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Beautiful OEVs from 1.8 g

Migrated topic.


Gone Fission
Decided to take my largest dose in many years. I have done a lot of dose-response work at the lower range 0-1g after having a very hard experience early in my psychedelic experience (4g). What I have learned for my own biochemistry is that 0-1g largely leads to the body load with some altered consciousness but not much psychedelia. I do like adventuring around outdoors at this range and maintain most ability. The psychedelia really seems to start at 1.5g and above for me. Today I decided to go with my largest dose in many years. Within 45 minutes of eating the singular specimen I was feeling strong euphoria. I looked at my sheets and I thought I was seeing the flower patterns of my mattress through the sheet. I looked and realized this was not the case, my mattress also doesn't have flowers on it, I realized these were very fluid OEVS that would manifest shortly after focusing on the sheet and extended like a streak between where my two hands were on the bed. It was the typical flowery fractal mandala type imagery shifting and morphing continuously but then it began to spin and I saw a figure in the center of this spinning geometrical pattern. This figure appeared to resemble Shiva in the lotus position (or something with a strong semblance). I don't think this was an entity, it did not appear conscious or intelligent, but the imagery was spectacular. I really haven't had such beautiful OEVs in my life with cubensis, I can compare the visuals to 110 μg of LSD at the peak. I had some fun closed eye visuals to music as well, but the spiralling figure and vivid OEVs were a really prominent aspect of the experience for me.

Overall great experience. My lessons learned are:
trust the medicine
you can be whatever you want to be in life, just don't hurt others
there is much in life to be thankful for
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