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Best books

Migrated topic.
IIYI said:
I highly recommend a book:
Bread from Stones - Dr. Julius Hansel
A New And Rational System Of Land Fertilizing And Physical Regeneration

It's 123 years old, but it's very interesting and full of valuable information. You can easily find it online in English free of charge.

Another very valuable book:
The One-Straw Revolution - Masanobu Fukuoka

He is a farmer and philosopher who was born and raised on the Japanese island of Shikoku. He studied plant pathology and spent several years working as a customs inspector in Yokohama.

Maria Thun - Biodynamic Sowing and Planting Calendar (Moon Calendar). Incredible author. She died, but the calendar is issued every year on the basis of her long-standing research.
IIYI is master of organic cultivation :d Read his suggestions first and if you wan't to go little deeper in biodynamical area I would like to suggest one more. It is all about biodynamical agriculture
and it is very beautiful.

Secrets of the Soil: New Solutions for Restoring Our Planet - Peter Tompkins, Christopher Bird

It's big book but it is good read for every organic farmer. The book is about cherishing the soil and there are a lot mystical and spiritual elements added to it.
Nydex said:
^^^ Listen to this man, he knows his herb cultivation! 😁

boky0102 said:
IIYI is master of organic cultivation :d Read his suggestions first and if you wan't to go little deeper in biodynamical area I would like to suggest one more. It is all about biodynamical agriculture
and it is very beautiful.

Secrets of the Soil: New Solutions for Restoring Our Planet - Peter Tompkins, Christopher Bird

It's big book but it is good read for every organic farmer. The book is about cherishing the soil and there are a lot mystical and spiritual elements added to it.

Thank you for the words :love: , but the truth is that I am a student and that I have a lot to learn. There are so many things to learn. But learning and practice gives me real pleasure and joy. Growing plants helps me grow myself.

boky0102 book is very good suggestion about biodynamical agriculture.

Other valuable books:
Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web by Wayne Lewis and Jeff Lowenfels

Teaming with Fungi: The Organic Grower's Guide to Mycorrhizae (Science for Gardeners)
by Jeff Lowenfels

Teaming with Nutrients: The Organic Gardener's Guide to Optimizing Plant Nutrition
by Jeff Lowenfels

Dr Elaine Ingham is real gold. This lady is incredible. I strongly recommend to watch all her videos. She is constantly doing free webinars .

Building Soil Health for Healthy Plants by soil scientist Dr. Elaine Ingham

Soil Food Web

By Elaine R. Ingham a unique article":

GFE 2016 - Dr. Fred Provenza "Web of Life"

The pics are from Elaine Ingham Soil Food Web from the article in nrcs.usda.gov


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