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Ayauhasca Brew Help(first time)

Migrated topic.

alt 14

Rising Star
Alright so a friend and I ordered 500 grams of MHRB and 50g of B. caapi. We plan on extracting most of the MHRB, but would like to experience an ayauhasca ceremony as close to "real" as we can without actually going to the amazon. We ordered from amazonhealing (sources are ok right..?) if thats any more/less potent. We have read very conflicting reports as to how much MHRB and caapi to use so if someone can tell me what a fully intense dose of MHRB would be it would be much appreciated. Here's what we're thinking as of now -

Go camping (not a camp ground with people, no worries there) and brew the aya over a flame. We will have fasted the entire day leading up to the brew (maybe eat some toast for breakfast). At sunset we will consume the elixir and trip at night. Can I expect the trip to last 4-6 hours? Also, is smoking some ganja right before we drink the brew a bad idea? I DO NOT want it to take anything away from the experience or harm myself but it seems like it would help with the nausea I hear so much about.

Please adjust/flame my brew as needed. Please note amounts are per person.

25 grams of caapi(can't get more so this is pretty much set in stone)
25 grams of MHRB (I've heard as much as 50 and as low as 5, help?!?)
Tobacco? Others? We don't smoke normally if that helps. Thanks a ton.
25g of caapi should work as long as it's not bunk and as long as you thoroughly extract it. I'd recomend brewing at home and bringing the tea along instead of trying to cowboy it over a campfire.
10g of mimosa per person should do it - especially for a first time.
The length of the trip will depend on the strength of your caapi.
Gang is fine - once the DMT kicks in, feeling the weed would be like being distracted by someone whistling at a Metallica concert.
Forget other adjuncts for now - especially tobacco.
Ginger and fennel tea is good for nausea - I like to put it right in my brew.
Have fun.
I've heard a lot of reports about people having difficult times with larger doses of MHRB.

A lot depends on how well you extract the bark in your aya soup. I would start ~5g/person and have another 5g/person on hand in case the first batch wasn't enough.

A hint I have heard over and over is to brew MHRB + Caapi separately. The MHRB ny itself is very astringent and hard to get down (make each dose ~60mL). Mixed with Caapi I hear is almost unbearable.
MHRB brew is one of the most disgusting things I ever tasted (the other one being rue-tea). Boil it down really well or else you have problems drinking the whole lot.

10g of MHRB should be ok but the 5g twice also sounds like a good idea.
Swim's had a hard time getting caapi to work right. Might be his brewing technique, though he's had some practice... if your 25g isn't powdered, and you don't brew it at least 3x, at a full rolling boil, for 4 hrs each time, I don't really see 25g doing the trick. That all depends on the strength of the vine too though... if you got really kickass caapi, 25g might work, but "regular" strength seems to require at least 50g based on general concensus from the aya.com forum, and Swim has found himself brewing as much as 1/2lb caapi per person to ensure effectiveness.

As for mimosa, Swim has had horrible luck brewing it as a tea. His first two attempts failed, and his third succeeded but only cuz he used egg white to remove the excess tannins (he barfed up the first two rather promptly after chugging). Even then, he had to drink 46 grams worth, in four separate brews of 11.5g, adding more harmaloid extract each time (failure of the first brew or two may have been due to insufficient enzyme inhibition, as Swim didn't really know what he was doing back then :oops: ). He then proceeded to trip hard-core balls.

It's true that, esp. for first time, you're better off brewing at home. I hear you on wanting to cowboy it, that'd be great, but I fear you may be underestimating everything involved in making a brew.

