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backflashes from DMT?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey folks..

I got a friend.. and he smoked DMT about 2 weeks ago. He had a very nice, loving, warm, transpersonal, allknowing experience including entity contact. His chakras were flushed for good! He's been glowing since then! He emits loads of positive energy. It was all very good for about a week. Then he started seeing synchronicity all over the place. He started seeking out people who had almost died during their birth and found out that they all had some kind of strange gift. One of those people is a girl he has known for long. She never told anyone about it but when he told her about his experience she told him that she could talk to dead people. She had never told anyone about it because she was afraid no one would believe her. They come to her in her dreams or in states of total relaxation. She even talked to some VIPs.. one of them being Einstein.

However.. when he communicates with her about these things there is usually some sort of break point in the conversation leading both to be very frightened of a crumpling plastic sound getting louder. Yeah... you know what sound I mean..! The sound which comes right before takeoff.

He is on the verge of breaking though without taking anything at all. Last night he was talking to her again and it scared the shit out of them both so badly that they had to cycle over to his girlfriends place in the middle of a rainy & stormy night to have someone to calm them down. Today he turned to me for help because he is scared that he might have reached some information that no human being should ever have the burden of carrying. He is scared that if he will let go that he will never come back to his old self again. He is scared of dying.

Could another experience help him? Could there be unfinished work? Might it help him to drink Ayahuasca? I am not sure if another experience will help him get a grip on things.

I told him to focus on meditation & that he should find a way to clear his mind from rotating thoughts via meditation.

Does anybody have any ideas about what to do? He is one of my best friends and I wouldn't want him to loose it.

Its unfortunate how this kind of situation lands on people. Its amazing how fast a natural enlightenment can spin out of control and mutate into some twisted messiah complex with paranoid delusions of grandeur. It seems common that anyone who finds themselves in this position somehow mysteriously gravitates to someone else having a mirror image experience, the two combined can cause reality to breakdown rapidly as they reinforce each others stubborn rationalizations and fantasies. Its the stuff padded rooms and straight jackets are made of.
What your friend experiences sounds like a "spiritual emergency" to me. If that's the case, he may find some pointers on how to deal with it in the book "The Stormy Search for the Self: A Guide to Personal Growth through Transformational Crisis" by Stanislav Grof.
thanks for directing me to that book.. I found an audio tape to it.. nice! I will get the book tho.. sounds like a good thing to have!
lorax, she is blessed with a gift!!! she should not fear these feelings or noises. Her body is just entering a trance state while her mind is still awake.
It is the basis behind astral projection. It is believed that we all possess this gift when we are born but if we do not practice using it we simply forget. And it is why many of us today think things like this should not be happening.

See the site below for all sorts of information about what you feel when this is happening and how to control/use it!
The one cure I know if, if you can get it, is to take moderate doses of LSD everyday for 1 week. This will make them immune to that state of mind as they build complete tolerance to the LSD. After 1 week, the LSD will no longer do anything at all and those parts of the brain will be locked up tight.
Tell him to simply REMEMBER, and ACT on this: "you either go one way or the other, fear or don't fear, fight for peace or don't.."
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