Rising Star
So, this is my first post on the nexus. I feel I should start with a short introduction.
I am a very inquisitive person. I have a yearning for knowledge and understanding.
I've never been a religious person.
I've spent many years researching Quantum Physics and Cosmology. With all I have learned I still feel many of my questions are left unanswered or led to bigger questions. Especially the idea of the Quantum Observer. Eventually this led me to explore consciousness and what it is.
I have no previous history of psychedelic use or drugs other than weed.
I don't know how I became aware of DMT but since I learned of its existence I have became passionate about learning what it's about. I've read an awful lot of about it over the past few years. At some point I realised its exploration might be the key to some of the answers I've been searching for for so long. Answers to questions that science hasn't been able to satisfy. I've became so much more open my minded since my journey began.
I eventually bought myself the raw materials to acquire DMT myself. After mulling over it for months I finally went through the process of extraction. As a first attempt my yield was low, but plenty enough to begin my journey of exploration.
I again sat on my batch of DMT, reading more into its effects, dosages and methods of smoking.
Finally the day came when I'd decided I'd read as much as I could without going for it and doing it myself.
I was never going to be reckless though.
I made a device out of a plastic bottle and tinfoil.
I weighed out 3mg of DMT, loaded the device and heated until cloudy and inhaled the vapour.
Other than enhanced colours, I experienced nothing in particular.
Next I moved up to 5mg. Yet again, nothing more than brighter colours in my field of vision.
I should point out that this is taking place once a week. At weekends.
I upped the dose to 10mg. This time still nothing visual. But I became overwhelmed by a feeling of extreme terror. A fear like nothing I have ever felt before. I believe this magical molecule was telling my my approach was wrong.
I read up some more on smoking methods and eventually purchased myself a meth pipe.
I began the process again starting from 3mg and working my way up on a weekly basis.
Last weekend I once again reached the 10mg dose that had bitch slapped me.
I heated it gently and hit it a few times until all was gone, holding in each hit for 20 seconds plus.
I closed my eyes and watched things unfold before my eyes.
The blackness turned into a deep red colour, as if a bright light was being shone directly on my closed eyes.
Next a rapid flickering of bright white light. Like my eyes were blinking fast.
This settled into a wash of yellow to orange colour spreading across my eyes from right to left.
In the orange side I saw 3 or 4 columns with strange knots displayed vertically on each. These knots were twisting in on themselves. It was so clear.
Soon all went black. I noticed some bright lights in the distance that became what appeared to be galaxies. Like I was way out in space looking in.
The blackness returned and I saw what I'll describe as those ink blobs on folded paper that psychologists use.
But the paper was blue or black. These patterns were slowly moving away from me. Changing purple to blue with each passing.
I opened my eyes and sat in amazement.
Through this whole experience I was completely conscious and aware of the sounds of my surroundings.
I felt peace and bliss.
I'm not yet ready to delve deeper and will accustom myself to the experiences of 10mg dosages.
My journey is only just beginning
I am a very inquisitive person. I have a yearning for knowledge and understanding.
I've never been a religious person.
I've spent many years researching Quantum Physics and Cosmology. With all I have learned I still feel many of my questions are left unanswered or led to bigger questions. Especially the idea of the Quantum Observer. Eventually this led me to explore consciousness and what it is.
I have no previous history of psychedelic use or drugs other than weed.
I don't know how I became aware of DMT but since I learned of its existence I have became passionate about learning what it's about. I've read an awful lot of about it over the past few years. At some point I realised its exploration might be the key to some of the answers I've been searching for for so long. Answers to questions that science hasn't been able to satisfy. I've became so much more open my minded since my journey began.
I eventually bought myself the raw materials to acquire DMT myself. After mulling over it for months I finally went through the process of extraction. As a first attempt my yield was low, but plenty enough to begin my journey of exploration.
I again sat on my batch of DMT, reading more into its effects, dosages and methods of smoking.
Finally the day came when I'd decided I'd read as much as I could without going for it and doing it myself.
I was never going to be reckless though.
I made a device out of a plastic bottle and tinfoil.
I weighed out 3mg of DMT, loaded the device and heated until cloudy and inhaled the vapour.
Other than enhanced colours, I experienced nothing in particular.
Next I moved up to 5mg. Yet again, nothing more than brighter colours in my field of vision.
I should point out that this is taking place once a week. At weekends.
I upped the dose to 10mg. This time still nothing visual. But I became overwhelmed by a feeling of extreme terror. A fear like nothing I have ever felt before. I believe this magical molecule was telling my my approach was wrong.
I read up some more on smoking methods and eventually purchased myself a meth pipe.
I began the process again starting from 3mg and working my way up on a weekly basis.
Last weekend I once again reached the 10mg dose that had bitch slapped me.
I heated it gently and hit it a few times until all was gone, holding in each hit for 20 seconds plus.
I closed my eyes and watched things unfold before my eyes.
The blackness turned into a deep red colour, as if a bright light was being shone directly on my closed eyes.
Next a rapid flickering of bright white light. Like my eyes were blinking fast.
This settled into a wash of yellow to orange colour spreading across my eyes from right to left.
In the orange side I saw 3 or 4 columns with strange knots displayed vertically on each. These knots were twisting in on themselves. It was so clear.
Soon all went black. I noticed some bright lights in the distance that became what appeared to be galaxies. Like I was way out in space looking in.
The blackness returned and I saw what I'll describe as those ink blobs on folded paper that psychologists use.
But the paper was blue or black. These patterns were slowly moving away from me. Changing purple to blue with each passing.
I opened my eyes and sat in amazement.
Through this whole experience I was completely conscious and aware of the sounds of my surroundings.
I felt peace and bliss.
I'm not yet ready to delve deeper and will accustom myself to the experiences of 10mg dosages.
My journey is only just beginning