? Maybe THH isn't well known enough to include it in the short description...Should SWIM have to ask if its in the extract? (This is the first time SWIM has seen a Caapi Extract, but now that he thinks about it, they are probably not uncommon...)

SWIM's other question is there's no reason that this caapi extract can't be used in lieu of Caapi Copy, right? What would dosages be like with this (40%) Caapi extract for MAOI inhibition? How would SWIM calculate dose?

SWIM plans to take this caapi extract in conjunction with a MHRB grain alcohol extract. He orignally planned to use Caapi Copy, but at about $7 per CC dose, he's assuming that a Caapi extract is a better bargain, while still retaining the aspects of ease and no nausea.

Here's the MHRB tincture quotes from the caapi copy thread:

I make it myself. I put about 1/4 pound whole MHRB in a jar and fill it about a quarter way up with grain alcohol. Shake shake shake for a week and you're left with some incredible dark purple/yellow tincture. I then fill up a number of 1oz dropper bottles with this, each being two doses. I then repeat the process adding more alcohol until I feel it's exhausted.

Yes, I just down half fl ounce. I do this about 45min after inhibition. It works quickly as the alcohol aids in absorption

And just to add to the general MHRB tincture discussion, here's a quote from a SWIM who did a phosphoric water extract, however even this is too unfamiliar for SWIM to attempt over the simple alcohol tincture:

You can also do it with acidified water. I place 40g of powdered MHRB in ~ 1 litre of cold phosphoric acidified water and shake and shake and shake for a week, then decant, add 1 litre more of 1/2 as acidified water, and shake and shake and shake for another week. Combine and reduce. I find this way that 4-6g worth of water is good enough for a pleasant journey, no nausea and more vidid visuals compared to fumerate/freebase

The SWIM 2 quotes above uses 1/2 a fl. ounce (15ml) of the MHRB tincture, so SWIM was planning trying 10-15ml with whatever amount is suggested from the caapi extract. Are there small dose ranges that SWIM can build up upon, or is it really a kind of breakthrough or not kind of thing? Should he try consuming some of the MHRB tincture by itself for prep for aya, or will it not so much matter?

Also, how long should these extracts stay good while stored in a cool dark place? Months, years?

Extra Personal Info: Like he said at the top, he's never experienced DMT, and actually has only experienced marijuana and low dosages of mushrooms, and despite (failed) attempts to experience different forms of DMT described in this forum, he has steered clear of any drug in over a year. He is so interested in Aya because its mental uplifting and residual mental clearing effects, as well as reported overall "awesomeness". Actually really everything about it interests SWIM. He has read here warnings that only most experienced psychonauts should venture into aya, and also other viewpoints that it doesn't much matter what a SWIM has experienced as long as they are prepared. He's not about to go out and try every other psychadelic under the sun (which he isn't that interested in anyway) to feel that he's prepared himself for an ancient healing combination. SWIM isn't over his head is he? Because its helped so many (of which SWIM is merely speculating weren't extremely experienced with psychadelics beforehand), not to mention a Joe Schmoe National Geographic journalist, SWIM can't help but think that it can't matter much what your psychadelic BG may be..

SWIM isn't going to hastily run into aya dosing, but just wants to have everything a-okay clear on tincture dose ranges before experimenting! :)
Be careful, you may not have a clear idea of what you are getting into.

Mimosa is known to be a trickster when it comes to using it in a aya brew.

For a more healing adventure, you may want to consider using a traditional brew of chacruna/chaliponga and Caapi.

however if you are dead set on a tincture of mimosa, be very careful of your dosage. Measure out how much mimosa will be in each mL of alcohol. Don't go above 4-5 grams mimosa for your first voyage. As for caapi copy, I dunno how I feel about that stuff. Again be careful, an OD on caapi isn't physically dangerous (as long as you aren't using anything contraindicated with MAOI's) but you may WISH you were dead if you overdo it. Caapi is VERY psycoactive on its own at high doses and becomes very unpleasant to say the least.
I must say that SWIM does NOT like mimosa in ayahuasca. He greatly prefers chacruna or chaliponga. There's something weird in mimosa. It causes much more stomach distress and the effects are not nearly as friendly.
69ron said:
I must say that SWIM does NOT like mimosa in ayahuasca. He greatly prefers chacruna or chaliponga. There's something weird in mimosa. It causes much more stomach distress and the effects are not nearly as friendly.
I agree on the stomach distress part. But basically i have good experiences with it.
But there's another thing: i'm absolutely positive that ayahuasca with mimosa works faster than aya with chacruna. I have no explanation for it, but all the times i used mimosa, the speed with wich it hit me completely surprised me. One time it even hit me almost as fast as smoked DMT. This was quite exceptional and i never had it that fast ever again, but that time it just hit within seconds of drinking it. I was completely tripping even before i put the emptied cup i drank from back on the ground.
Interesting... SWIM was only considering a MHRB tincture because it's the only DMT tincture he's seen mentioned (and with instructions), and it was in a positive light.

SWIM isn't so much interested specifically in ayahuasca with tinctures, but in ayahuasca in an easy-to-prepare and non-distressful (no vomitting) form.

Would SWIYs instead recommend making a D. Cabrerana tincture in same way as the MHRB tincture described, and combine with the Caapi extract?
Are you aware that a tincture is usually held in the mouth for a period of time long enough to absorb the goods through the mucus membrane (the reason Alchohol is used is because it helps in that absorption)?

And that pure alcohol held under the tongue, or in the back of the throat (best areas for absorption)burns like the fires of hell & usually leaves your mouth "burnt out" for at least a day after?

Any idea how much of that tincture your gonna need to have in you mouth, or for how long? It's quite a lot...

There are reason's why you can't find more teks for this...it hurts! And not ust while it's in there...
the purging lasts about 30 minutes tops! For me anyway...

Drinking Aya, purge & all, is a whole lot easier & friendlier then any tincture I've tried!!

warrensaged said:
Are you aware that a tincture is usually held in the mouth for a period of time long enough to absorb the goods through the mucus membrane (the reason Alchohol is used is because it helps in that absorption)?

And that pure alcohol held under the tongue, or in the back of the throat (best areas for absorption)burns like the fires of hell & usually leaves your mouth "burnt out" for at least a day after?

Any idea how much of that tincture your gonna need to have in you mouth, or for how long? It's quite a lot...

There are reason's why you can't find more teks for this...it hurts! And not ust while it's in there...
the purging lasts about 30 minutes tops! For me anyway...

Drinking Aya, purge & all, is a whole lot easier & friendlier then any tincture I've tried!!


Hmmm.. I posted these quotes in my first post, but they're the SWIthem who makes MHRB tinctures and posted about them in the Caapi Copy thread. He just drinks the tincture after inhibition, and reported no nausea:

Yes, I just down half fl ounce. I do this about 45min after inhibition. It works quickly as the alcohol aids in absorptin. With the aforementioned combination, the nausea was gone with the wonderful aya experience intact. This method has been working very (very) well. It's also like nothing I've read on this forum or anywhere else.

SWIM created this thread based on the assumption that all SWIM had to do was swallow the 15ml tincture (could probably dilute in water for an easier swallow) after inhibition, and that there would be little to no nausea/vomitting.
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