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caapi leaf tea... arm dancing perfection

Migrated topic.


I have gazed into the eyes of insanity and returne
I've been messing w DMT for some years now. I've long lost count of the number of trips from vaped dmt, changa, pharma, etc. Every now and then a trip really stands out as something different and special. Last night was one such trip.

I have been pretty depressed for a good while and decided to revisit using harmalas. I had some b caapi leaf so made tea yesterday mid day and again right before bed. Just a reasonable handful of leaf boiled for a bit. I was really amazed at how large of an effect the tea had on me. It was mood lifting but it was also a very pleasant head high just by itself. Kinda floaty feeling. Like my head was 2x the normal size and weighted 1/2 as much as normal.

When I went to bed I wanted to do my favorite thing.... listen to amazing music, smoke some weed and dmt. So I did.... I'm not sure how many others get the shivers once in a while on DMT/weed combo but I do regularly. The shakes feel like body temp plummets and uncontrolled fever shakes. I'm a bit used to it so it doesn't scare me but this time was very different. I simply could not stay still... but in a very controlled, very precise way. As I laid flat on my back my arms started dancing out in front of me. Impossibly precise to the music.... insanely fast vibrations like a twitch shiver but perfectly controlled to the tempo of the music. At first the movements were double or triple timed to the beat but would shift perfectly to 1:1 timing, back to double time, to half time, etc. It was beautiful! The visuals, were nothing short of bliss! It was almost like being a conductor but instead of just music the movements were creating a fractal artistic world.... hmmm not creating but part of... in perfect sync.

I feel like so many internal walls fell last night in regards to my body's ability to move to music. There was absolutely no self image / judgement in the movements and it was both effortless and perfect. I really hope this experience is repeatable!
I experience this regularly as well, and I would relate this to Kundalini. The changa seems to stimulate it for me, as well as other entheogens, and it can be used exactly like you said - to help release blocks. Do you notice it at any other times?

It can be harnessed and directed by power of intent and focus; subjectively, it has become a part of daily life and a familiarity while sober. Sometimes it feels like it has a mind of its own, and if I tune into the vibration that wants to come out it's almost like it just sort of takes over, moving intricately and precisely to the rhythm and beat of the moment. I've had many a strange shiver-jig at concerts, the snakes really seem to like good music!

Anyways, thanks for sharing :)
friken said:
I've been messing w DMT for some years now. I've long lost count of the number of trips from vaped dmt, changa, pharma, etc. Every now and then a trip really stands out as something different and special. Last night was one such trip.

I have been pretty depressed for a good while and decided to revisit using harmalas. I had some b caapi leaf so made tea yesterday mid day and again right before bed. Just a reasonable handful of leaf boiled for a bit. I was really amazed at how large of an effect the tea had on me. It was mood lifting but it was also a very pleasant head high just by itself. Kinda floaty feeling. Like my head was 2x the normal size and weighted 1/2 as much as normal.

When I went to bed I wanted to do my favorite thing.... listen to amazing music, smoke some weed and dmt. So I did.... I'm not sure how many others get the shivers once in a while on DMT/weed combo but I do regularly. The shakes feel like body temp plummets and uncontrolled fever shakes.

imo Mary Jane is a heavy drug vs dmt being very very light . Mary jane seems more current earthbound vs dmt going beyond that. to use music analogy, if Mary JAne is heavymetal mixed with bob marley, dMT seems like techno with Harps throw into it.

friken said:
I'm a bit used to it so it doesn't scare me but this time was very different. I simply could not stay still... but in a very controlled, very precise way. As I laid flat on my back my arms started dancing out in front of me. Impossibly precise to the music.... insanely fast vibrations like a twitch shiver but perfectly controlled to the tempo of the music. At first the movements were double or triple timed to the beat but would shift perfectly to 1:1 timing, back to double time, to half time, etc. It was beautiful! The visuals, were nothing short of bliss! It was almost like being a conductor but instead of just music the movements were creating a fractal artistic world.... hmmm not creating but part of... in perfect sync.

Nice to feel Serpent Power 8) . i guarantee ya when u were dancing it felt as if someone was inside of you making those movements.

friken said:
I feel like so many internal walls fell last night in regards to my body's ability to move to music. There was absolutely no self image / judgement in the movements and it was both effortless and perfect. I really hope this experience is repeatable!

Final Incarnate said:
imo Mary Jane is a heavy drug vs dmt being very very light . Mary jane seems more current earthbound vs dmt going beyond that. to use music analogy, if Mary JAne is heavymetal mixed with bob marley, dMT seems like techno with Harps throw into it.

