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ayoasca tea (cant spell) and dmt trips.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey ppl im bio from the uk. I have an amazing memory of when I had my break though experience(s) and I would like to know if anyone has ever spoken to the entity? I have and after I had a stroke from a cocaine overdose.... The entities went out of there way to help me. I regained by memory over time and regained my strength in my left side pretty much straight away. I also think its fare that you know that when I had a stroke I was shocked back to life and was i a coma for about a month and had really bad brain damage. Well the "things" were asking me what I want. But when they started to help me it took a breakthrough and me just "sitting there" in my trip with my eyes closed and I could hear "why won't he open his eyes" then a male voice say "yep he's defiantly here". "but why wont he open his eyes?" Says the young female voice again. And then I could hear them joking about showing me this that and the other but the young female said "you cant do that, he's got to ask for it".

I also the member the first time I opened my eyes and spoke to them. There was 3 of them and the young female was there and so was the man who joked about showing me different stuff. I could remember from what there voices sound like. Its incredible. I didn't want to cone home. I begged and pleaded but there was no chance.

Anyone else seen anything like it?

No reason for a misspelling. Perfect example of being willfully ignorant. If you can't spell it, you should not do it.
someblackguy said:
Says who? Since when? Things are not always as simple as they seem.


be nice

Welcome. :)

The quechua translation of "aya" is closer to "dead" or "ghost" (or "spirit" or "soul"*) and "husca" generally translates to vine, though I suppose "rope" could work..

I have always been partial to the notion that "ayahuasca" translates to "the vine of the dead" or "the vine that gives you access to death" or "vine that gives access to the conscious dimension after death"

I think "vine of the souls" or "spirit vine" are translations that were preferred simply because "vine of the dead" raises all kinds off negative connotations and associations in the western mind. It would also give prohibitionists a "scary" name to work with, they would attempt to spin it to mean "vine that causes death"

Ever since the first time I smoked DMT, I have been convinced the experience is identical to entering after death states, and it seems the ancient users all the way up to modern practitioners of the decoction seem to have made this association.

Some people find this difficult to grasp, they can't understand how DMT could induce beliefs in the spiritual...Though in my opinion all the spiritual actually is, is "non-physical being" it's conscious existance free from a physical body... to me it seems absurd to think that all the consciousness you will ever experience will be in a single physical body, in a single physical place, at a single time, and to me it's obvious that a physical body is not a prerequisite for conscious-being , for consciousness, and DMT confirms all of this. the Tibetan book of the dead describes the dimensions accessible through the DMT flash, calling my this place "the bardo", the Tibetan book of the dead is a bit of a mistranslation, its actual translation in Tibetan is Bardo Todrol Chenmo, which means the Great Liberation Through Hearing in the Between, and this book serves as a PERFECT guide book to the DMT flash, as well as death.

After hearing a report of terence mckenna giving DMT to a Buddhist monk, and then the monk telling terence "this is the "lesser light" of the bardo", I was inspired to see what my friends who were highly educated in Tibetan Buddhism had to say, and consistently I was told " this is the Chikhai Bardo"

The Chikhai Bardo is the after death state described in the Bardo Thodol (Tibetan Book of the Dead) wherein the consciousness of the dead person fully enters into the light of the dharmakaya or "truth body." (explained in the first part of this series).

In this state, the person temporarily experiences for the first time the state of awareness without a second, that is to say, a state of pure consciousness.

This is the state of non-duality. The first experience here is the sight of the Primordial Clear Light or the "Clear Light of Reality." This is the pure mind of the Buddha, Christ, and all the perfected saints and mystics


I'll stop, because most of this is going off topic.

There are accepted spellings of ayahuasca, "ayahuasca" being considered the correct spelling in western writing.


A friend of mine says this is radio-entelechy leaving the anterior fontanelle at the top of your head. A friend of mine suggests this is our radio entelechy ripping out of the organic matrix terence mckenna fragments

chikhai bardo

This link did not work in my last post it cut off mid-way, so I'll try one more time, it's a great read, and in my mind it is related to the DMT experience.


Swim , saw beings that looked sorta like Anubis species, "reptilians", and has had convos with em, something like telepathy . Swim has also had "Psychic surgeries" such as, chakra removal, psychic heart surgery,a tube got connected to a hole made in heart,that got connected the urethra n other channels of elimination . Swim says after the Psychic heart surgery Swim felt as if during trips, was like he could fire a Kamehameha wave from his chest 8) .

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