fractal enchantment said:
id check with a doctor no matter what you "feel"..dont expect them to be open to it though.
I agree with what soulfood said..I would be the most worrie about cannabis..I think cannabis fucks up your head when you use it frequently for extended periods..but thats just me.
Cannabis makes you burned out and tired all the time when used constantly..and peopel tend to become addicted slaves to the me that is a sure sign that some sort of change is happening on a biochemical level..I know people will disagree with me but I have seen it over and over again.
Forgive me, but your opinion about the use of cannabis is mistaken. There have no studies backing your claim of its addictive qualities, in fact just the opposite. Also the fact that your brain as well as everyone else's contain cannabinoid receptors tells me that our brain rather enjoys those chemicals just fine.
There are far more dangerous things like alcohol that would 'fuck up your head' and body for that matter.
Your words are just wrong. Burned out? Tired all the time? I was that off or on the stuff.
What people 'tend to become slaves' to pot? You sound like some government propaganda machine on the retard setting.
Back to the OP question. Seek a doctor that will will say something other than 'drugs are bad mkay?' If that is the line you get, its time to find a new doctor. Beyond increased heart rate and hypertennsion, I would say if neither of those are a factor, smoke it and break through.
You can in fact smoke it with some pot and I promise you will not become a slave because of the pot, but if anything to your own choice to continue to smoke. There is ZERO physical addiction to pot. There is zero physical addiction to spice.
You do the math.
Pot does not make lazy losers. Pot makes already lazy losers high lazy losers.
In the words of bill hicks, "I could do anything I normally did on pot but pot made me realize it wasnt worth the fucking effort."