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Calea zacatechichi - discovering the true potential

Migrated topic.
a buddy of mine made calea tea and actually kind of liked it, said it had a bit of a nice flavor, thats when he knew it wasnt calea

Well, i would certainly agree, but i gave the tea someone to taste and she said it would taste "nice". It blew my mind so to speak.
Ok guys, I have no idea how to start writing this, hmm. Dreamer mentioned that the leaves look alot like salvia, so I realized yeah they do. So I got out the salvia bag (just dried leaves, not extract) and started to compare, it does look alot like it but the color tint is slightly different. And the stupid fuck that I am , I had to make sure by smoking a bit of the salvia.

I haven't smoked salvia since a year, and now I remember why. I used to smoke alot of salvia extracts during one period, until something happened, don't know how to explain it, but I swore to never touch salvia again.

I just smoked a little bit, and it ALL came rushing back to me like a goddamn tsunami. The music became the "countdown to the apocalypse". I collapsed and my kitchen transformed into a kingdom, and I met the same king and queen and other inhabitants that I've met countless times. (dont mind too much about the mental images of kings or kingdoms, those are just the words i can use) The thing is that salvia isn't a traditional psychedelic, there's no brighter colors or feelings of awe, it just transforms everything, utterly. And they're laughing, they're laughing because they can put their kingdom anywhere they want, and make it seem like it's always been there. They're laughing because they know we always keep coming back to it, whether it's by accident or on purpose. They absolutely loath the physical realm and our disgusting bodies, and always have to make mean jokes about it. I really hate them and love them and I have no idea who they are. But what they're telling me is clear , and I don't like it one bit.

It feels like I just reopened that part of my insanity that I've kept locked for a year, it's not really insanity but that word is similar to it, meaning that it's not compatible with this physical realm. I have no idea how to deal with this right now,

Yeah this is completely off-topic , but I don't really care about the topic currently, I mean i really appreciate all the responses and probably will get back to that, but right now I just wanna know how the hell is that possible to get thrown straight into another dimension by smoking a bit of the leaves. Is this the famous "reverse-tolerance" of salvia at play, taken to the max?

WTF is going on.
all the while i read your report i was like "wait didnt he smoke plain leaves?" and then at the end you mention your surprise at it too. very odd, maybe your leaves are concentrated like extract was saturated into plain leaf, giving a color difference. you could try smoking some of the "calea" salvia to double check, that is if youre willing to expose yourself to the lego land smiles and slapstick insanity
My calea looks like this.


I haven't tried making tea out of it yet but i did add about half an oz to one of the valerian tinctures i've got going at the moment. I'm hoping that the marriage of these two will create a great nighttime tincture.

Anyone ever combine the two in a tincture? or even try a straight calea tincture?
mew said:
very odd, maybe your leaves are concentrated like extract was saturated into plain leaf, giving a color difference. you could try smoking some of the "calea" salvia to double check,
Like I mentioned I smoked 9 lungfuls of my "calea", and all I got was the same slowing down and sleepiness, just weaker than the tea. It's definitely not salvia, now that I tried some real salvia, hahaha haha.. hah .ha. hmm. And the salvia isn't concentrated, it's the same plain leaf bag that used to give me little to no effects at the start of my salvia career. But now it drops bombs. And i still have a whole bunch of it left, just laughing in my cupboard, knowing.

mew said:
that is if youre willing to expose yourself to the lego land smiles and slapstick insanity
yes thats what I'm scared of now, the willingness isn't really a variable. Maybe the reverse-tolerance will get so high that I don't even need to smoke it anymore, I just need to think about it and I'll be in the kingdom again.

Anyway .. here's the pics I took right before my reality shattered. On the left is the plain salvia leaf, and on the right is my "calea". Also tried to get one more pic of the biggest stems and leaves of the "calea", if that helps.


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MomentOfTruth said:
My calea looks like this.


I haven't tried making tea out of it yet but i did add about half an oz to one of the valerian tinctures i've got going at the moment. I'm hoping that the marriage of these two will create a great nighttime tincture.

Anyone ever combine the two in a tincture? or even try a straight calea tincture?

^^^ Now that is what calea is supposed to look like ime.

I would advise against a tincture with calea, as mentioned before, the terrible bitterness of calea makes this rather a bad idea :sick:


ouch! I'm sorry that you had to endure a... erm, rather less than pleasant, encounter with the shepherdess at my behest. :oops:

If it's not salvia and it seems it's also not calea, I wonder what you ended up with there?
daedaloops said:
Ok guys, I have no idea how to start writing this, hmm. Dreamer mentioned that the leaves look alot like salvia, so I realized yeah they do. So I got out the salvia bag (just dried leaves, not extract) and started to compare, it does look alot like it but the color tint is slightly different. And the stupid fuck that I am , I had to make sure by smoking a bit of the salvia.

I haven't smoked salvia since a year, and now I remember why. I used to smoke alot of salvia extracts during one period, until something happened, don't know how to explain it, but I swore to never touch salvia again.

