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Blackout Question

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello friends,

One of my few breakthrough experiences so far resulted in a memory wipe. That is, I can remember only the most fleeting and brief bits of the trip. I remember sharp fractals, some kind of classroom, and an entity that was aggressive. I was totally GONE for what I guess was 3-5 minutes. When I started to come back, I began to realize that I was myself, and I lived on earth. Absolutely bizarre.

This experience led me to believe that our minds cannot capture the experience because it's just too alien and too far removed from our reality.

I don't have a mg scale yet (ordered one, it's in the mail), but do you think I overdosed? The other breakthroughs I've had I can remember more of it, albeit still not much. But this one was like my memory was wiped. I feel like the Manchurian candidate or something.

I'd love to get your thoughts on it. And if you have any techniques for remembering more, I'd love to hear about that also.

The LD50 for DMT is pretty substantial. Not impossible to ingest, but near impossible to inhale vapors. If the term is used loosely, then you might be able to call it an overdose.

This is mostly speculation, but I believe that DMT blackouts and memory loss have the same causality as other traumatic experiences such as rape or abuse. It's a state that is so difficult to endure that our brains simply don't process the information. It may be stored somewhere but for the most part it is ignored.
While I have never had an actual blackout, even after consuming absurd doses...I feel the experience doesn't translate well into human language, which is most people's core coding system for storing and recalling memory...

syberdelic said:
The LD50 for DMT is pretty substantial. Not impossible to ingest, but near impossible to inhale vapors. If the term is used loosely, then you might be able to call it an overdose.

This is mostly speculation, but I believe that DMT blackouts and memory loss have the same causality as other traumatic experiences such as rape or abuse. It's a state that is so difficult to endure that our brains simply don't process the information. It may be stored somewhere but for the most part it is ignored.
Yeah, this^.

Lifting weights right? As you keep "hitting the gym" you develop more focus and control and better learn to deal with breaking down your muscles on purpose. Same with your mind. Go back again.
I used to have the same problem. The DMT used to hit me and just send me somewhere and then came back with no recollection of where I was, but only with a feeling that I was gone for some time. First, I never measure my dose properly, but just eyeball it, so I might have been doing too much in the beginning.

Secondly, if I smoke, while under the influence of alcohol or benzo or other similar type of drug, that I had earlier that day, I usually just black out and not remember anything.

The third reason for not having recollections of the flash is that my mind had to get a bit familiar to the utter strangeness of the hyperspace. Only then I was led in by the "keepers" and my ability to bring something back from my journeys started getting better and better.

So experiment and find what works for you :)
My last one nailed me. I'd had a xanax and just pulled the trigger. Not smart. All I remember was the visuals synched with the music on the radio and I had a oh dear God moment -blackout- and then I came back sort of and had to re-realize I was a human and all that entails. I remember sitting up from my couch in a rather shocked manner just full bore, what happened?

I haven't touched it since. I got real unsmart on that one. I'm starting to get the itch but, the timing feels all wrong still. It's just a constant "not the right time" moment.

It's a legit no joke chemical man, what it's doing in random plants and why it effects human brains how it does is just completely beyond me for the moment. It seems like one of those open ended ones where you never do figure it out. It's pretty wild.
Lifting weights right? As you keep "hitting the gym" you develop more focus and control and better learn to deal with breaking down your muscles on purpose. Same with your mind. Go back again.[/quote]

Glad to hear this. I have experienced some increase in my ability to remain calm and focused during the breakthrough, though I'm still quite lost.
Just for the record I was talking about things "in general". As far as specifically dealing with dmt I imagine it's the same general concept but you know how they throw in tolerance/reverse tolerance random things, someone else could tell you better than I can. I'm still fresh out of the gate on dmt. I could easily see how the intimidating aspects never go away you just get better at knowing what to possibly expect. But yeah I'm a rookie so don't go doing anything on my accord.:thumb_up:
syberdelic said:
The LD50 for DMT is pretty substantial. Not impossible to ingest, but near impossible to inhale vapors. If the term is used loosely, then you might be able to call it an overdose.