For the closest thing to an ayahuasca experience that you can find without being a brewmaster and spending hella money on caapi or a plane ticket to the jungle, Swim recommends his pharmahuasca tek. Using limonene to extract from mimosa, and facilitating it with harmaloid freebase extract, brings such amazing healing medicine into your life that there's really no way to describe it. And rue and mimosa are cheap enough that Swim has been able to provide ceremonies free of charge for all who would desire such. Caapi is a great spirit, but she is touchy, and seems weaker away from her source of power in the jungle. Rue, on the other hand is a desert plant, as is Mimosa (Swim considers himself a desert spirit), and both give plentifully. As with any plant, one must simply learn the proper method of approaching them in order to unlock their healing magick. Swim believes he has found this method... his tek is still on the old forum archives right now, but he will move it to the new forum, and post a link here when he does, if'n you're interested.
Does the body build up any tolerance to DMT? Is taking another 5g once the first 5g is active going to be the same when both are fully active as taking 10g at the start? (SWIM has heard that it is certainly not this way with shrooms which are very similar chemically.)
Reports conflict as to DMTolerance. The general concensus is that drinking two separate brews is the way to go, esp. in case you puke up the first one prematurely... you may not trip as hard, in that it may not come on as intense... but it will probly last longer and give you more of a chance to ease into it, which is probly best for beginnerz anyway.

Swim's experiences redosing with shrooms always worked ok as long as he was still on the way up... post-peak, redosing seemed like a waste. However, in Swim's pharmahuasca experiments, redosing worked just fine, even after returning to near-baseline. Perhaps not -quite- as strong the second time as the first, but close enough.

For anyone who's interested, here's the best way Swim has found to prepare MHRB for oral consumption:

NONTOXIC LIMONENE TEK - Advanced/Enhanced chemistry - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

And it's completely NON-TOXIC, both in terms of preparation and final product!
Ah, so the 25g of caapi isn't strong enough? Well I don't really want to order anymore online and I would like to use the caapi I already ordered... Anyone see any problem with using caapi AND rue? I suppose one of use could use the caapi and the other rue but I really want it to be the same for both of us. I will take your home brewing suggestions into consideration, but it seems to me like the preparation in nature would be a major part of the experience. Hell, what to I know.

I'm REALLY glad I posted about the MHRB dose. After browsing online I thought I found 30g was a decent dose but then settled on 25. I guess I'll do about 10 per person now, THANKS!

Oh the bark is pre-powdered (I can still use it right? :/) and the vine isn't.
Like I said 25g can be plenty of caapi if it's strong and it's brewed right. I've had 20g that was so active, I couldn't even get around to the MHRB.
That said, your caapi probably isn't that strong. Powder the shit out of it and cook the shit out of it and split the dose. If you're a little dizzy and stoney feeling within a half hour, you're there. If not, take a couple grams of rue.
Do this before the mimosa. This makes sure that your MAO is good and inhibited before your stomach gets to work on the DMT and if anything bad is going to happen, it's going to be from the MAOI, so at least you won't be tripping balls on top of it.
I've never had a problem mixing rue extract and Caapi tea. Just go very easy with rue/rue extract overdosing on harmine while probably not physically dangerous is a very unpleasant experience.
Yeah there's no problems mixing rue and caapi. However I recommend using an extract when working with rue, the manske tek of vinegar brew w/NaCl precip is easy and effective, as is my harmaloid freebase tek.

Good idea drinking the vine first and waiting till you feel something, then adding rue if need be. That will help.

Also with the mimosa brew, don't drink it all at once. You may wanna bring 30g per person (and yeah, powdered is fine, ideal actually), but only drink ten at first, then another ten later if you're not feeling it...

Another major variable will be whether or not you use an acid to brew. Using vinegar can help pull alkaloids out, but it's a pain cuz then you gotta keep boiling it down and adding more water until the vinegar smell goes away, and even then the brew is somehow nastier than a distilled water only brew.

Cooking outside would be a great part of the magick, I agree. I'm reluctant to tell you not to, only I strongly caution you that, since you've never brewed before, don't underestimate what's involved in brewing. It usually takes several days doing it at home, granted that's with doing other things in between phases... Still, you might wanna give yourself at least two days out in the wilderness to brew before you plan to consume, and take plenty of large pots and containers with you, and lots of straining cloth...

Brewing outside definately sounds like the ideal way to go, but experience seems necessary first... still, I suppose there's no better way to get that experience than actually doing it! Just be prepared. 😉
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