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Beginner DMT questions

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello my name is Josh and I live in Australia I recently got my hands on 1g of DMT extracted from mimosa hostilis. I have used psychedelic drugs before mostly LSD but I've tried Mushrooms as well. I have probably smoked about 300 mg so far in about 2 days that's just an guess tho. here are some questions I have.

I have seen entities but I don't think ive broken thought it's that normal? I heard you'll know if you broken through by going tho this rose shaped object you'll also hear some clapping and some crackling i read that the crackling is your pineal Galen opening is that true or do different people experience different things when breaking through

I haven't smoked it in my house because I've been rolling cigarettes with the DMT inside. Is the DMT smell strong by its self? I am thinking of buying a meth pipe and smoking it in my room while I have some insnece and candles burning

I am also having trouble surrendering or letting go as soon as I start hearing the vibrations I tense up. Any tips on how to over come this?

I hope you all forgive me for being such a beginner
There are a lot of preconceptions, but they all are useless in practice.
I found chasing the breakthrough to be a deadend.

i read that the crackling is your pineal Galen opening

I think that was originally meant to be a joke but like i said, it does not matter.

I am also having trouble surrendering or letting go as soon as I start hearing the vibrations I tense up. Any tips on how to over come this?

Practice and developing a sense for merging or falling into the experience.

Read some more on the forum especially smoking devices and techniques...
Hi thanks for your reply I was going to dosage about 40 mg tonight but I going to try and listen to your advice I'm going start my dosage at 10mg and practice surrendering my self
Hey buddy,

Glad you are discovering this whole new realm of infinite possibilities

Although I have had good results smoking DMT in a cigarette, I reccomend either buying a pipe or making your own machine.
A machine is a well-known and highly reccomended device to use on your journeys to DMT Land. There are threads on this forum explaining how to make one, and there are several techniques, from simple to complex, but in my opinion all more effective than smoking it in a rolling paper.

By using this kind of device you will not only have much stronger and fulfilling experiences, but also waste less money.

Remember, DMT is precious stuff heheh :)

And yes, DMT smell is quite strong stuff and a smoking session will probably leave quite a distinct stench in your room. Nothing a few hours of an open windows won’t clear out.

Regarding your nervousness... I have been smoking for quite a while now and I still get experiences which scare the bajeezus out of me (especially with harmaline heavy changa). From what I have read, this nervousness stays with many people, even after years. However, I believe that it is an essential part of the work, the alchemy, that DMT allows us to go through. Facing our fears, embracing and learning from them is all a part of the ride. We will probably come out much stronger at the other side if we learn to accept, give in and finally thrive and reach higher ranks of human inner experience.

Safe travels brother,
One step at a time.
You'll know you've broken through when it happens :lol:

Many moons ago when friends and I were interested in this we managed to procure a glass pipe with a small bulb on the end, often used for smoking other substances mainly. This was from a head shop or something similar in the UK, no idea if they still sell them these days. The glass ensures that you melt the DMT rather than burn it.

Forget the rose, imps, or whatever concepts you've likely heard from McKenna or elsewhere. A lot of it is projections of the individual. But again, you'll know when you've broken through.. it is unmistakable. You won't be able to prevent it either so don't worry about holding back.

Never heard any crackles, or saw any imps or roses. Heard some sort of rising tone though.

Smelt sort of chemically, like mothballs or a new tube of tennis balls. Most people would have no idea what it was. Herb is far more evident than DMT smoke!
Hi there Josh, I'm an Aussie myself. I'm in south Australia.

Keep us updated on how your journey goes and when you do experience a breakthrough.
My most intense audible experience was when reality broke apart. The music in the background was Sanskrit. And after I took a big rip.. the euphoria came on, but fast, I barely had time to drop my blindfold and laid back on the couch. seconds later the gentle Sanskrit music went "DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DAAAAAAAAAAA"

I freaked the f out. The visuals came on hard. Everything earthly crumbled away. And then the panic attack started. The most scary thing I've ever experienced . If I would've surrendered I would've broken through. But I didnt. I fought it tooth and nail. Spoiler alert: I lost. I didnt just lose... I got my ass whooped lol.

