This is getting confusing. I wish you guys would be a little more precise in describing what you are using lol
So if I order from vapor genie which one do I get? The ceramic for the classic or the ceramic for the glass vapor genie? One user said the classic has straight sides and doesn't fit, and the ceramic from the gvg is conical. I have the green label gvg btw.
I'm currently using a white (unsure of material) disc I found at a head shop. I tested it out this weekend and seems to work well. However it is VERY brittle and didn't fit properly. I had to shove it down into the gvg hard which cause some edges to crumble and it's in there there until I destroy it taking it out.
If there is a higher quality piece that fits in and is easily removable I would like to know which one to get. The smaller flavor disc or the vapor genie alternative?