Yes I was definitely using the term "overdose" loosely. I meant something like "did I eyeball 60mg instead of 30?" Or something like that.
I hear people on the nexus talking about finding their "sweet spot" weight measurement for their chosen method of ingestion. My scale is in the mail, and I'm excited to not have to guess at it anymore. It seems like a very small mistake in eyeballing can lead to devastatingly strong experiences.
Asher7 said:
Just for the record I was talking about things "in general". As far as specifically dealing with dmt I imagine it's the same general concept but you know how they throw in tolerance/reverse tolerance random things, someone else could tell you better than I can. I'm still fresh out of the gate on dmt. I could easily see how the intimidating aspects never go away you just get better at knowing what to possibly expect. But yeah I'm a rookie so don't go doing anything on my accord.:thumb_up:

Thanks for the heads up, I appreciate your honesty. I am also a rookie! But I think you're right, some experience in hyperspace should yield the ability to focus more in later journeys. I think.
I remember feeling like "oh yeah, I've been here before, I'm okay."
InAwe said:
Hello friends,
I remember sharp fractals, some kind of classroom, and an entity that was aggressive.

I'm reading the book "Far Journeys" written by Robert Monroe (1987). For those of you that don't know him, he experimented a lot with willful OBEs or if you want "Astral Projection". It's funny because he claims in his book, that all people have unconscious OBEs and are taught in a classroom:

Another early result of my new navigator (my total self?) was remembering the going-to-class format. This came after my usual out-of-body separation process, releasing to such guidance, and without much movement finding myself among a crowd of gray forms. "Crowd" means so many they seemed to fade into the distance. All were focused in one direction, and none seemed to notice my arrival—except one, brighter than the others. It approached me and stopped.

It opened—with words! In my consciousness. (Glad you’re back, Bob. You've missed quite a few sessions.)
I flickered. (Well, uh, I've been busy.)
The form focused. (You’re different. You haven't been on drugs or alcohol, have you?)
I opened wide. (I've lost a lot of rote, or I can't pull it out. Where am I?) The form rolled. (I guess you have! You're back at sleeper's class.)

I turned inward, and the percept came out bright and clear. Sleeper's classes -- attended by countless humans during a portion of their deep sleep, during the sleeping out-of-body period. The only limitation was that such sleep could not be distorted by chemicals, it had to be natural. How many times I had been here long before I knew it, before I knew anything about OOBEs and the like! I just didn't remember when I woke up, like everyone else. If anything leaked through, it was attributed to a dream, inspiration, idea, or imagination.

And I knew my instructor. (Hi, Bill.)
Bill rolled. (Took you long enough. Want me to plug you in?)
I flickered. (Well, I don't know. You see, I think I am different. I'm not asleep.)
Bill blanked slightly, then lighted. (Oh, you're one of those. How did
that happen?)

I plied. (I don't know. It just did.)
Bill turned inward, then opened. (That means you don't belong here anymore. Too bad. You were one of my star pupils.)
I flickered. (You’re sure about that? About my not belonging?)
Bill smoothed. (I've had them before. It doesn’t work out. Your type gets impatient, bored. The biz kids, the OOB-ers, busy, busy, busy.)

Maybe, it has nothing to do with your experience, but it was the first thing that came to my mind, was the teacher the aggressive entity or something else? I have to say I have zero practical knowledge with the drug. But since some time now, I'm on a great quest to find the truth of our existence and therefore also interested in psychedelics. :thumb_up:
drn said:
InAwe said:
Hello friends,
I remember sharp fractals, some kind of classroom, and an entity that was aggressive.