Interesting that you say this about weed vs dmt. There was a time in my life that I would have fully agreed. Weed seems to be a good mirror of internal intensions and emotion. I would actually guess the negative slant on weed comes collectively from use w lower vibrational music/intensions. My view on it has shifted a good deal when I started using it as a tool to enhance meditation. In a deep meditative state, I found that weed helped both the mind to quiet and added some very interesting hyper-imagination visualization to the mix. Only recently did I think to try deep meditative stoning and add some DMT on top. The end result I have found to be mind blowing.

My normal memory retention of a vaped DMT trip is about 20-50% at best. Usually the experience is so fast and chaotic that so much of it is lost on the return. Interestingly, add meditative deep stoning before the DMT trip and my retention is 80-90% and the ease in from hyper-imagination into dmt hyperspace and back to hyper imagination is so seemless that I often will not really know when one started/stopped for hours at a time. The Caapi tea I've added the last few days has even made it more seemless w added desire to move my body during the experience.

Last night was awesome. My body was so in tune with the music the DMT ride was actually a tool to MY experience instead of me being along for the DMT ride. It was a first. My movements were creating worlds, emotions, paradoxes, possibilities. At one point I felt something like "impressive.... an ape child learned how to use dmt". My mind felt as if for the first time in a couple thousand dmt trips that I was in charge of the experience. Once that door opened, the next 3-4 DMT vapes of the night remained in my control. We will see if that was a one night thing or if I can remember how I did it for the next visits to hyperspace.
Final Incarnate said:
Nice to feel Serpent Power 8) . i guarantee ya when u were dancing it felt as if someone was inside of you making those movements.

This part is hard to respond to... part of me wants to say it absolutely felt like something/someone else moving me. Yet I KNOW it was me..... me that was deep down and locked away behind dozens of walls.

I am quite jealous of experiences from other dmt users who report encounters with other entities. While I have visuals of faces/beings/etc... even conversations with them I ALWAYS have a stronger feeling that I was seeing and communicating to parts of myself than with something outside of myself. I think my first ayahuasca trip broke my ability to perceive anything as external to myself. I struggle with this even in waking life. I can be having a conversation with a friend and feel like it is an illusionary conversation with another aspect of myself.
friken said:
Final Incarnate said:
Nice to feel Serpent Power 8) . i guarantee ya when u were dancing it felt as if someone was inside of you making those movements.

This part is hard to respond to... part of me wants to say it absolutely felt like something/someone else moving me. Yet I KNOW it was me..... me that was deep down and locked away behind dozens of walls.

I am quite jealous of experiences from other dmt users who report encounters with other entities. While I have visuals of faces/beings/etc... even conversations with them I ALWAYS have a stronger feeling that I was seeing and communicating to parts of myself than with something outside of myself. I think my first ayahuasca trip broke my ability to perceive anything as external to myself. I struggle with this even in waking life. I can be having a conversation with a friend and feel like it is an illusionary conversation with another aspect of myself.

It was you moving but imo i thnk you were moving via assistance of a DMT being . If you watched me smoke dmt after 2nd or 3rd hit, you would get feeling hes not a lone.

DMT seems to be bout "feeling" more then seeing . next time you smoke cut the Mary Jane from it and try Talking, once you get the feeling the trip is in "cruse control" be like I want to play with the gods lets play .

i use to just sit for my dmt trips, then once i wanted to wake in this dmt realm. and at that point i got "calibrated" i was sitting then my right arm moved about like it was testing its wing, then the left did it, and then my hands moved into "reverse Prayer pose( backs of hands touching vs the palms )

thats when Hyper dimension "dancing started" the whole time dancing i was not a lone.
A couple days ago, I decided to try out my most recent batch of changa for the first time. It was late at night and my GF had already gone to bed so I jumped in the chat room for a bit. I was talking with Soul-Explorer about random things when he suggested I listen to something:

I don't know what it was, but something about the vibe of the music told me I should try some DMT. I don't normally listen to music when smoking changa anymore but this was very pleasant. As I took a second hit, I felt myself dancing to the music, swaying back and forth and waving my arms around in perfect harmony through the thickening visuals. The ceiling fan light stretched across the entire room and exploded into a rainbow wall of tangible visuals that I was essentially swimming in. I didn't break through but came pretty close. Realizing this, I took the last hit that was in the bowl, but I had waited too long so it added depth and extended the duration, but didn't change the intensity much. As I would turn my head the whole dynamic of the room would shift, as if everything was dancing with me and changing places, that 4D shift that I can't really describe well.

But anyway, it was interesting to say the least. I definitely felt like moving around helped me become more immersed and one with the experience itself. Less of an observer, in a way.

The only downfall of this music was that as a song would end, there would be loud applause from the live audience which would jerk me out of the trance a bit. Otherwise, it was a beautiful experience coupled with beautiful music. I definitely want to try it with oral harmalas sometime.
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