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Broken Glass in Final Product

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello travelers, I hope all is well with you and those for which you care.

I write today, in hopes that those with, or without experience may weigh in on this.

An evaporation disk shattered today, in a most unfortunate mishappening.

This evaporation disk had an amount of product on it that one would not want to lose.

Have any of you performed re-x in a way that could sufficiently remove glass powder? One would imagine the glass shards would be an easy task to separate - My concern would be glass dust that may be much harder to separate.

There were many large plates of fragmented glass upon which planes of healthy crystals were easily scraped. However, there is indubitable contamination with glass and dust.

Should I accept this loss?

Or is it safe to re-x and pull with a certain method?

I'm tending towards the former, but would be delighted to confirm the latter is feasible.

I appreciate any and all input.
endlessness said:
Simply redissolve your product in any appropriate solvent, filter it (for example through funnel and coffee filter) and re-evap.Any glass should stay on the filter while the alkaloids will pass through with the solvent :)

You're wisdom is infinitely valuable. Do not forget that you have provided goodwill in this world that is beyond measure. Of course, don't let it go to your head 😉

I felt this would work well enough. There is something about glass, like the shape of a snake or the bright colors of a dangerous animal, that causes an almost irrational caution to erupt in the mind like a blinding fog.
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