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Caapi Changa Question

Migrated topic.
1664 said:
^^ hehe, good report and sounds interesting, but maybe not quite what I had in mind! A coupl of people have also recommended the caapi tea and then smoking method to me, and it sounds good. What was your dose & method?

Sorry man, was a while back so cant really remember!

I drunk the tea, left it 10minutes and then smoked a bowl or two. Thats the beauty of it, you can just smoke until your at the right level.
If the first hit is big though, im not gonna lie, that first immersion can get a little weird.....well what isnt weird with dmt right, but once that subsides, the most beautiful feeling you will ever experience will begin to creep into you every cell, you will become the room and all thats in it. Your boundries are dissolved and you cant tell where your body ends or begins. Its so beautiful
soulfood said:
soulman said:
I did feel a little dissapointed though. The reason I had done this was because I have had some absolutely blissful experiences where I have drunk caapi tea and then smoked some changa. Im talkin unfathomable bliss. Divine love envoloped my whole body. My intention with this fortified caapi leaf was to replicate that bliss in a smokable form, but to be honest, the levels of bliss were not like the times i have drunk first and then smoked later. Perhaps the pharmacokinetics required for such an event mean that you need to be loaded with caapi prior to spice ingestion??!!

I'm really feeling this.

The best thing about drinking caapi and then smoking is you can start smoking when the caapi is just kicking in from the brew and then you peak on the DMT. Then the caapi keeps building and it lifts the levels of euphoria through the roof and it seems to just keep climbing for a while.

I can't think how it would be possible to emulate this effect with smoked leaf, but I'm not too bothered because I think an experience like the caapi brew with vaped DMT IS worth the effort of brewing for a day and if I could get that effect off of just smoking some conveniently prepared leaf, I'd probably end up doing it way, way too much. In terms of euphoria it leaves every other substance/combo I've ever tried way back in the distance.

You might be able to do it if you if you just smoked the fortified caapi leaves on their own first and then smoked some spice/changa, but i am yet to try this.

TBH, those blissful experiences are what keep me coming back. The fireworks and lightspeed hyperspace rides tend to confuse and scare me and i dont really recall or bring anything that useful back, but like you said brotherman, that euphoria and bliss experienced from caapi and spice (staggered it seems) is by far the best feeling any substance has ever given me
1664 said:
and another quick question to add to 88's - is a caapi brew + vaped spice for experienced folk only? I don't plan on doing it any time soon, but don't want to jump into anything too soon either.

I don't think so. I know some people have a few unpleasant experiences with caapi but thats all physical stuff. I personally don't get any nasty side effects with the caapi I'm using. As for all round intensity... yes it can get pretty mad but as with changa I don't get that rushed anxiety I get with straight spice. Obviously a heavy caapi dose will be quite psychedelic by itself, but for this purpose you don't want to shoot that high.

I drink the brew then wait 30 minutes, then smoke 20mg's which is quite intense for me but very earthy and less weird than spice usually is. But its the long lasting tail where the glory is found. Through that I usually just load up 50mg's and smoke that slowly over the next couple of hours. Very nice :)
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