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Cacti ID help needed

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone! hope you all are having a pleasant start to the week! i appologize if this post is in the wrong location, but as a new member i only have so many options :p

SWIM thinks they have found a Trichocereus pachanoi (San pedro for the laymen). SWIM retrieved a sample for fruther and closer identification. But they would like to be extra sure before going along with retrieving its goodies.

After some research SWIM has found that it does in fact look quite similiar to San pedro but not exactly sure waht off shoot.

the areoles are white/grey/tan and the spines are rather small. some where it seems like they arent even there. The areoles have as many as 5 spines and as few as 3.

Attatched are some photos SWIM took. sorry for their shitty phone quality.

I hope some of you can help

dg said:
traces to some mescaline typically found in pc pachanoi

thank you for the fast reply dg! a few follow up questions, if youre able to answer them that is..

in the ID research ive been doing ive come across the terms pachaNOI and pachaNOT... What i believe SWIM to have is the pachaNOT.. and from what I am reading this isa hybrid species of real pachanoi? is this correct?

and does the pachaNOT contain mescaline? thanks for the clarification

do the pictures in the original post seem to be that of pc pachanoi or pachanot? can the same a/b extraction be used to make mescaline hcl? should more dried cacti be used being that the amounts may be smaller?
"Pachanot" is a misnomer, probably made up by someone to designate a Pachanoi as "PC Pachanoi", or Predominant Cultivar Pachanoi, in other words ornamental and usually inactive.

Yours looks to me like it's probably PC Pachanoi. Easiest way to find out is to brew it up, but I'd let it grow until you can take a cutting large enough to try it out. That way if it's active you'll still have some growing. Get some Bridgesii if you want to to be sure of getting active cacti.
Wolfnippletip said:
"Pachanot" is a misnomer, probably made up by someone to designate a Pachanoi as "PC Pachanoi", or Predominant Cultivar Pachanoi, in other words ornamental and usually inactive.

Yours looks to me like it's probably PC Pachanoi. Easiest way to find out is to brew it up, but I'd let it grow until you can take a cutting large enough to try it out. That way if it's active you'll still have some growing. Get some Bridgesii if you want to to be sure of getting active cacti.
Thank you for the clarification. This section was obtain from a humungous plant..I'm more inclined to call it a tree, so more can be easily obtained if need be.

When you say brew it up should I do so from raw fresh cactus or dried and brewed like a tea?

Thanks again
If more is available brew up the whole thing. You should get results from that much cactus.

Conventional wisdom says most of the mescaline is in the darker green flash, just under the waxy outer layer of skin. Most people discard the white core, but there's alks there too, so these days I leave the core in.

You might want to peel off the waxy top layer of skin. This will involve freezing and thawing it a couple of times to loosen the skin and then scrape the shrimp shell-like skin away from the green flesh. The freeze/thaw also helps break down cell walls.

Take the resulting slimey cactus mess and liquify it in a blender with about 8 - 10 ounces lemon juice and a little water. I'm lazy so I just buy a big bottle of the real lemon juice from Whole Foods. Take the fresh green lemony cactus snot and put it into your largest (at least 2 gallon) cooking pot and cook it, stirring pretty much constantly for at least an hour. The foamy mess will take the first 20 minutes or so to cook down into a manageable liquid, at which time I add a little more lemon juice. Let cool.

Now go cut up an expendable t-shirt so you have a decent sized square of fabric. Take a second large pot and spread the fabric across the top. Slowly pour your soupy mixture through the t-shirt and then gather up the sides of the shirt to envelope the pulpy mass. Twist it up at the top and squeeze out all of the juice into the pot.

Pour the resulting tea liquid into a large small mouthed soda bottle. Buy a bottle of club soda. But Tums antacid tablets. Depending how far you cooked it down you'll have 500 ml to a liter of tea. -CHUG IT ALL - and chase it with the Club Soda. In an hour or so the nausea will start. When you think you might puke chew a couple of antacid tablets and chug some water. When you really know you're gonna spew munch a couple more antacid tablets to coat your teeth and esophagus.

Now hang on and enjoy your Big Green Spewey Adventure. Hope it does the trick but if you don't get high try some Bridgesii next time. :)
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