I'm reading the book "Far Journeys" written by Robert Monroe (1987). For those of you that don't know him, he experimented a lot with willful OBEs or if you want "Astral Projection". It's funny because he claims in his book, that all people have unconscious OBEs and are taught in a classroom:

Another early result of my new navigator (my total self?) was remembering the going-to-class format. This came after my usual out-of-body separation process, releasing to such guidance, and without much movement finding myself among a crowd of gray forms. "Crowd" means so many they seemed to fade into the distance. All were focused in one direction, and none seemed to notice my arrival—except one, brighter than the others. It approached me and stopped.

It opened—with words! In my consciousness. (Glad you’re back, Bob. You've missed quite a few sessions.)
I flickered. (Well, uh, I've been busy.)
The form focused. (You’re different. You haven't been on drugs or alcohol, have you?)
I opened wide. (I've lost a lot of rote, or I can't pull it out. Where am I?) The form rolled. (I guess you have! You're back at sleeper's class.)

I turned inward, and the percept came out bright and clear. Sleeper's classes -- attended by countless humans during a portion of their deep sleep, during the sleeping out-of-body period. The only limitation was that such sleep could not be distorted by chemicals, it had to be natural. How many times I had been here long before I knew it, before I knew anything about OOBEs and the like! I just didn't remember when I woke up, like everyone else. If anything leaked through, it was attributed to a dream, inspiration, idea, or imagination.

And I knew my instructor. (Hi, Bill.)
Bill rolled. (Took you long enough. Want me to plug you in?)
I flickered. (Well, I don't know. You see, I think I am different. I'm not asleep.)
Bill blanked slightly, then lighted. (Oh, you're one of those. How did
that happen?)

I plied. (I don't know. It just did.)
Bill turned inward, then opened. (That means you don't belong here anymore. Too bad. You were one of my star pupils.)
I flickered. (You’re sure about that? About my not belonging?)
Bill smoothed. (I've had them before. It doesn’t work out. Your type gets impatient, bored. The biz kids, the OOB-ers, busy, busy, busy.)

Maybe, it has nothing to do with your experience, but it was the first thing that came to my mind, was the teacher the aggressive entity or something else? I have to say I have zero practical knowledge with the drug. But since some time now, I'm on a great quest to find the truth of our existence and therefore also interested in psychedelics. :thumb_up:

Thanks for sharing that. Very interesting. I wish I could remember more so I could share it, but I can't. It's very strange.

Good luck on your quest. Some psychedelics reveal some degree of personal truth, but I must say that DMT seems to lead to only more questions. Though I have had some personal insight with it. I'm going to try to focus more on simply observing, and trying to remember as much as possible.

It's very jarring to have such an incredible experience, then not be able to remember it.
syberdelic said:
The LD50 for DMT is pretty substantial. Not impossible to ingest, but near impossible to inhale vapors. If the term is used loosely, then you might be able to call it an overdose.

This is mostly speculation, but I believe that DMT blackouts and memory loss have the same causality as other traumatic experiences such as rape or abuse. It's a state that is so difficult to endure that our brains simply don't process the information. It may be stored somewhere but for the most part it is ignored.

In cases of trauma this locked information can sometimes be later accessed, do you think the same is true for those who bkackout from DMT?

...I'm trying to understand this as I've never had it happen, in my case for better or worse I remember my experiences...though often when asked "what happened?" I can not muster up any language to describe the event, and often must just say "I can't say"

syberdelic said:
The LD50 for DMT is pretty substantial. Not impossible to ingest, but near impossible to inhale vapors. If the term is used loosely, then you might be able to call it an overdose.

This is mostly speculation, but I believe that DMT blackouts and memory loss have the same causality as other traumatic experiences such as rape or abuse. It's a state that is so difficult to endure that our brains simply don't process the information. It may be stored somewhere but for the most part it is ignored.

