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Burying DMT Stash Underground?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Being so paranoid, does burying one's DMT stash underground seem reliable?

Granted, it's kept in an airtight, amber vial inside of a vacuum-sealed bag about 1 foot beneath the surface of their backyard?

My main concern would be heat during the summer...

I think ground had a very modest temperature fluctuation.
But should work I guess. Don't forget where 😁


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Jees said:
I think ground had a very modest temperature fluctuation.
But should work I guess. Don't forget where 😁

Well dmt should be save. Even in the worst climates the ground keeps cool.

Just make sure that theres no way the bag can break (Take out sticks and stones out of the soil sourrounding it) And make sure there is no overpressure in the bottle or it might break.
Burying anything underground is a terrible storage idea. :?

No matter how well you think you have sealed the container, odds are eventually it will leak. The Beatles famously tried this with LSD and not only did they forget where they buried it, but when it was finally found decades later, the vessel had broken, ruining it's contents. DMT is a powder that can take just about any shape you want.

Get creative. :thumb_up:
In the past I have stashed mine inside various large pieces of electronic equipment, requiring screwdrivers to access. I also thought about stashing it in plain sight inside a storebought container meant for "rock salt" (fumarates could be mistaken for that).
I simply desolve mine and store [as a liquid tincture] in grain alcohol.. in a small dropper bottle that is labled ..[ wart remover]..or ...[toe nail fungus drops].. or many other choices ...

Also... [god forbid].. if i need to make it disapear fast!... it only takes a few seconds at a nearby sink to dump or add water and rinse!

Think ahead!:thumb_up:
godisenergy said:
Being so paranoid, does burying one's DMT stash underground seem reliable?

Granted, it's kept in an airtight, amber vial inside of a vacuum-sealed bag about 1 foot beneath the surface of their backyard?

My main concern would be heat during the summer...

burying stuff underground is just too much work. You have to go out and dig it up, rebury it, dig it up, rebury it. That in itself just putting yourself at too much risk from nosy neighbors, and that would be MY main concern. What else do you think Gertrude and Mary Lou talk about on the phone for three hours a day? Their cats just aren't that interesting.

But as too the heat. The only ground that gets HOT is bare uncovered dirt. Grass covered soil, or even mulched over dirt will stay cool and moist even in the hottest of sunny days. My garden beds always have 3-4 inches of mulch and at the mulch/soil interface, the soil is quite cool to the touch compared to the wood frame of the bed, or even the top of the mulch.

Put it in a vile in a spot that no one should be looking or rutting through. There's also something to be said for plausible deniability as well as security. Explaining a glass vial in the bottom of a junk box under the kitchen sink is a lot easier than explaining a vial in a lock box that is only opened with a key on your keychain found two feet inside of an air vent under your bedroom floor.
I buried my stash of DMT-fumarates in a jar inside another jar with some silica gel type thing (calcium carbonate maybe?) and wraped it in foil, plastic wrap and foil again. The times I took it out water had condensed beyond the foil and cling wrap but never inside the jar.

If you get raided, sniffer dogs are gonna sniff everywhere... but perhaps not 1-2 foot underground in glass.
Are LE dogs trained to alert for DMT? As for a dogs ability to actually detect buried DMT, I'm not sure, but a nug of pungent marijuana would probably be detectable to a dog even when sealed and buried underground.

If you're going to do this, get a piece of ABS plastic drain pipe, whatever diameter that suits your needs. You'll need a solid end cap, a threaded-opening end cap, ABS plastic glue and teflon tape. After the ends are glued on, apply teflon tape to the threads to ensure no moisture will get in. Bury away from water, gas and electric lines, in a vertically-oriented position. Make sure not to put anything metal inside.
Once years and years ago as a teen I had to stop smoking weed. Me and my friend gathered all our paraphernalia ( a bong 3 pipes a few packs of papers a small sack of weed and 20$) put it in a large piece of PVC pipe taped the SH it out of it and burried it in the country. 3 months later we were driving out in the country with some friends smoking (we never stopped lol) and they asked about the shovel we still had in the back. We told them we burried a treasure chest out need here. They called bs. So we went to get it. Got to the spot and a farmer had stacked a very large stack of hay on it..... We dug under the hay and retrieved it all was good. Smoked the herb and went and bought a sack. Fun day.
godisenergy said:
Being so paranoid, does burying one's DMT stash underground seem reliable?

Granted, it's kept in an airtight, amber vial inside of a vacuum-sealed bag about 1 foot beneath the surface of their backyard?

My main concern would be heat during the summer...

I once sealed a small stash in a thick mylar moisture barrier bag under a compost heap. I heat sealed the bag. Forgot it was there for 2 months and it was fine and dry as a bone inside. Ammo boxes can keep stuff dry too but they can be found with a metal detector. I like starway6's idea. Funny.
Burying is a pain though
I use a Shoreline Marine Dry Box to store my psychedelics in the freezer. It has 2 Lock holes for security and really keeps your DMT moisture free. If I was going to bury my stash underground I would use one. :d

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