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Best way to evap white spirit?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
A friend is on his first extraction, but at the time couldnt find naptha (its not sold here, well not as naptha) after much research he found white spirit that listed on the bottle as being naptha (turpintine substitute) though its heavy.

he had asked over at another forum and found that it can be used, it just takes ages to evaporate.

Im freeze pparticipating, but what would be the best way to dry the crystals since the stuff takes god damn forever without any heat.

a low heat, that is so that the crystals dont melt i pressume.

Ronsonol multispurpose lighter fluid has been found so that can be used next time :)
something weird happened.

jars took out with bottom covered in nice crystals, white spirit was poured back into the mhrb/lye and jars left out to evap.

The crystals appeared to melt, leaving a clear liquid. Maybe not all of the white spirit got poured off.

he put back into the freezer and he'll pour any residue off if there is and maybe leave the jar upside down???

He's hoping its not just water thats crystilised.


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The same thing happened to me. Don't evap the crystals under heat, they will melt. Although the melted sludge is still the dmt you want. Frozen water in the naphtha will form ugly lumps, not crystals. Recrystalise or just scrape the sludge.
cool thanks for the info, trouble is that my first pulls have been with white spirit and thats the problem. I think its too thick so even though you pour it out its still obviously wet and thats enough to disolve the crystals.

Ive been evaporating it under a very low heat, i mean really low barely warm to the touch. The crystals have reformed and they are almost dry. Ive got some nice almost clear/white, white and some off white/yellow so im going in the right dirrection.

I have another 3 pulls in the freezer this time i found some lids that fit tightly on the drinking glasses im using to precipiate with and noticed that it took alot longer before any sign of crystals started shwoing, so im pretty sure due to my jars being covered with loose foil moisture was getting into the jars. infact i know because there was frost on the inside of the jar.

Ive picked up ronsonol lighter fluid and doing another run with fresh root bark, its looking better so far
just an update, the white spirit did evaporate after 1/2 a day when its in such a small amount that theres just a little in the bottom of the jar, and the crystals reformed. Its not a great solvent though.

So far the ronsonol is doing much better.
Ok so ive startred another extraction, this time with 100g of rootbark and agian white spirit (its all i have at the moment) with a good amount of it this time. Estimate neer 150ml btween the 2 jars.

3 mixes of the layers were done lasting a few minutes each and most of the white spirit pulled. Into the freezer and 2 hours later the white spire was complelty cloudy!!! good sign. Another hour and the cloudyness has almost gone and crystals forming everywhere. another few hours and the solution is clear again with a shitload of crystal build up not only on the bottom but all around the sides too!

This time, im going to pour of all the solvent i can, put the lid back on and stick it in the freezer upside down for a bit to see if that lets the rest of the solvent drip of without the crystals redisolving.

Ive changed my mind about white spirit, it definatly works very well, even freeze precipitating in a 3 star freezor compartmont of an old fridge.
Ok an update with the white spirit.

After 12 hours of freezing both jars are complelty full of crystals, the bottom is cakes, and the sides are farely covered. I emptied the spirit out and then back into the freezer for 2 hoiurs but upside down.

Now ive taken them out to dry now. Most of the white spirit is gone now, and has left some crystal residue on the lid. Last time the crystals look obviously wet. success!!!

The 2nd pull has alot of yellow crystals under a lyaer of white, while the first pull is id say 95% white with a tiny portion being yellow
SanMan said:
Get a pyrex pie pan(or whatever), a pair of pantyhose a heating pad and a fan. Stretch the pantyhose over the dish put in the stuff, set it on a heating pad on LOW, point a fan at it on LOW and go have some coffee. Done.

this is great advice^^^^ You might be thinking the crystals are going to appear really quickly,in some cases they will. But use this guys advice and evap all the way down. Then when the oily residue won't move, place in the freezer/fridge upside down. And the crystals will form over a weeks time period. Do a quick fan dry then scrape.

