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Bufotenine... Success..... Maybe?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM may have just had some success with a bufotenine extraction...

He was trying one of the other TEKS which again after toasting the extract turned to a black oily mess that he couldn't seem to then pull anything good from.

After that attempt failed he still had left over 50ml of 99% IPA that had been pulled from the based seeds... So he then went to step 4 below...

1. Grind seeds
2. Base with Sodium Carbonate...
3. Pull with IPA.
4. Get another equal amount of IPA and saturate with furmic acid.
5. Add Furmic Acid IPA to the pulled seeds IPA.
6. lots of precipitation.
7. pour off reaming IPA.
8. Base precipitation again with Sodium Carbonate.
9. pull with Acetone.
10. evap onto plate to get a nice light tan coloured crunchy powder..

This is the first time SWIM has gotten anything near to a nice solid crunchy powder....

Basically it's FASA but use IPA instead of Acetone.... As reports seem to indicate that IPA pulls a lot less of the nastiest that Acetone..

SWIM now has 100mg of this TAN powder which he hopes to Bio-essay later tonight...

Fingers crossed.....
Will do... He just has to go out and take care of a few things first...

AS SWIM never toasted the seeds at any point he's guessing theres a slight chance this could be 5-meo-dmt if it is active at all.

SWIM might first take half of this extract and place in his volcano on MAX (260'c) and leave it in there for a few mins to hopefully vaporise off some of the lower temp actives, just to be sure.... & will then attempt to smoke between 5 - 15 mg & see how it goes...

Results later tonight....
soulfood said:
Couldn't you just wash it thoroughly with naphtha?

Thats probably a better idea... but SWIM only has a small amount & no naphtha to hand at the moment....

He's also just started another 50g extraction, so will def pick up some napatha tomorrow & once he's got a larger amount to work with will try a napatha wash and see if that pulls anything else off.

SWIM told me the following just happened...

First, SWIM can be a bit of a clumsy tit at times as he knocked over the 100mg of the ???? and only managed to recover about 15mg.....

This was about 1 hour ago.... smoked on top of a bowl of weed 5mg at a time...


... Pins and needles thought-out whole body and especially in the head... very nice feeling... & feels like his head is expanding...

... Slight CEV...

... When opening eyes occasionally there's a very slight pause in being able to see... a bit weird...

... defiantly some euphoria, he still has a big grin on his face.. but that could be from just NOT throwing up.... usually happens with 5-ho-dmt experiments...

... Some OEV but very minor & they seem to disappear the second he notices them...

... Enhanced colours, very vibrant...

... NO NAUSEA!!!!! this is a first for SWIM he's thrown up many a time trying to work this out...

This is looking very promising....

Another batch of 50g seeds & 30gram Sodium-Carbonate paste is now drying...

More experiments to come tomorrow....

A few quick pics of SWIMS second attempt...

1. 50g Cebil grinded up.
2. 25-30g of Sodium Carbonate & a little water added to make a paste.
3. Let dry over night.
4. Grind up again...
5. 3x 100ml of IPA added into a jar and shaken violently...
6. 300ml of IPA filtered 4 or 5 times.
7. 300ml of IPA split into 2.

8. 150ml of clean IPA & add about 1g of Furmic acid. a lot more than needed!
9. 150ml of IPA+Furmic added to 150ml of the IPA seed extract.
10. Loads of precipitation.
11. Pour off IPA carefully and the precipiation placed into glass baking try, placed on radiator to evoporate off the last little bit of IPA.

** Above 4 steps repeated with the other 150ml of IPA pulled from basified seeds...

SWIM is now guessing he has about 1g of a slightly off white/grey powder on the baking try...

Here are some pics under the microscope x400...

Later tonight SWIM will freebase and then pull again....

More results to follow.......

QUICK update: he maybe thinks this could just be Fumaric acid :cry: :oops: :cry: just simply by the look of it...

He's told me he'll check tomorrow..... He really hopes not...:roll:


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SWIM's a big advocate of IPA for extracting bufo. He normally just does a crude basified IPA extract (which he sometimes blend with an equal amount of DMT and harmaloids, depending on mood), and he's never had undue nausea issues (He ALWAYS gets nauseous at first with bufo, even the one time he had beautiful off-white crystals, but it fades in minutes)
Observant said:
Why should it be Fumaric Acid thats dropping out of the IPA ?

As it turned out it wasn't the fumaric acid and it did turn out to be the goodies... but was only about 400mg after it was scrapped up...

He then freebased it BUT got impatient waiting for it to dry & placed it in the oven & forgot about it, which pretty much destroyed most of it....

* he's noted from all his failed attempts that too much heat during the freebase drying stage seems to wreck it... def, let dry first before excessive heating....

At this point SWIM was a little upset....

He's paid his dues to the Buffo Gods so so so many times....

He's prayed at the white alter many a times after BAD failed attempts...

He's sarcified the contents of his stomach.... Solvents... Seeds... & more spare time than he cares to admit too....


He's come so close...

But now he wants the goods...!

So he decided that this weekend, that it's payback...

He's gonna create a TEK that works....

And then it happened.... :)

COMING very soon... To the greatest DMT & entheogen website in the known universe...

LucidLemonade Proudly presents... The....

Small scale... 10g Seeds to 100mg(ish) 5-HO-DMT TEK.....

It's only really a copy of other TEKS.... BUT it's the use of a few different bits of equipment makes the whole process easy, quick and painless & very efficient.....

Pics & TEK to follow later today..... Needs to first borrow a digital Camera to take a few pics to help explain it all.....

Sorry to be a tease................. ;)

But I think it will be worth the wait....

Oooops... forgot to attach a quick pic of the goodies....!


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SWIM has now scraped up a second batch that was drying from a glass baking tray... this is from first pull only, it looks so beautiful..... he believes theres still at least another 30mg in the second 25ml pull of Acetone....

Sorry, above should read... 5g seeds to 100mg 5-HO-DMT & only 100ml MAX of Acetone in about 1-2 hours......



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SWIM is following this thread closely... good luck LucidLemonade... he is ready for another round of experimentation now he has more seeds, ISO, acetone, naptha and even some MEK to experiment with... wish I could find some heptane, I will maybe try some MEK:naptha ratios also.
"5g seeds to 100mg 5-HO-DMT & only 100ml MAX of Acetone in about 1-2 hours......"

Yeah that sounds about right..from 6 grams of my seeds extracted with iso I get 10-12 very strong visionary doses..I think 8-10 mg is a good dose that should blow you away into deep visions every time.
The Ipa / FASI approach seems to be giving me great results .

It also gave me some off white precipitation from freebased mesc acetate resins .
Hopefully Mescaline Fumarate
Observant said:
The Ipa / FASI approach seems to be giving me great results .

It also gave me some off white precipitation from freebased mesc acetate resins .
Hopefully Mescaline Fumarate

Observant, can you go into more detail about this in one of the mescaline threads? I would love to hear more about it.

SWIM tried making mescaline fumarate precipitate from d-limonene. He saturated acetone with fumaric acid, added it to the d-limoenne with the freebase mescaline in it, and all that happened was fumaric acid precipitated out. No mescaline ever did. It was disappointing.
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