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Caapi Changa Question

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So when making changa with caapi I can just use the caapi ayahuasca leaf correct.

Dissolve the spice and ground up caapi leaf in everclear, let evaporate and boom potent changa right?

My question has to do with different types of leaf.

I have a choice between "Cielo" Whole Leaves from Hawaii, or "Yellow" leaves straight from Peru.

I'm personally leaning towards Peru because it is around where they have been doing this shaman thing for a very long time, but does it really matter?

Will one be more potent than the other? Or is it just luck of the draw and completely random?

How potent of an MAOI is it when smoked? Say you make a 70% leaf and 30% spice mix or something like that, would you drastically need a smaller dose? I guess overall I am just trying to ask how much stronger will this changa experience be than a regular blastoff, and how much longer will it last?

Thanks again you great people!
Xenogears said:
So when making changa with caapi I can just use the caapi ayahuasca leaf correct.

Xenogears said:
Dissolve the spice and ground up caapi leaf in everclear, let evaporate and boom potent changa right?
not sure about the everclear, use acetone if you have any.
Xenogears said:
My question has to do with different types of leaf.

I have a choice between "Cielo" Whole Leaves from Hawaii, or "Yellow" leaves straight from Peru.

I'm personally leaning towards Peru because it is around where they have been doing this shaman thing for a very long time, but does it really matter?

Ive only used peru, if anyomne has any from hawaii, send em my way:)

Xenogears said:
Will one be more potent than the other? Or is it just luck of the draw and completely random?

How potent of an MAOI is it when smoked? Say you make a 70% leaf and 30% spice mix or something like that, would you drastically need a smaller dose? I guess overall I am just trying to ask how much stronger will this changa experience be than a regular blastoff, and how much longer will it last?
It doesnt make it much stronger as per say, but adds a certain quality to the journey, more gentle, my journey lasts anything from 6-12 minutes.
gammagore said:
Xenogears said:
Dissolve the spice and ground up caapi leaf in everclear, let evaporate and boom potent changa right?
not sure about the everclear, use acetone if you have any.

Everclear can be used. That small percentage of water will take a little bit longer to evaporate at the end than the alcohol did, but that's not that much so it's a not a big deal.
Dimitrius said:
gammagore said:
Xenogears said:
Dissolve the spice and ground up caapi leaf in everclear, let evaporate and boom potent changa right?
not sure about the everclear, use acetone if you have any.

Everclear can be used. That small percentage of water will take a little bit longer to evaporate at the end than the alcohol did, but that's not that much so it's a not a big deal.

Thanks Dimitrius:)
Xenogears said:
How potent of an MAOI is it when smoked? Say you make a 70% leaf and 30% spice mix or something like that, would you drastically need a smaller dose? I guess overall I am just trying to ask how much stronger will this changa experience be than a regular blastoff, and how much longer will it last?

Thanks again you great people!

1:1 spice with leaf.

So, 1g spice dissolved into 1g leaf. When it comes to measuring, double your regular spice dose. I find Caapi leaf changa needs a higher dose, so whack at least 100mg, you need to be sure that you punch through.
Xenogears said:
I guess overall I am just trying to ask how much stronger will this changa experience be than a regular blastoff, and how much longer will it last?

I wouldn't describe it as 'stronger' ... but certainly it extends the journey significantly, and in my experience takes the traveller into an additional space that you don't really see with straight spice. I find this vineworld to be truly amazing, and seems to be easier to remember and bring back knowledge.

I also am partial to a bowl or two of 'unspiced' caapi leaf before hand really extends the journey ... I'm talking 20 to 40 minutes end to end.
gammagore said:
Xenogears said:
So when making changa with caapi I can just use the caapi ayahuasca leaf correct.

Xenogears said:
Dissolve the spice and ground up caapi leaf in everclear, let evaporate and boom potent changa right?
not sure about the everclear, use acetone if you have any.
Xenogears said:
My question has to do with different types of leaf.

I have a choice between "Cielo" Whole Leaves from Hawaii, or "Yellow" leaves straight from Peru.

I'm personally leaning towards Peru because it is around where they have been doing this shaman thing for a very long time, but does it really matter?

Ive only used peru, if anyomne has any from hawaii, send em my way:)

Xenogears said:
Will one be more potent than the other? Or is it just luck of the draw and completely random?

How potent of an MAOI is it when smoked? Say you make a 70% leaf and 30% spice mix or something like that, would you drastically need a smaller dose? I guess overall I am just trying to ask how much stronger will this changa experience be than a regular blastoff, and how much longer will it last?
It doesnt make it much stronger as per say, but adds a certain quality to the journey, more gentle, my journey lasts anything from 6-12 minutes.

they have those hawaiian ones at maya! :D
Just back, he finds less radical. But still get nausea from this and mint slightly.

