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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
First off i'd like to thank everyone who gave me their feeedback/advice and support,relating to the post i made last week about swims blast off fear.Swim has only been experimenting in the realm of elf spice for a little over a month.The first time swim melted the spice in his pipe and was bummed.The second time he packed in some ashes,bought a jet flame lighter,loaded his pipe w/ spice and toked fiendishly.Although the experience was beautiful,i wasnt ready for the intesity and his ego started to fight the experience and swim was a little traumatized.
Yesterday afternoon, after swim got home from "the office",he made a nice tea consisting of about 25g of kratom and .5g of blue lotus.After about fifteen minutes the kratom started to warm the body and mind.After about 45min - 1hr swim felt the effects of the lotus (mild cannibus like high).About an hr. after that swim and his girlfriend went over to their neighbors house for a little spice ritual and swim was feeling quite relaxed.
Being a bit of a chicken, swim let his neighbor go first :lol: and witnessed his laughfter and euphoria which was helping to build swims confidence.Swims girl went next and she staying at the lower thresholds and was laughing and talking almost the whole time.
Now it was swims turn.He sat down in a recliner chair,feeling relaxed (very mild apprehension) and instead fo taking three huge hits,he took 2 medium sized tokes and handed his neighbor the pipe.SWim feels as if he's just getting to know the dmt spirit and it comes in the form of a female entity.Not a female in the literal sense but when swim closes his eyes (which he prefers to do) it starts off w/ the vibrations and then swirls of color and light.It looks like arteries of color and light,except that its a life form with eyes.She (as i call her) starts to seduce me with a loving beautiful grace and the more i "let go" the more she allows me to see or seduce me (lovingly).The first time or experience swim had, he felt the same way except but due to his dose size she came on a little strong:lol: He feels as if he's just starting to get to know her and feels as if the more comfortable he gets w/ her and increases the dosage the more she will show him. Does anyone relate to this? The other very interesting thing was that, as swim was being seduced by her spirit,colors and light ; off in his peripheral vision he saw two outlined figures of beings in a humanoid shape.There was one on each side and they were about 6ft tall,thin, with long arms and legs.It was as clear as day.It was only the outline or shadow of them but extremely defined and they werent part of any moving patterns or colors it was as if they were just there watching me and it was totally cool, swim noticed them and went back to being seduced by the dmt spirit ladylight.Untill swim started to ease back down into his neighbors living room.It was a beautiful experience and swim came away from it feeling an intense sense of well being.Someone mentioned to me that dmt can enhance other drugs and i think it enhanced the kratom/lotus because swim felt really good after he came down.Swim would HIGHly recommend kratom/lotus mixture an hr or two prior to a spice blast.It felt great before and after.Someone also gave me the advice for swim to smile as he smoked and that was very good advice.All i know is that swim wants to get to know "miss ladylight" a lot better and look foward to see thing i believe she can show me or learn the things she can teach. As far as those two figures,i dont know what that was about but i was completely o.k w/ it.Anyway i wanted to share that experience with you all and thank all of you for your feedback and support. I am a student.
I dont know exactly where i was but to hear so many similar experiences...who's to what say fantasy is?
DW... I certainly can relate to some of your experiences. Most significantly the presence of feminine entities. I have recurring episodes with female entities guiding my journey. I don't recall ever having the seduction experience that you describe, but I do typically have a couple of different "female" entities that help to guide me into the doorway of my journey, and maintain order throughout. One of them is just a brilliant "blob" of light, that hangs out with me for the entry, and is there again when I return. I have no reason to believe she/he/it is feminine, other than the basis of the energy I feel from "her". Another guide that sometimes visits is a robust Native American woman who tends to guide my trip as well.

Interestingly enough, once I break through, the entities I encounter seem typically male, but at the same time have no definitive sexual status. In other words, I can't really say if they are male / female, or "other", and obviously it doesn't really matter to me at that point. I think at this point my mind is placing whatever sexual assignment deemed appropriate to these beings. I personally (as crazy as this may sound) believe they are not definitively sexed as we would differentiate human beings... does that make sense?... They have a sexuality very different from human beings...

Long story longer, I'm not really sure if the sexuality of the beings is in fact truthful, or if it is just our minds way of "assigning" a "value" to them. I think they are beyond our understanding of life as we know it, and it is all our minds can do to grasp and hang on by applying certain specific familiar traits and values to these beings.

Great report btw! Peace bro! Love to hear your feedback!
smokeydaze said:
if I ever see an entity trying to guide me through my trip ill be sure to tell them to fuck off and stop blocking the view.