THis techniqe works really well if your doing multiple pulls and placing into one jar over a week or more time period. Sodiuum carbonate wash then evaporate then crystalize.
preschooler said:
SanMan said:
Get a pyrex pie pan(or whatever), a pair of pantyhose a heating pad and a fan. Stretch the pantyhose over the dish put in the stuff, set it on a heating pad on LOW, point a fan at it on LOW and go have some coffee. Done.

this is great advice^^^^ You might be thinking the crystals are going to appear really quickly,in some cases they will. But use this guys advice and evap all the way down. Then when the oily residue won't move, place in the freezer/fridge upside down. And the crystals will form over a weeks time period. Do a quick fan dry then scrape.

THis techniqe works really well if your doing multiple pulls and placing into one jar over a week or more time period. Sodiuum carbonate wash then evaporate then crystalize.

i dont have a fan.

ive worked it out. the white spirit im using freeze precipiates with ease without any evaporation. i pull the solvent layer from both jars (50g rootbark each) combined into 1 1/2 pint jar, which then gets the freezer for 24 hours, its full of crystals.

Then the solvent gets poured off. because the white spirit is a heavy form of naptha, alot of it still clings to the crystals, you can see it looks obviously wet. And thats plenty to disolve the crystals. So i just stick it back in the freezer but upside down so that more drains off ad keeps the crystals from redisolving.

Once out the freezer it gets left upside down to make sure any remaing solving drips off and evaporates.

then i can put it normal way round to finish the rest.

It takes a day or 2 longer, but when thats all you have you gotta use it. It definatly pulls very clean spice. I actually think it pulls alot more on the first pull.

My 2nd pull may have DMT oxide. i had a layer of white crystals with yellow showing underneath. This actually redisolved with what ever remaineing white spirit there was and gathered in the middle of the jar, leaving white and off white crystals round about it.

Its stll drying so it may form cyrstals agian which i wold guess is a less pure form of DMT.
Hi veda_sticks

Ive changed my mind about white spirit, it definatly works very well, even freeze precipitating in a 3 star freezor compartmont of an old fridge.
Your friend's experiments with white spirit are interesting. They may be particularly relevant to UK extractors with a limited budget. Your friend does not say which particular brand of white spirits he used. Could he specify? Also, I know that he reports evaporation to be very difficult but was an evaporation test performed at all? Even though good clean results appear to have been obtained with freeze precipitation and an extended period of draining, I would still be concerned that whatever residues may be present following an evaporation test may still stubbornly be clinging to the spice.

Please understand that I am not critical- your friend's report c/w pictures is excellent but I would be hesitant in suggesting this route to others or trying myself without an evap. test.

BTW- thanks for your other friend's contributions over at Shroomery! Many of his posts helped me to my first successful grow. I lurked there for some time and never did get round to registering to thank him! 8)
The white spirit is B&Q. I thoiught i had mentioned it. Its turpintine substitutue and says on the bottle naptha heavy. I tested it before using. Had to heat it to get it evaporating quick enough and it left no residue.

The pictures were the first pull from 50g rootbark.

Pictures attached to this post are the first and 2nd pull from 100g rootbark :)


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Thanks for clarifying veda_sticks :d

Those pulls look great! You've certainly gained good results from freeze precip. white spirit - certainly as good as anything I've managed with Ronsonol :d
This is a great write-up. Thanks for keeping it updated. Do you have 0.001g scales? Total yields from white spirit would be of interest for comparison with expensive Ronsonol.8)
sorry unfortunatly i dont have scales that accurate, ive only got scales accruate to 1 gram. My mate has scales which i think are accurate to 0.1g which is still no good.

Another mate has a nice set of scales that are solar powered and accurate to 1mg so i may use those.

Heres a picture the first 2 pulls, i have a third buts its currently drying so is hard to just how much it is.

I chopped them up to make it more powder in hopes to make it easie to semi judge how much is there. I seperated the 2 pulls so i got mostly white crystals in 1 pile and moslty yellow in the other, It looks like quite alot.

