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Better viewability in portrait mode on phone

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
When my phone is upright, it's impossible to read threads because the text is too small. If I zoom in, I have to scroll left-right constantly. Landscape mode makes things a little better, but it's not ideal.

How do others deal with this?
If you go into your settings from your profile you can set it a mobile view. I have pretty bad near vision so i can empathize with you, but prefer the regular view even in mobile.

I know I'm pretty new here but I'm really into this front-end language called Elm and if possible it'd be awesome to work with the admin(s) on creating a more modernised interface, starting with mobile and if it's well received, potentially expanding from there.

Elm is a language that explicitly codifies the kind of JS does into a type system and prevents all runtime errors! It's very cool and I've loved it since I found it in 2012.

Super understandable if I gotta be a member for longer first though!
5-CNT-FAI said:

I know I'm pretty new here but I'm really into this front-end language called Elm and if possible it'd be awesome to work with the admin(s) on creating a more modernised interface, starting with mobile and if it's well received, potentially expanding from there.

Elm is a language that explicitly codifies the kind of JS does into a type system and prevents all runtime errors! It's very cool and I've loved it since I found it in 2012.

Super understandable if I gotta be a member for longer first though!
I don’t know if there’s anyone to contact about this, other than The Traveler. He takes security pretty seriously and I don’t think any changes would be happening without going through him. From my understanding, he is a pretty busy guy, so maybe he wouldn’t mind some help if it didn’t present too many security concerns working with a new member. I don’t think a PM is overstepping any boundaries if you’re offering free labor. The worst he could say would be, “no thanks “.
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