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Be inquisitive and always question things...

Migrated topic.
you have toads ? or you have bufo alvarius venom ? or you have nothing but just ask ? bufotenin is easy to extract form yopo seeds, but in bufo venom, it's not really an important alcaloid if there are any at all. YOu do get 15 to 30 percent 5 meo dmt but also you're worrying me, maybe it's your poor english command, but you say you want to eat 5 meo ? Do you know the actual risks ? toad venom is smoked or vaped at high temp as it is only safe this way ( and without few risks ). YOu have to burn bufotoxins.
Pure isolated 5 meo dmt is usually synthetic, can be vaped, snorted, or taken rectally or sublingually. But you don't want to ingest 5 meo dmt orally, and you don't want to ingest bufo venom at all ! this is exactly how the toad protects himsefl from predation, making this secretions so nobody can actually eat him; ( like kambo frogs ). Do some research. but maybe best to start with safest profiles alcaloids before playing with such a powerful, unsettling mentally, potentially risky or even deadly is misused.
Not sure how it will work with toad venom. Provided you have an alkaloid mix (NN = N,N-DMT, MEO = 5-MeO-DMT, HO = 5-HO-DMT), separating them using solvents is a two-step process:

To separate NN from MEO and HO:

1. dissolve alks in acetone
2. add saturated citric acid solution (MEO,HO will precipitate, NN will dissolve)
3. filter to separate the NN from MEO,HO
4. dry and convert the citrates to freebase

To further separate MEO from HO:

1. dissolve alks in naphtha, heptane, xylene or d-limonene
2. mix, wait until the alks settle, filter
3. scrape HO from filter
4. evaporate solvent to get MEO

Source: SWIM's Psychedelic Cookbook, pp. 128-129
tjruddhks said:
blue.magic said:
Not sure how it will work with toad venom. Provided you have an alkaloid mix (NN = N,N-DMT, MEO = 5-MeO-DMT, HO = 5-HO-DMT), separating them using solvents is a two-step process:

To separate NN from MEO and HO:

1. dissolve alks in acetone
2. add saturated citric acid solution (MEO,HO will precipitate, NN will dissolve)
3. filter to separate the NN from MEO,HO
4. dry and convert the citrates to freebase

To further separate MEO from HO:

1. dissolve alks in naphtha, heptane, xylene or d-limonene
2. mix, wait until the alks settle, filter
3. scrape HO from filter
4. evaporate solvent to get MEO

Source: SWIM's Psychedelic Cookbook, pp. 128-129

What is need material ?

please tell me list and

How to extract DMT from Bufotenin ???

bufotenin = 5-HO-DMT

It's written in the recipe above along with the solvents needed.
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