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Cacti infections and mutations

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I found some semi wild cacti with a monstruose mutation and some kind of infection. I wonder if is it safe to take some cut and grow them near other cacti with no infections at all.


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Looks like witches broom. I don't even know what witches broom is but people seem to be very wary of it... As far I know though I haven't heard any definitive evidence that it's contagious.
Why would you want to introduce a pathogen intentionally into your garden?

Mutations... you can purchase many different seeds from several different hybridizers that will give you a nice percentage of mutations and as you get to grow them from seed... no worries about pathogens.
They also look like they're crawling with mealy bugs. Not recommended.

Interesting form though: makes me wonder - is it someone else's secret budding experiment?
Am I the only person thinking those surrounding plants with tiny leaves are a likely DMT candidate?

I know of at least three species that look like that with high levels in root bark.

Interesting to see these entheogens possibly growing together.
downwardsfromzero said:
They also look like they're crawling with mealy bugs. Not recommended.

Interesting form though: makes me wonder - is it someone else's secret budding experiment?
Trich cacti and what looks like mimosa hostilis. I would think that’s someone else’s garden. Is it around anything, like a house?
i have eated some of the same Cacti Mutations and it was safe for Tea IME,
thats my experience

take care
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