Alright so a friend and I ordered 500 grams of MHRB and 50g of B. caapi. We plan on extracting most of the MHRB, but would like to experience an ayauhasca ceremony as close to "real" as we can without actually going to the amazon. We ordered from amazonhealing (sources are ok right..?) if thats any more/less potent. We have read very conflicting reports as to how much MHRB and caapi to use so if someone can tell me what a fully intense dose of MHRB would be it would be much appreciated. Here's what we're thinking as of now -
Go camping (not a camp ground with people, no worries there) and brew the aya over a flame. We will have fasted the entire day leading up to the brew (maybe eat some toast for breakfast). At sunset we will consume the elixir and trip at night. Can I expect the trip to last 4-6 hours? Also, is smoking some ganja right before we drink the brew a bad idea? I DO NOT want it to take anything away from the experience or harm myself but it seems like it would help with the nausea I hear so much about.
Please adjust/flame my brew as needed. Please note amounts are per person.
25 grams of caapi(can't get more so this is pretty much set in stone)
25 grams of MHRB (I've heard as much as 50 and as low as 5, help?!?)
Tobacco? Others? We don't smoke normally if that helps. Thanks a ton.
Go camping (not a camp ground with people, no worries there) and brew the aya over a flame. We will have fasted the entire day leading up to the brew (maybe eat some toast for breakfast). At sunset we will consume the elixir and trip at night. Can I expect the trip to last 4-6 hours? Also, is smoking some ganja right before we drink the brew a bad idea? I DO NOT want it to take anything away from the experience or harm myself but it seems like it would help with the nausea I hear so much about.
Please adjust/flame my brew as needed. Please note amounts are per person.
25 grams of caapi(can't get more so this is pretty much set in stone)
25 grams of MHRB (I've heard as much as 50 and as low as 5, help?!?)
Tobacco? Others? We don't smoke normally if that helps. Thanks a ton.