jamie said:
There is a difference between sincerity, and tacky cliches. I don't know what else to say about that..and sure that upsets people...people can call me a pessimist if it feels right. But honestly, this is just how I feel. I would rather not have people just walk around willy dilly saying these cereal box slogans without a real frame of context for such statements. It comes off as inauthentic.
Man, you are totally killing my buzz!!! :surprised
But seriously and all jesting aside, your words are clearly meant to be antagonistic. Why so? Thanx for the criticism... I think? But I won't trade blow for blow with you. Sorry I won't bite, I just don't play that game. There are no winners in such debative struggles. Obviously, to your offended sensibilities, I am "tacky, cliche and insincere"? Oops, my bad. My apologies for ruffling your feathers but I cannot deny what I have repeatedly experienced directly. Is this not the crux of Gnosis, testifying the vision expressively?
jamie said:
Nen said in an interview, "the next person who says we are all one Im going to punch in the face"..and I guess that sums it up.
Odd you aim this my direction... because
nen888 publicly and privately shows nothing but brotherly kindness and respect to me. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would never strike Yeshua the Christ, Adi Shankaracharya, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King... let alone an ordinary, regular, working-class slob like myself... for expressing their crazy-inspired transcendences and in such a wake, emphatically proclaim their euphoric revelations about their own direct immersions within the Omniscient web of the Unified Field, which has fueled their desire to share their private epiphanies with their own kind (in our case, their psychedelically experienced piers).
Heck, everyone knows there are superficial phonies in every subculture. Yeah, maybe the New Agers and Neo-Advaitans are sometimes a we bit irritating with their jargon... but please don't lump me in with such absurd stereotypes. Now that stings.
Are you saying you want to attack me physically for what I have rattled on about? To actually strike me with your clenched fist? Sigh... and I thought we were all part of the same entheogenic family, with the same degree of impartiality, intelligence, wisdom, compassion, open-mindedness and overall preference towards giving a cheery thumbs up to other like-minded psychonauts.
Shucks, the Blue Meanies are lurking around every corner and ought we not look out for one another? I feel that we need to support each other with some flexibility and forbearance, accepting, even if begrudgingly, each others differing vantage points.
jamie said:
This reality is not an illusion. It is real. You are here to testify this. A state of mystical union does not cancel out the relevance of this reality of cause and effect, even if the cause remains present within the effect, and vice versa.
Seeing matter as illusory surely does not deny it's relative frequency of "reality" or come into conflict with the karmic nature of causality, I have never said this. Other folks do but I refrain because personally, I feel that only our compressed understanding holds to illusory constructs and limited mirages in perception. Such metaphors, like dreaming and awakening, celebrates the fact that Brahman or God, is always present in all of duality, always pulsing as the unified reality behind the veil of variegated appearances.
From one side of the looking glass, the world is all that exists, from the other side... existence itself is wholly Divine. How about instead of quipping "All is One" we just settle for a less repeated decree "Everything is symbiotically interconnected with everything else". Bottom line is this, I/you/we/everyone and everything we can comprehend and nothing we can conceive of at all, are eminently the shimmering rays emanating out of the sheer magnificence of Godself. Brahman/Tao/God being the interconnection and true essence. This is shown by the flow of the Tao, the wellspring of Nature. Oneself and Nature are symbiotic reflections of each other, hence the "oneness".
Whether you deem me "authentic" or "tacky"... a profound singularity refracted within the light of lights has inspired my heart. I say so because I have seen it is so through direct experience, not miming eastern metaphysics. That's the vision presented before this mortal vessel I call myself. Pardon how I grok this stuff but by gosh and by golly, I am suddenly reminded of William Shakespeare, who wisely penned this verse, "To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man."
jamie said:
...and so while I agree with you, that is it all one, I think that there is an often ignored other side to that coin...and I believe that much of the dialogue we engage in today on the subject is born, in part out of only partially understood and appropriated eastern ideas.
Ouch and fair enough. I've been called a phony and a poser before. Honestly, it really does hurt. But perhaps you'd be a gentler soul if you accepted that we each and every one of us perceive of "reality" in our own unique way? If my exuberance at feeling connected to everything else in this universal play, therefore seeing a fundamental unity in all life's variations, really bothers you (like it or not my brother), you'll just have to learn to deal with it. Or forgive me for being totally frank, might you review the
Attitude Page's requirements for participation within this objective forum body? Either that or shift your disdain radically towards ousting me from this fine community. Honestly, I'm not such a hypocritical monster that you ought to so unabashedly insult me on this esteemed forum. Again, ouch.
jamie said:
I have grown very weary of people who just claim it's all one, and use that as a spiritual backbone to lean on.
On the other hand and perhaps it's because I am fundamentally naive, I do hold faith that we can and ultimately will find harmony amongst ourselves. Accepting some unavoidable differences in our self-expression yet coolly choosing peace over conflict... defaulting to just letting it slide. I'm not asking you to stifle your ideas or beliefs, I only request some tact and maturity, some modicum of polite, friendly communication. Come on now
jamie, you're a cool guy, why not play nice?
BTW, it's now a lovely Easter morning! I wish all of you wonderful folks tons of peace and creativity. Have a fine time with your family and friends, cause I sure know I will! :thumb_up: