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Migrated topic.


Anyone from the nexus going to Camp Bisco this summer. It is going to be my first festival and I am uber excited. The lineup is sick and I get to go for free. I am volunteering there so it should be an awesomely bad ass time.

~Peace Out
^getting out to festivals is always a heavy trek, i dont mind driving though. at least bisco wont fail and cause people to sleep in their car and thankfully successfully wander the baltimore area trying to find make up shows. (sorry for the vent)
Yeah it is going to be about a 12 hour drive for me, but there are 4 of us going together so it is really going to help on gas. I can't believe that 3 weeks from right now I will be there. I wish I was going to rothbury next weekend, but that festival is a little too pricey for me.
I will be there. Ill be the one cruisin durin the shpongle sets... cant waitttttt...
also, I should be bringing my water pipe so I won't have to smoke a meth pipe or some infernal contraption you guys like making here lol
I volunteered but haven't heard back yet, I really want to go but I live in Chicago and at the moment don't have a ride. Hey Kungpow this may be out of line but is there extra room in your car, I could meet up with you in michigan, if not I'll figure something out. Peace.
I am riding with a friend and we have his girl's SUV pretty much packed.

2.5 weeks and I am there. I am ecstatic to go this event. I just got my welcome letter for the volunteering. Now I need to send them my money order. If I end up having to work during all of the good bands I am going to say fuck the 160 bucks. I really want to do trash clean up after the event. I am sure things will work out.
yeah I paid the 10 bucks, but I guess that goes towards a t-shirt for when you work. So hey good that is a good 10 bucks spent.
2 weeks from today I will be sitting at camp enjoying all of the great music. I am so excited for this I can hardly stand waiting. I just can't believe all of the good music that is going to be there. Almost all of my favorite stuff is going to be there. It looks like that whole weekend will cost me about 100 bucks for food and gas. Not bad at all.
I guess shpongle played one of their new songs at Rothbury so I am hoping they do the same at bisco. My friend told me it was the most amazing shpongle song he has ever heard. So that is giving me super high hopes for the new shpongle album.
kungpow said:
I guess shpongle played one of their new songs at Rothbury so I am hoping they do the same at bisco. My friend told me it was the most amazing shpongle song he has ever heard. So that is giving me super high hopes for the new shpongle album.

I saw shpongle at the end of this past May. He played a handful of new tracks, as well as some younger brother tracks. He played a version of "All I want" (younger brother) that was extended into a 15-20 minute more dancy shponglilfied version. It was amazing! All with choreographed dancers in ridiculous costumes, as well as a custom choreographed video display. It was epic. I would assume it will be a similar situation at bisco. The whole show seemed to embrace and almost represent the DMT spirit/message, but that should come as no surprise.
I had a bunch of friends that went, but unfortunately I wasn't able to make it. What sucked is my friend called me after and said that he found a wristband that I could of had the day before rothbury. He was like "I didn't know if you would want it." I would of really wanted it, but I am sure my girl would have been pissed if she had to spend the 4th of july by herself.
"because the world it round, it turns me on...loveeee...loveeeee...loovvveeee...love is all love is you." kinda like that and then wham, comes the prometheus full body quiver
dude bisco was nuts...SWIM took so much acid and mescaline...and smoked a bit of enhanced herb during the first shpongle show and during chromeo on the night that it rain like fucking crazy...what an insane couple of days
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