Im thinking of sampling the white stuff soon. Im waiting some more since there is still a faint smell of spirit left. but its almost complelty dry. My flats really cold so its not the best for evaporation, ive got the heater on, and im going to get a fan.

The white crystals look really great.

Im also doing another pull as the yeilds havnt dropped much yet. and then ill leave the white spirit to evaporate to get the remaining.

From my last extraction i noticed that all of a suden i just got barely anyting, so ill do a 4th pull since i still got quite alot from the 3rd


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I will emphasize that evaporation of white spirit is the biggest problem, even after draining as much solvent as possible before it warms up, you still have to put it back in the freezer upside down to let more drain off. And even after then theres still some left that will take ages to evaporate. So a fan is recomended otherwise the crystals take days to dry.

I got impatient and put them on a heater to dry and ended up melting the crytals, so put back in the freezer and ended up with a layer of white which wasnt crystals anymore.

After scarping up the resembled crystals again as you see in the picture.

Not a bad yeild. I have only tried 1 vendor, which is

there service so far has been very good, shipping very quickly. My first order arrived within 1 day, my 2nd order was delayed because of postal strikes, but it was sent recorded signed for which i assume was because the seller knew about the postal problems.

From pictures ive seen of 1g it looks pretty close. this has been chopped up as some of it was pretty clumped together.

I chopped it up so that it would dry quicker.

I would rather use ronsonol if it wernt for the price but if you have a fan, im usre that drying wouldnt take as long.

I will be getting testing another solvent soon when i get paid and have some more root bark.
yeah i used ronsobol ligher fluid previously but it didnt seem to pull as much as the white spirit. idk if its just a differnece in the batch i have.

the white spirit is cheap. for a litre of white spirit costs not mouch more than 133ml of ligher fluid. lighter fluiid is 1.10 and the white spirit was less than £2. Its a pain to evaporate though.

I have another solvent to try. aspen 4t, which is a very clean petrol fuel for running small engines. Its made very clean so that theres very little deposits from burning. Looks promising. theres practicaly nothing in it except for naptha - full range allkylate. Its also fairly inexpensive compared to buying 133ml cans of lighter fluid, or even buying a bulk order which is cheeper.


Ive just taken my next pull after leaving the white spirit for a few days, i think it may be the 3rd pull. the first 2 pulls (each time using fresh white spirit) resulted in the solvent remaining clear, but still precisipiating very easily as seen in the previous pictures with no evaporation,

I've just removed the solvent thats been sitting for a few days and i thought that i had emulsions in the naptha so added more lye and remixed, it seperated and remained the same. After removing the solvent, its actually the colour of the solvent. its turned a very dark yellow. I dont think its lye, as ive had lye drawn up into my syringe and that was obvious, the lye solutinojust will not mix at all with the solvent.

We will find out tomorrow after freezing what it contains. its really werid since the first 2 pulls yeilded alot yet remained clear. the 3rd pull remained clear asewll yeilded alot less but was alot cleaner than the 2nd.

Now i have a really dark coloured solvent, (much darker than when using lighter fluid which looks the same as when people use naptha)

the solvent is still clear but it is tinted, just not yellow like what lighter fluid or naptha you use in US.
Its alot darker

after 12 hours i thoiught nothing had precipitating, but there has just not crystals, the bottom of the glass has a layer of something. Kind like what happens if you accidentaly melt crystals then cool it down again in the freeer, instead of crystals yoiu get a layer of stuff.,


the pull has lye in it, and doesnt seem like much of any crystals at all. Not sure how lye got into the white spirit, maybe it doesnt work well being recycles. I put fresh spirit to try another pull and it loooks much better afte rmixing.

To be honest i think ive gotten most of it out. I dont have proper scales, only scales accurate to 1g, weighing the spice with my scale results in it flicking between 1g and 2g. So i can only assume that its somehwere around 1g, maybe a little more. So im almost 1/2 and 1/2 white and yellow spioce
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