I agree with this, and add, that the more wholly we prepare our minds and bodies for the weathering intensities of being transported to destinations unknown, that the healthier we are in mind, body, and spirit, the more our experiences begin to stabilize and become more processable, and therefore memorable. It is of the utmost importance that we absorb, transfer and assimilate the information we bring back from these experiences as clearly as possible.
I find that the more I prepare for it, the more likely I am to experience fear and anxiety. For me, it's more about letting go. If I can fully submit to the experience and not try to hang on, I can have a fully blissful experience whereas if I try to control it, the experience becomes nightmarish.
syberdelic said:
I find that the more I prepare for it, the more likely I am to experience fear and anxiety. For me, it's more about letting go. If I can fully submit to the experience and not try to hang on, I can have a fully blissful experience whereas if I try to control it, the experience becomes nightmarish.

I should have been more specific. By preparation, I meant: meditation for the mind, a healthy diet for the body, and sexual abstinence for the soul; all of which, stabilize our energies and therefore, alleviate our anxieties. Then you will have let go before you've even gone.
Heavin said:
syberdelic said:
I find that the more I prepare for it, the more likely I am to experience fear and anxiety. For me, it's more about letting go. If I can fully submit to the experience and not try to hang on, I can have a fully blissful experience whereas if I try to control it, the experience becomes nightmarish.

I should have been more specific. By preparation I meant: meditation for the mind, a healthy diet for the body, and sexual abstinence for the soul; all of which, stabilize our energies and therefore, alleviate our anxieties. Then you will have let go before you've even gone.

I had a pretty good idea what you meant and no, this does not work for me. I just have to submit to the experience. It's hard to describe really. Meditation can calm me down, but the second I reach for the pipe, it's all for not. I usually have to take a couple small hits to get into the mind state where I can let go.
syberdelic said:
Heavin said:
syberdelic said:
I find that the more I prepare for it, the more likely I am to experience fear and anxiety. For me, it's more about letting go. If I can fully submit to the experience and not try to hang on, I can have a fully blissful experience whereas if I try to control it, the experience becomes nightmarish.

I should have been more specific. By preparation, I meant: meditation for the mind, a healthy diet for the body, and sexual abstinence for the soul; all of which, stabilize our energies and therefore, alleviate our anxieties. Then you will have let go before you've even gone.

I had a pretty good idea what you meant and no, this does not work for me. I just have to submit to the experience. It's hard to describe really. Meditation can calm me down, but the second I reach for the pipe, it's all for not. I usually have to take a couple small hits to get into the mind state where I can let go.

Well, I'm sure you'll find what works best for you. Completely surrendering will always be a difficult thing to do, no matter how brave you are.
InAwe said:
I was totally GONE for what I guess was 3-5 minutes. When I started to come back, I began to realize that I was myself, and I lived on earth.

I had the exact same experience. I did just 35mg, I only remember feeling of sucking out of this existence and squeezing back to my body again. Absolutely nothing in between. I had blackout for ~10 minutes. After coming back the visuals continued for nearly 20 minutes, that was the longest trip I've ever had.

I think it takes several breakthroughs for inexperienced consciousness to learn how to properly operate and remember things in hyperspace.

P.S. first thing I did even before ordering mhrb was buying the mg scale :D Lots of product gets wasted without proper scaling. Good you already bought one.
melotikaci said:
InAwe said:
I was totally GONE for what I guess was 3-5 minutes. When I started to come back, I began to realize that I was myself, and I lived on earth.

I had the exact same experience. I did just 35mg, I only remember feeling of sucking out of this existence and squeezing back to my body again. Absolutely nothing in between. I had blackout for ~10 minutes. After coming back the visuals continued for nearly 20 minutes, that was the longest trip I've ever had.

I think it takes several breakthroughs for inexperienced consciousness to learn how to properly operate and remember things in hyperspace.

P.S. first thing I did even before ordering mhrb was buying the mg scale :D Lots of product gets wasted without proper scaling. Good you already bought one.

I hope you're right. And I think you are right. Practicing the ability to focus and observe in that space must improve memory, to some degree. Maybe pattern recognition if nothing else.
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