My friend found that only familiarity with the spice allowed breakthroughs to become surer and more dependable. He started out with tentative first hits and over time, he gradually upped the dosage. By developing a sence of trust and confidence with the molecule he felt able to push the limits and find out what might happen next. With the first few occaisions this guy would at some time during the imbibing part have his body and mind tell him not to take any more. Any more might be somehow damaging. He new he had to push that limit, trust the molecule and ignore what every sence in his body was screaming at him. This is a little like a blindfolded man stepping towards a precipace. Only growing confidence and assurity with the molecule would allow him to abandon his ego and accept that his fate is of no consequence. He learned to be brave and then he found out what a breakthrough was all about. Breakthroughs are now pretty much dependant on wether he wants the full on experiance or not. There is now no pussy footting around, tip toeing down that tunnel. He goes running through barging head first shoutting "COME ON YOU FUCKERS GIVE ME ALL YOUV'E GOT!" He never considers wether he should have one, two, three or more tokes, he dosn't consider it remotely interesting to know. He just hits the pipe untill he's got insencible to himself and the world around him. Once there, in that other world, things are very peculiar. He has totally lost contact with the real world and his physical body. The question could you have a choice about wether to look at closed eye visuals or open eye visuals is immaterial. There is not even a recolection of the memory that he might, once upon a time, have had eye lids. Despite a total divorce from the physical world, there is no loss of the ability to cognisize. You become a conscious entity within the new dimension. Your mind, still remains your mind and works in much same way as it would do when not in hyperspace. The astonishment and wonderment of the things shown may allow you to totally forget the fact that you just smoked DMT. More often than not however, as you experiance hyperspace you will know in the back of your mind, that you are in the DMT relm. I believe, from listening to my friends reports, that the most important single factor that can inhibit a breakthrough experiance, is anxiety. The fear and trepidation of facing the unknown will not allow you to go forward. As confidence in the fact that this molecule dosn't hurt you and you always find your way back intact, grows, anxiety wanes.