Haha! Nice brother. You just give that one a shot ;) At least when it comes to the Spice.
thanx for the feedback IDT. The "ladylight" i described, it wasnt as if she was seducing swim sexually and i should have expressed that better in my post.It's more like she's seducing swim further into the spirit realm.Like any good relationship swim wants to take it slow and get to know one another before he goes further down the rabbitt hole.You are probably right about swims subcoscious assigning gender.Female is much gentler and softer but she doesnt have female anatomy just aura and eyes.Mabey when she guides swim a little further he will be greated by others but thats yet to be seen. Smokeydaze ,it doesnt sound like you have ever smoked dmt before.I dont have a lot of experience as some of the others in this forum.You might have been just kidding around when you said you tell "them" to fuck off and stop blocking the view.The thing you dont understand; is that it's the entity/being or guide that was showing me the view.Untill you experience it for yourself, its hard to even comprehend what is in store for you when you do become experienced.There is absolutulely NOTHING you can do to prepare yourself fo hyperspace.If i were to give you some unsolicited advice it would to try to practice being a little more humble when talking or acting in the realm of the spirit.In my experience there are only a small handfull of things that are as humbling as the dmt realm.How insignificant you truly are.Try to tell that realm to fuck off but i think you were just kidding around:)
Maybe maybe not NOONE knows for sure wether we are transcending matter or not. Whatever the guides are they are still present and i like them they add an extra depth to the experience. The human psyce is a chasm much explored but still mainly unknown.
Or is it that we are just sensing more of the actual universe existing in another dimension?
Absorbing it through the CNS?
DreaMTripper said:
Maybe maybe not NOONE knows for sure wether we are transcending matter or not. Whatever the guides are they are still present and i like them they add an extra depth to the experience. The human psyce is a chasm much explored but still mainly unknown.
Or is it that we are just sensing more of the actual universe existing in another dimension?
Absorbing it through the CNS?

i've had plenty of trips where it seems like the position all the objects in the room, of the physical realm, seems perfect yet untidy, all the patterns and colours on everything are exactly as it should be - a bit of a mess. additionally, everything seems interestingly dislocated - as if it wouldn't take any effort to rearrange it all. I beleive the physical is made of, or interlaces, with the dimension that we travel to.

i've seen flashforwards of physical scenes / faces / smoke expressed through the tykes and to me it seems obvious. the connection is strong.

DMT isn't just within, it is also without.
smokeydaze said:
People look for external reasoning for psychedelics because you hallucinate external imagery but the experience is within and can only be manipulated by one person/entity.

People once believed the earth was flat and at the center of the Universe as well, but greater minds proved them wrong. You might not be as wise as you think you are my friend. "Smokeydaze" is fitting. :lol:
smokeydaze said:
idtravlr said:
smokeydaze said:
People look for external reasoning for psychedelics because you hallucinate external imagery but the experience is within and can only be manipulated by one person/entity.

People once believed the earth was flat and at the center of the Universe as well, but greater minds proved them wrong. You might not be as wise as you think you are my friend. "Smokeydaze" is fitting. :lol:

..who is controlled by then

Actually no, people did not believe that the earth was flat, especially not the church. That's an urban myth. The earliest of seafaring people knew that. Why do people always think our human ancestors were kinda retarded? Think about what people will say in 100 years about this century? Not much good I suppose, especially not about the industrial nations.

Whatever, where is the difference between internal and external "hallucinations"? There is no internal and external at all. Even according to rationalism there is no evidence for an external world. It's actually easy to disprove within the limits of rationalism. It doesn't make any sense therefore to try and distinguish between internal and external. That border is as imaginary as anything else. You change yourself, you change the world. It doesn't necessarily take substances to do that, but that's what happens. The world changes and in many experiences not only what you consider "external" does change, but yourself too, which is part of it. No difference.
smokeydaze said:
.. - im not moving, the chair is moving..who is making the chair move. its not me. it must be someone else.

What chair? There's no chair, there's no movement and there's no you. But actually yes.
gigaschatten said:
smokeydaze said:
idtravlr said:
smokeydaze said:
People look for external reasoning for psychedelics because you hallucinate external imagery but the experience is within and can only be manipulated by one person/entity.

People once believed the earth was flat and at the center of the Universe as well, but greater minds proved them wrong. You might not be as wise as you think you are my friend. "Smokeydaze" is fitting. :lol:

..who is controlled by then

Actually no, people did not believe that the earth was flat, especially not the church.

Actually, I do recall this being a potential urban myth. It was merely a derived example for deeper thought. Not sure what the church comment is about, I hadn't mentioned the church.

Regardless, my point is that there are many things that human kind once believed, or denied, that we now know the contrary. As our species evolves we learn more about our existence and that which surrounds us. To make a statement that we know the absolute truth about things that are regularly debated by science, religion, and explorers alike, in my opinion, is ignorant and naive. In order to learn and progress as a species it is important to keep an open mind about what we don't understand (as well as that which we believe we do understand), and not jump to conclusions. We are just small fleshy organisms in a vast and mostly uncharted universe(s). Perhaps our predecessors will say; "People once believed there were only three spacial dimensions, and only one universe".
idtravlr said:
gigaschatten said:
smokeydaze said:
idtravlr said:
smokeydaze said:
People look for external reasoning for psychedelics because you hallucinate external imagery but the experience is within and can only be manipulated by one person/entity.

People once believed the earth was flat and at the center of the Universe as well, but greater minds proved them wrong. You might not be as wise as you think you are my friend. "Smokeydaze" is fitting. :lol:

..who is controlled by then

Actually no, people did not believe that the earth was flat, especially not the church.

Regardless, my point is that there are many things that human kind once believed, or denied, that we now know the contrary.

Correction: ..., that we now believe the contrary.
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