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Bufotenine... Success..... Maybe?

Migrated topic.
OK, SWIM did the volcano thing, and pulled with iso, not tested yet, but very surprised to find his lightest, driest extract yet, still amber, but not sticky and not brown and quite a bit of it too.... will see, but yeah, really surprised because the same seeds toasted in the oven and pulled with iso was a very different story, oily black mess.
SWIM has also attempted his first MEK:naptha clean of the black sticky crap, attempted a 40:50 ratio, the results are ok, basically it's left black stuff behind but the mix is dark brown still, will try less naptha next time, but will see what evaporates out of this..
lbeing789 said:
OK, SWIM did the volcano thing, and pulled with iso, not tested yet, but very surprised to find his lightest, driest extract yet, still amber, but not sticky and not brown and quite a bit of it too.... will see, but yeah, really surprised because the same seeds toasted in the oven and pulled with iso was a very different story, oily black mess.

Keep us updated as to how it turns out....

SWIM is hoping himself to do a little more experimentation when he arrives back home sometime this weeked...
i noticed that the amount of time the seeds are wet with a base for is very important - at 1 hr pulls yeilded inactive yellow oil - after 1 day a dry tan precip formed on evap.

i think this could be causing a lot of problems for ppl.
soulfood said:
Try 30:70

The ratio with MEK:heptane was 40:60 and heptane's more the other way than naphtha so you need more naphtha to offset the balance of polarity.

Thanks soulfood, that will be my next ratio... hopefully will try it later tonight.
A quick improvement to the filtering tech....

SWIM has noticed that occasionally the liquid will find a way to make it down the side of the tube & not get that well filtered by the cotton wool...

But if one is placed directly inside another then any that does make it down the side of one tube then goes directly into the centre of the wool in the other... I'm sure two is all you really need.... SWIM is just showing off with 3.... :roll:

3 lots of filtering in one easy quick squeeze.... :p


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lbeing789 said:
soulfood said:
Try 30:70

The ratio with MEK:heptane was 40:60 and heptane's more the other way than naphtha so you need more naphtha to offset the balance of polarity.

Thanks soulfood, that will be my next ratio... hopefully will try it later tonight.

Yeah, 3:7 is better then 4:5, 1:6 worked for SWIM. SWIY could try 3:7, then 2:7 then 1:7.
puzzled again now, tried a variation on the first try from this batch, the one that got the amber paste, this time toasted the same seeds in volcano for just a little longer and used a pestle and mortar to grind the seeds into a fine orange powder before basifying, pulled again with ISO, but this time got a familiar dark brown oily mess. So it would suggest either the extra toasting was bad, or the extra grinding was bad or some combo of both caused it to go black oil... I guess also there would be variation on base drying times, plus I think there is some benefit to just toasting the seeds in shells. Next will try a standard extract with no toasting and a MEK:naptha 3:7.
lbeing789 said:
puzzled again now, tried a variation on the first try from this batch, the one that got the amber paste, this time toasted the same seeds in volcano for just a little longer and used a pestle and mortar to grind the seeds into a fine orange powder before basifying, pulled again with ISO, but this time got a familiar dark brown oily mess. So it would suggest either the extra toasting was bad, or the extra grinding was bad or some combo of both caused it to go black oil... I guess also there would be variation on base drying times, plus I think there is some benefit to just toasting the seeds in shells. Next will try a standard extract with no toasting and a MEK:naptha 3:7.

Join SWIMS club... his second attempt with the new Tech also failed, no oily mess but nothing good was pulled...

SWIMs quite sure it either works or fails at the basifiyin stage... As he know the seeds were good & they were toasted the same, but the basifiyin was the only place were there would have been differences...

the variables are..

amount of water..
amount of base...
amount of time left wet..
& how quickly it was dried..

& probably a few more....

Can anyone confirm what the above specifics should be & what are the most important aspects of making the reaction work...

SWIM now has no more seeds left to try & is currently awaiting them from a reliable vendor..
LucidLemonade said:

the variables are..

amount of water..
amount of base...
amount of time left wet..
& how quickly it was dried..

& probably a few more....

Can anyone confirm what the above specifics should be & what are the most important aspects of making the reaction work...

SWIM now has no more seeds left to try & is currently awaiting them from a reliable vendor..

If you dry completely before pulling and use sodium carbonate as your basing agent everything should be fine. However, I definately think something goes to shit in the drying/heating phase.

My experience proves this to be true. With tried and tested seeds.
im surprised that so many people are having problems...so whats wrong with this brown oily mess? most likely thats the impure bufo...just evaporate your bufo laden IPA onto some herbs...trying to collect that stuff as is...doesnt sound like the right way...
i cleaned up the goo from the extraction by converting to fumarate - washing then back to freebase again, now i got a nice dry tan powder.
OK, so I'm pretty happy now because I think I've finally witnessed pure white fb bufo for the first time and it's been an interesting journey getting there... I have not tested it yet, but I'll tell you how SWIM got it and some observations made...

First I had 60g+ seeds from brazil/maya, SWIM toasted these seeds using his volcano on max, I think this stage could be just done in the oven, I don't think the volcano really adds anything, but I will let you know next time when I just do it in the oven... the main thing I noticed with the toasting is that it really helps with the grinding of the seeds, I've always done this with a coffee grinder, but with the toasted seeds I found I could easily grind them into a fine orange power using a pestle and mortar, I had trouble doing this with untoasted seeds. I did a side by side test with finely ground and less finely ground and amazingly, the fine ground power pulled over 10X more alkaloids. I really think this is a key mistake, the seeds really need to be dust.

SWIM freebased the ground seeds thoroughly with a bit of water, and I let it dry over 3 days, SWIM reground the powder after freebasing because I found it was holding a lot of water in clumps, by the end I was pulling from a dry finely ground greyish powder. From here did 3 acetone pulls, then FASA'd, the FASA'd acetone dropped most of it's contents in the first 2 hrs, but would continue to drop over 3 days... to yield 2.1gr of orange fumarate powder..... SWIM then fbased using s.carbonate, pulled from that using ISO, evapped into the usual brown goo, though this time it had a frosty, jungle fumarate quality....

From here SWIM began some MEK:naptha experiments and found that it was possible to just cover the goo in naptha then add MEK by 1ml increments I began with 20ml naptha, 4ml MEK and SWIM used a spoon to manipulate the goo, once it felt like it was breaking down the solvent takes on a slight yellow tint... then cotten filtered twice to get rid of yellow oils, then screwed me first time, the filtering is important because the yellow crap is hard to notice... evapped to leave a thin layer of white frosting on the dish, scrapped up into an off white dryish powder... looked very much like stb dmt....

I have one problem which puzzles me and it's that the white powder when scrapped up seemed to melt softly just like the black goo does, perhaps this is a slight residual.
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