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Black Banisteriopsis caapi

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I am hoping to compile some more definitive, or easily accessible information about B. caapi, and especially that of the "black" variety.
I have been sitting on a pound of black caapi I ordered a couple years ago. I want to make a couple brews, and do a couple extractions.
So my question's to be answered by you and your's truly are as follows.

What is the shelf life of B. caapi? Can I use what I have or do I need to order more?

What is the dosage range of B. caapi of the black variety?
I know there are several types of black caapi but i have some labeled simply black. Furthermore, most say it is stronger, regardless of the exact variety. I believe gibran said 15 grams was visionary alone. What are your experiences?

How does black caapi compare to the other vareties?
I only have this right now and some rue. I hope to assay more.

What are all the types of black caapi, and how do they compare to each other?

Thanks for replies I will be updating and giving results soon. I know i asked some vague questions but that is so the answers can be broad, I would like to see analytical data from extractions what is your %yield etc. Also suggestions for methods and teks would be appreciated.
Maybe over the years, harmaline spontaneously loses a molecule of hydrogen, and becomes harmine. Not an easy thing to reckon with, chemically, but I am running out of possibilities. I was led to a comment that had been once made by a quiet hero of mine, Bo Holmstedt in Sweden, concerning the analysis of an ancient sample of plant material from Banisteria caapi (now known as Banisteriopsis caapi). The herbarium specimens he was looking at had been collected by the 19th century plant explorer Richard Spruce in the Rio Negro area of South America and had, after a few years of storage in a moist and mildewy hut a few miles down river, been rediscovered and sent on to the Kew Botanical Museum where they had quietly rested for over a hundred years. When Holmstedt worked them up some 30 years ago, he reported that the alkaloid content was 0.4%. This was virtually identical to a newly collected botanically verified specimen of Banisteriopsis caapi which he analyzed at the same time and found to contain 0.5% alkaloids.The latter material contained, as described by many authors, the main alkaloids harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine. By contrast, the alkaloid content of the Spruce material consisted exclusively of harmine. It is open to question whether the samples collected by Spruce in 1853 originally contained only harmine or, perhaps more likely, that harmaline and tetrahydroharmine have with time been transformed into the chemically more stable aromatic b-carboline harmine. -shulgin;TIHKAL

I'd say shelf life need not be a concern if the 100 year old sample collected by Richard Spruce is any indication of the stability of harmala alkaloids in plant matter over time...
(Though shulgin was contemplating harmaline losing an atom of hydrogen over time becoming harmine in the excerpt above, the harmala alkaloids seem incredibly stable, the Richard Spruce sample was poorly stored in a humid and moist jungle hut before being moved to.suitable storage where it was forgotten for nearly a century, and it tested comparable to freshly collected samples.

This thread details caapi analysis and discusses the varieties and colours of caapi.

As far as the "black caapi" thing goes I'm really not at liberty to get into that particular subject, it's complex and much could be said, however there are many threads on this site which go into great detail in that area, a simple search of the nexus should yeild a good deal.

thanks for the reply.
I know there are many threads, maybe they can be combined. I am just trying to compile some information, mostly on my end, but if anyone has other results to chime in that is highly appreciated.
I am having trouble finding very good recommendations for dosing the black variety other than start small... I will be taking increasingly large doses and reporting back my findings, also when i get some different varieties i will compare them here. Maybe i will rename and change the direction a little, haven't done any testing yet as I have been too excited about my corumba brazil, and b+ cubensis. The first test might be with shrooms😲.
The alkaloid content of caapi vines can be incredibly variable, the age of the plant at time of harvest, the soil and conditions the plant was grown in, the individual plants genetics, and many other factors can affect the quantity of alkaloids contained in any given sample.

Some caapi samples can contain over 3% alkaloids while other can contain as little as 0.3%.

And, Alicia anisopetala, Alicia macrodisca, banisteriopsis muricata, and even Banisteriopsis rusbyana (Diplopterys Cabrerana) have been sold as "black caapi"

It's much easier for a person to tell you to start low and experiment with the sample in your possession than it is for a person to give you an exact dose.

3.5 Dosages

Below is an summary of dosages and combinations of the routes of administration covered in the next chapters.

Oral brew dosages

Caapi dosage: light 50g, moderate 100g, strong 150g
Muricata dosage: light 15g, moderate 30g, strong 45g
Syrian Rue dosage: light 2g, moderate 3g, strong 4g

Mimosa heated dosage: light 3-5g, moderate 5-7g, strong 7-10g
Mimosa CWE dosage: light 1g, moderate 3g, strong 5g

Viridis dosage: light 25g, moderate 50g, strong 75-100g
Chaliponga dosage: light 7g, moderate 10g, strong 15g
Acacia dosage: light 5g, moderate 10g, strong 15g

Harmalas extract dosages

Harmalas oral dosage: 100-250mg
Harmalas smoking dosage: 20-30mg
Harmalas sublingual dosage: 20-40mg

DMT extract dosages

DMT oral dosage: 30-200mg DMT in salt form
DMT vaping dosage: 15-30mg freebase DMT (efficient)
DMT smoking dosage: 20-40mg freebase DMT (less efficient)

3.6 Combinations

Oral plant brew combinations

Mimosa and Rue are said to compliment each other better than Mimosa and Caapi.
Caapi seems to go very well with Viridis and Chaliponga.
Banisteriopsis Muricata is said to go very well with Acacia Confusa.

DMT / Harmalas combinations and time delay

Oral Harmalas and oral DMT (Ayahuasca /Pharmahuasca): at the same time, or wait 10-20 min
Oral Harmalas and smoked DMT (Vaporhuasca): wait 45-60 min
Smoked Harmalas and smoked DMT (Changa): at the same time or straight after
Sublingual Harmalas and smoked DMT (Linguahuasca): wait 20-30 min

Mean Banisteripsois caapi beta-carboline content (mg/g):*

Callaway, J. C. (1999). Phytochemistry and neuropharmacology of ayahuasca. In R. Metzner (Ed.). Ayahuasca: Hallucinogens, consciousness, and the spirits of nature (pp. 250-275). New York, NY: Thunder’s Mouth Press.

Caapi dose size thread

I hope that you receive other replies, I provided all the information that I could.

Thanks for all the info, you are working harder than me. When I'm done I will make a file or post with everything organized and laid out nicely for easy reading.

Not sure if that's a good thing that I'm willing to work harder...

I like to teach, or at least I like to spread information, I will gladly provide any information a person wants regarding psychoactives, I can only hope they absorb as much information as possible.

What is more definitive then just saying black would be black from (whatever source you obtained it from)

That narrows it down a bit but still these are murky waters. Best to start low and learn the strength of your material firsthand no amount of information can tell you better than knowing for yourself
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