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breaking through..? hmm...

Migrated topic.
I can smell the dmt in those pictures ! ... even in black and white pictures ! They remind me of the surprise one morning at swim's house, suddenly the evaporation tray looks like Christmas ! Awesome purity there - that's the spice swim shows me all the time ! So with similar purity of the dmt as shown in those photos, we can rule out the MHRB source as a big variable - no ?. Those other alkaloids were separated out by the naphtha if you get awesome crystal structure like that. Can you ever tell something about purity by its texture from freezer precipitated product ? I guess it's assumed to be good with naphtha, but other solvents too..?. I forget if I've asked already but mr 'Dabear, you have tried the yellow, oily spice too...?
[quote:fc51559e7b="ness"][quote:fc51559e7b="cilosyb"]Also, maybe you're just not using enough. The first night I xtrktd spice, I was trying to smoke it off foil (I know, I know :roll:) and couldn't achieve much beyond threshold effects. I tried the oregano sammich once that night and nada either. The next day I dumped a HEAP of spice into the oregano pipe and was blasted to kingdom come. Since then I always use the same amount when loading the pipe- [b:fc51559e7b][u:fc51559e7b]A SHITLOAD[/b:fc51559e7b][/u:fc51559e7b] And it works damn well![/quote:fc51559e7b] It would probably be helpful if someone would upload a pic of what is an appropriate dose (~60mg) and take a macro shot of it compared to a dime or something. A lot of people likely don't have the ability to weigh out tiny milligram measurements and might be underestimating the dosage.[/quote:fc51559e7b] I will find one soon...But freeze precip'd and recrystallized i think will give you a very different weight-look ratio. Freeze precip'd I think is much more light and fluffy, giving the appearance of more, when there isn't much there at all.
wow swim really has been under dosing, but his freeze precip spice looks more like a yellow powder, than crystals. will have to try it again and see where he goes.
[quote:9675623b11="Seven"]wow swim really has been under dosing, but his freeze precip spice looks more like a yellow powder, than crystals. will have to try it again and see where he goes.[/quote:9675623b11]that's freeze precipitated. uncleaned and not recrystallized. Freeze'd out spice DOES look kind of powdery. It's very airy consistency. If you melt that down in the pic, it will probably equal about a drop of liquid, lol
[quote:adb529aa3a="DZ-015"]You got some hair in your spice. Hope it's not cat hair, that stuff tastes nasty, even worse than people hair.[/quote:adb529aa3a] Yea, just a piece of fuzz floating around landed in there when it was set out drying i bet.
[quote:226a986397="XENONSION"][quote:226a986397="ness"][quote:226a986397="cilosyb"]Also, maybe you're just not using enough. The first night I xtrktd spice, I was trying to smoke it off foil (I know, I know :roll:) and couldn't achieve much beyond threshold effects. I tried the oregano sammich once that night and nada either. The next day I dumped a HEAP of spice into the oregano pipe and was blasted to kingdom come. Since then I always use the same amount when loading the pipe- [b:226a986397][u:226a986397]A SHITLOAD[/b:226a986397][/u:226a986397] And it works damn well![/quote:226a986397] It would probably be helpful if someone would upload a pic of what is an appropriate dose (~60mg) and take a macro shot of it compared to a dime or something. A lot of people likely don't have the ability to weigh out tiny milligram measurements and might be underestimating the dosage.[/quote:226a986397] I will find one soon...But freeze precip'd and recrystallized i think will give you a very different weight-look ratio. Freeze precip'd I think is much more light and fluffy, giving the appearance of more, when there isn't much there at all.[/quote:226a986397] Wow, nice work. Swim's out there may find this quite useful for a reference. Certain individuals I know prefer it in this slightly impure state, easier to work with and flame up and still super potent - great effects.
[quote:e73795ec9b="Seven"]wow swim really has been under dosing, but his freeze precip spice looks more like a yellow powder, than crystals. will have to try it again and see where he goes.[/quote:e73795ec9b] I'd imagine many a SWIM are having that problem. A guy I know is familiar with the powdery type as well, and suggests that the amount compared to those pics would be quite a bit less with the denser powder form. Maybe another volunteer can find a powdery pic to upload also.
If you clean and recrystallize the stuff...the same size dose would be much denser and heavier, and would not look like as much as in those pics.
... Elfen num-num ! What a honkin' hit ! .. There's more than one lungfull in there ! I like the mixed colours too. With all that yellow I bet it'll flare up and be amazingly potent, yellow-jungle-spice ! Did swyk smoke it ...?!
i havent smoked any since that night last week when i turned it to rock.. had a nice chunk packed in my bowl yesterday and knocked it off my damn dresser, lost it lol.. those pics of the spice on the dime, ive been smoking way more than that... and my product looks pretty much the same as that, just a bit yellower.. maybe its just shitty dmt i have?
i have only smoked the spice a few times but i find what coshi says works best. you really wanna rely on your first hit for getting you blasted off. i noticed a huge difference when i took the biggest hit i could possibly handle on my first toke. i basically had no thoughts and just sat there drooling staring into nothingness. i didnt close my eyes unfortunately and dont remember seeing anything :? but i certianly lost all of my ego which was an experience in itself.
"But what is a breakthrough..? some how it seems so hard to predict or 'call' or define. Everyone is so different, and will call it something else - what is wordified into language and the 'cartoons' in our heads is NOT it either ! That's just the languaged-thing we do so well with reality. Words barley point at an ineffable experience, or throw mud on it, to 'reveal' it's form. They barely laminate bits of it ... we can remember... " Reporters were not sure of this until they had a breakthrough last night (they assume every time they have one they remember for a period of time then forget). Breakthroughs are beyond the veil. You go past the domes, and the beautiful amazing "machine" transforming universe. It was REALER than REALITY to them. Not dim...not bright....fucking luminescent-blind-you-real. :D At the tail end of the trip "it" was talking about how they were human, and now you know what you need to know so the tunnel ends here...and their eyes opened...only they didn't even remember they had eyes or was "them" until they opened because the experience came to it's complete end. Hrm...maybe they will come to better conclusions later. This was using yellow extract because it was hanging around their caves, and they also are VERY bad about burning white spice (and even yellow). Something about the anticipation of the upcoming event makes the reporters nervous and sloppy most times with their smoking. They are going back to training to relearn ;)
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