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Boom 2014 - who is going?

Migrated topic.
Just merged the Boom threads...sorry for any resulting issues, posting dates made things messier than I had intended.
So! How do we look up each other when we are there? Suggestions? I will either be camping with the Nowhere barrio or with some swedish guys and gals.
I will be camping with Miksiton! I'll be leaving my cell number at the notice board, so that anyone who wishes to hook up can text me and we can meet up.
endlessness and I will likely be in an (the?) artist camp. I'll talk with him and try to work out where we are/how to get in touch.
Man im all bummed, I wish I could go, jus a lil broke for now. I plan to go to one in the future for sure though:sick: . A good idea to meet up would be to wear your screen name from nexus on a shirt, hat w/e. Im sure once somebody sees that they will instantly know you lol. Just a suggestion.

Have fun over there guys!:thumb_up:
(and have some for me too:d )
I will be arriving in the middle of the 4th (the first day of the festival) so finding a good camping spot might be tough. None of the people I am going with have been there before and we don't really have a plan for where to set up, all we want is shade really.

Any tips?

I'm going as well. Have booked the thing and am arriving early. Already on the 2nd in the nearest town. From what I have gathered the gates open officially on the 4th, but if you booked the Boom bus you can get in on the 3rd, but by a different gate.

So I was checking possibilites. No boom bus for me, too late for that... But I would like to arrive on the 3rd if possible by a little. If I need to wait till the 4th, I will try to be as early as possible. Seems to be a massive inflow of people, so that's going to be tricky. Anyway if anyone knows a way to circumvent this issue please let me know.

Btw they write that busses will go from the nearest town (Castelo Branco) to the gates on the 4th in sync with trains and busses but they don't specify times. Will send them a mail though to check out how early they will have busses going...
Expect a nightmare going in, lol. And going out :D

You´ll get there eventually, but gotta be patient

There is plenty of space inside though, I bet you can still find some decent camping, just maybe will have to walk a bit.

See you all there
To get to heaven go through hell first. I like patience, crowds are less of my favorites though. Some kind of ordeal before the heavenly meal...

Anyway, I have some friends at kosmicare, so I will probably pay a visit there. Hopefully still able to have a good conversation 😁 . Maybe see you there...
@ SnozzleBerry

Thank you so much for your inspiring panel at the liminal village!

You spoke directly from my heart. When you told about your story, how you first got in contact with DMT and what results you had after the long term - daily use... i totally saw myself and my story in yours! Impressive.

Thanks for your words on what anyone can get out of psychedelic experiences and what we can do to make our step through the door which has been opened.

Actually i wanted to come to you and talk to you after your presentation, but i was a little bit caught in my LSD-Trip, so i had to go and release my thoughts on what you have said.

Thank you, it was a very good feeling hearing you speak.
i hope you all had a marvellous time and i hope to get there in 2016.

Did anyone film Snozzleberry's talk, i would be very interested to see it.
Did anyone visit this talk:


It was in the Luminal Village on sunday. They made a live broadcast out of it and I am looking for the site where you can listen to it. This talk was very informative about what motivates the festival.

I also listened to Snozzle's talk but right now I am too tired to give some comment. So let's discuss that tomorrow :p ....
Just coming home after a 2000km trip from Portugal. Insanely impressive experience. I was tripping in a electronic art space, found total flow whyle playing poi, had a cacao ceremony and a snuff of unknown constitution and met a lot of great people.

I also was at your talk Snozz. It was a real pleasure hearing you and it was a pleasure listening to you in this special place. Thank you for your dedication and keep up your work. It is unbelievable valuable!

Is there a recprding of it? It would be really great if it was up somewhere for people to watch.
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