Make sure u let the changa full dry out (evap off)

My friend just took delivery of some caapi leaves to make a different changa batch. Do folk recommend a caapi leaf only mix? how does this smoke etc? Would adding some calea / lotus be of any detriment to the MAOI effects?
I find the caapi leaf is a very smooth smoke, easy to smoke. ive never tried it with calea/lotus but i do mix chali with it.

try it on its own first, then add mix if you want. I doupt that a 30%mix of calea/lotus will make too much difference.
Lotus and calea together (50:50) is a magical combination ... I think one of them is a MAOI but couldn't say for sure.
88 said:
Lotus and calea together (50:50) is a magical combination ... I think one of them is a MAOI but couldn't say for sure.

Agreed, it is magical! I don't think either is an MAOI, that is why I wanted to put the caapi leaf in there as well. Will probably make 1 batch with just caapi, and 1 with some calea / lotus mix as well.
I would like to chime in at this point and describe the method I used for some super potent caapi changa.

The first stage involved soaking 100g of shredded caapi vine in acetone. I left this in a sealed jar for a week, giving it a shake every now and then.
After the week was up, i evaped the saturated acetone onto 10g or caapi leaves, so i have fortified leaves if you will.
5g of the fortified leaf was taken and I added 1.5g of spice with acetone so the spice infused the fortified leaf.

Once it was all dry, I decided to take it for a test drive. Well....i say test drive, but all i really wanted was to drive it round the carpark a little, just to get a feel if you catch my drift.
With that said, I took a tiny pinch of the leaf (didnt weigh it, but it could not have weighed more than 20-30mg, loaded it in the bong and took my first and only hit.

Christ on a bike. Like i said, i only wanted to roll round the car park, but after my first inhalation i had wheelspun out of the car park and was speeding down the motorway with total disregard for the spped limit. I could not believe how instantly I felt it. INSTANT body load and room flying at me from every direction. I was NOT ready for such intensity. I dread to think where it would of taken me if I had cleared the bong let alone taken another hit or two.

With such small quanitites, there is plently left for many a deep deep journey. So yeah, if you want changa on steroids, i defo recommend fortifying your leaf with caapi infused acetone first.

I did feel a little dissapointed though. The reason I had done this was because I have had some absolutely blissful experiences where I have drunk caapi tea and then smoked some changa. Im talkin unfathomable bliss. Divine love envoloped my whole body. My intention with this fortified caapi leaf was to replicate that bliss in a smokable form, but to be honest, the levels of bliss were not like the times i have drunk first and then smoked later. Perhaps the pharmacokinetics required for such an event mean that you need to be loaded with caapi prior to spice ingestion??!!
^^ hehe, good report and sounds interesting, but maybe not quite what I had in mind! A coupl of people have also recommended the caapi tea and then smoking method to me, and it sounds good. What was your dose & method?
soulman said:
I did feel a little dissapointed though. The reason I had done this was because I have had some absolutely blissful experiences where I have drunk caapi tea and then smoked some changa. Im talkin unfathomable bliss. Divine love envoloped my whole body. My intention with this fortified caapi leaf was to replicate that bliss in a smokable form, but to be honest, the levels of bliss were not like the times i have drunk first and then smoked later. Perhaps the pharmacokinetics required for such an event mean that you need to be loaded with caapi prior to spice ingestion??!!

I'm really feeling this.

The best thing about drinking caapi and then smoking is you can start smoking when the caapi is just kicking in from the brew and then you peak on the DMT. Then the caapi keeps building and it lifts the levels of euphoria through the roof and it seems to just keep climbing for a while.

I can't think how it would be possible to emulate this effect with smoked leaf, but I'm not too bothered because I think an experience like the caapi brew with vaped DMT IS worth the effort of brewing for a day and if I could get that effect off of just smoking some conveniently prepared leaf, I'd probably end up doing it way, way too much. In terms of euphoria it leaves every other substance/combo I've ever tried way back in the distance.
It wouldn't be very strong is what I think, but thats not talking from personal experience. I've heard some far and wide claims about the content of the leaves, but never actually had a look myself.
Thank you soulfood - I've been thinking about caapi tea as a precursor (and an engagement with Madre Aya in it'sown rigth) but all reports talked about vine. Ah well ... the leaves are wonderful for smoking though. I will splash out and acquire with humble gratitude some vine, and do it properly.

Generally, I find 'doing it properly' is really, really important...
88 said:
Generally, I find 'doing it properly' is really, really important...

There's something really satisfying about gently stirring a pot of caapi for the best part of a day with some gentle steam and some nice music. I'm a lot more reluctant to share my caapi than I am to share my spice though, that's for sure :)
and another quick question to add to 88's - is a caapi brew + vaped spice for experienced folk only? I don't plan on doing it any time soon, but don't want to jump into anything too soon either.
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