OK, I'm retiring the bulb pipe. In the effort of helping future explorers, I'll explain. Even at the small size of 3/4", you have a problem getting the heat evenly distributed as the spice is "running from" the heat source around the bulb. That is, a temperature gradient emerges where, at best, you are scorching the inner wall and not heating the center adequately. Allowing the flame to lick into the "hole" is out of the question.
"The Machine" has the advantage of concentrating the point of heating, which is nice. However, it seems unnecessary to not simply add metal mesh to the bowl of a traditional glass bubbler. You give up the ability to heat the outside glass and protect the spice from flame, but you gain the advantage of a larger area heated overall, a better "chamber," and a "carb."
I found warrensaged thoughts on modifying "the machine" and with my exhaustive research into non-herb, non-changa methods of administration, I think he is on to something.
- would I benefit from a "torch" style lighter, or is it moot?
- is cannabis residue a problem? Why?
- should I try to get some of the metal wire into the stem?
- is there a trick to preventing the flame from being sucked "down" into the bowl as you draw in air? (see question 1!)
Finally, does anyone here have an Iolite? I know it gets "too hot," but on its way up to optimal temperature I can see this little device striking that perfect spice temperature range and this might go well with changa, given that nothing is burned. The changa herb can act as a filter bed. I have not been able to find a shred of information on this possibility. My first thought is that it would be too slow, requiring several inhalations, which is no good.
"The Machine" has the advantage of concentrating the point of heating, which is nice. However, it seems unnecessary to not simply add metal mesh to the bowl of a traditional glass bubbler. You give up the ability to heat the outside glass and protect the spice from flame, but you gain the advantage of a larger area heated overall, a better "chamber," and a "carb."
I found warrensaged thoughts on modifying "the machine" and with my exhaustive research into non-herb, non-changa methods of administration, I think he is on to something.
- would I benefit from a "torch" style lighter, or is it moot?
- is cannabis residue a problem? Why?
- should I try to get some of the metal wire into the stem?
- is there a trick to preventing the flame from being sucked "down" into the bowl as you draw in air? (see question 1!)
Finally, does anyone here have an Iolite? I know it gets "too hot," but on its way up to optimal temperature I can see this little device striking that perfect spice temperature range and this might go well with changa, given that nothing is burned. The changa herb can act as a filter bed. I have not been able to find a shred of information on this possibility. My first thought is that it would be too slow, requiring several inhalations, which is no good.