Start slow and dont get cocky. Work on your mind before upping the dose. Thats what I didnt do. I'm paying for it dearly now. Trying to get back into DMT although with a touch of PTSD from it.
I have seen entities but I don't think ive broken thought it's that normal?

Normal for you isn't the same as normal for me. In fact, all ideas of normality go out the window as soon as we get in to these areas.. Personally, I've never had entity contact without a "breakthrough" experience. Whether or not that's normal? Who's to say :)

I heard you'll know if you broken through by going tho this rose shaped object you'll also hear some clapping and some crackling i read that the crackling is your pineal Galen opening is that true or do different people experience different things when breaking through

It's such an intangible and non physical experience that relating to another persons experience is nigh on impossible, except for a few surface depth similarities which can be compared. I've heard such vastly changing descriptions of breakthroughs in the past and completely different experiences when travelling to the other side. When I breakthrough I don't get the chrysanthemum of Terrence fame. There's a barrier that's semi permeable, and then I go through it. It's hard to explain, but it's the sort of thing that if you'd experienced it, you would definitely know. It's a marked change in experience from a more casual journey.

I haven't smoked it in my house because I've been rolling cigarettes with the DMT inside. Is the DMT smell strong by its self? I am thinking of buying a meth pipe and smoking it in my room while I have some insnece and candles burning

I would say this is one of the main things holding you back. It can be difficult for people of average tolerance to get sizeable doses from a space joint; vape rigs and sandwich bongs tend to be much more efficient ROA's with a much higher success rate. Personally, a 30mg space joint will send me all the way out there, but my tolerance is ridiculously low for pretty much every entheogen I've ever used. Many people won't breakthrough smoking a 60mg joint to themselves just because it's such a slower and less efficient ROA.

As for smoking in your room, it depends on the situation and only you can judge. If you're planning on lighting incense and candles to hide the smell from family/flatmates I'd highly suggest waiting for a more optimum time. Set and setting are extremely important with chemicals of this potency and if you're planning on partaking in a negative setting that can sow the seeds of paranoia and fear which can throw the whole experience in to a pretty dark spiral. Not to mention the risk of being caught by someone you don't want to know when your ball deep in an astral adventure.

It's the sort of chemical that, in my experience, highly praises patience. The best experiences I've had are the ones with the most time and effort placed in to preparation; my best journey was after 4 months of specifying intent and mentally/physically preparing myself. If you have the patience to wait for a more suitable setting, I'd highly recommend it. Even if that setting is for one week from now when you and your friend can go to the local beach in your car; that miniscule amount of preparation combined with the much safer setting can make aeons of difference.

I am also having trouble surrendering or letting go as soon as I start hearing the vibrations I tense up. Any tips on how to over come this?

Practise and rituals. Overall the best way to get used to the experience is, funnily enough, experience. That said, a lot of the ritualisation people do is based upon creating the right setting. Burning sage sticks, meditating, fasting; all these things give the user an added element of control over their trip, and these elevated levels of control can be incredible totems for grounding and support.

Best of luck on your journey 😁
Don't use meth pipes. Take your time to read up on smoking tech, the info is all here. For starters I'd advice making 1:1 enhanced leaf using the shotglass in boiled water method. Then smoke 60mg (30 mg dmt) with a water bong. Careful not to place flame too close. Good luck!
As people already said and will say: don't chase the word "breakthrough" and also what is normal and what is not. I have my little circle of friends, where we engage or have engaged in psychedelic activities, our experience vary greatly, yet that doesn't make one's experience less significant or more normal than another's.

DMT is a bottomless rabbit hole and there are many levels (countless) of experience intensity and quality.

But if you pop out of the matrix you'll know that without asking :)
some one said:
Don't use meth pipes. Take your time to read up on smoking tech, the info is all here. For starters I'd advice making 1:1 enhanced leaf using the shotglass in boiled water method. Then smoke 60mg (30 mg dmt) with a water bong. Careful not to place flame too close. Good luck!

Do not mean to hijeck this thread but can you link to this enhanced leaf tek. THX
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