I just smoked a little bit, and it ALL came rushing back to me like a goddamn tsunami. The music became the "countdown to the apocalypse". I collapsed and my kitchen transformed into a kingdom, and I met the same king and queen and other inhabitants that I've met countless times. (dont mind too much about the mental images of kings or kingdoms, those are just the words i can use) The thing is that salvia isn't a traditional psychedelic, there's no brighter colors or feelings of awe, it just transforms everything, utterly. And they're laughing, they're laughing because they can put their kingdom anywhere they want, and make it seem like it's always been there. They're laughing because they know we always keep coming back to it, whether it's by accident or on purpose. They absolutely loath the physical realm and our disgusting bodies, and always have to make mean jokes about it. I really hate them and love them and I have no idea who they are. But what they're telling me is clear , and I don't like it one bit.

It feels like I just reopened that part of my insanity that I've kept locked for a year, it's not really insanity but that word is similar to it, meaning that it's not compatible with this physical realm. I have no idea how to deal with this right now,

Yeah this is completely off-topic , but I don't really care about the topic currently, I mean i really appreciate all the responses and probably will get back to that, but right now I just wanna know how the hell is that possible to get thrown straight into another dimension by smoking a bit of the leaves. Is this the famous "reverse-tolerance" of salvia at play, taken to the max?

WTF is going on.

It's normal to be abale to get full blown effects with smoked leaf. Ive smoked it lots and grown it for years. I have seen many get to that level with leaf. It goes much much deeper than that though also if you take a larger dose. You will completely leave your body and this dimension and travel somewhere else. This is a level beyond the transformation of your kitchen etc.

Here is my take on this though..salvia is a dissociative in part..and when you dissociate like that, you also reassociate with things in the environment in a weird way. This is why people think they become toasters or their TV's or whatever weird things go on etc..

I love salvia but the way to do it imo is a dark room, in a bed with either very light nature sounds with some tones or just silence. Ideally I would reccomend people try a quid as well and start on the lower end. Smoking salvia randomly in a lit room really is not going to bring you into the heart of this medicine IMO and experience. I have taken it hundreds of times and observed that weird freak out level..I used to smoked it sometimes to inmduce that state so that I could try to observe and figure out whats going on. These are the conclusions I came to..what many people experience when they use salvia is an overlap of 2 realities due to environmental disturbances. Limit these and start all over again with lighter doses at first and it can be something different..thats my experience anyway.
jamie thank you, that is interesting.. it's a bit easier to process it now, I wrote that right after coming down from it. It's interesting to know that the reverse-tolerance works like that, that you can have a year break and it just continues where you left off, like there was no break at all.. If I'm ever gonna try salvia again it'll be in a dark room like you suggested.

As for this "calea" mystery , I can't figure it out, all I know is I really like the effects..
dreamer042 said:
^^^ Now that is what calea is supposed to look like ime.

I would advise against a tincture with calea, as mentioned before, the terrible bitterness of calea makes this rather a bad idea :sick:

Valerian is pretty bad tasting in my opinion as well. i siphoned off a small amount of the tincture last night after 4 weeks of setting in the alcohol and filtered it down as well as i could and placed it in a little dropper. I took about 5-10 drops of it. Tasted pretty bad but it definitely was like instant relaxation!

I have two tinctures going with the valerian. I did end up adding calea to the second one. I don't think the taste could get much worse than it already is so i'm not too worried about it. Plus it will only be used a couple drops at a time so it shouldn't be too bad!

My biggest problem is finding a filter that is fine enough to filter off the microscopic valerian sediment while still allowing the liquid through! It seems that after multiple filterings i still had quite a bit of dark brown stuff that appeared to be flakes of valerian!

i'd like to clean it up as much as possible.
I wanted to report about the calea I had that I thought was bunk....

I had made an extract using an ounce of calea and hot distilled H20.

I evaped it down to a resin and attempted to smoke the resin as well as capsulize and eat the resin......Neither thing seemed to work....

Recently I took the leftover calea from that water soak and I re-soaked it in IPA..

I evaped that and it made a hash looking stuff....I smoked a bit of that with DMT and -

It worked like a charm....it made 15mg of dmt seem more like 25 or 30mg also, there was a very mushroomy sort of vibe about the DMT trip....I then had amazing dreams all night...

Calea changa is MUCHO BUENO!

So it would seem that as far as making a smoking extract goes IPA works well. Ethanol/everclear would probably work better it was just out of my budget.

my calea resin is made from ethanol and it works wonders

as far as tinctures go, you have no idea just how foul the taste of concentrated calea is until you try it.

im interested in how potent plain leaf salvia is now, i never knew it could yield a response like that

i like to say when you smoke salvia, salvia smokes you :)

when i smoke changa/dmt i do so in a dark room with little to 0 noise (sometimes earplugs) and in a position of laying down. smooth transition to hyperspace
Eliyahu said:
....it made 15mg of dmt seem more like 25 or 30mg also, there was a very mushroomy sort of vibe about the DMT trip....
A mate of mine has noted the same thing, not so much in potentiation but in the alteration. In his case its described as a 'dreamy' alteration to the changa. When adding calea he also often adds lotus or blue water lily flower extracts to add more sedate and euphoriant qualities on top of caleas dreamy quality.
It really looks to me like you have dagga on your hands. Those effects sound very similar to dagga, and your leaves look like my dagga I bought from one of those sources you did not name. The couple of leaves that were kind of folded up specifically look how mine does, and the color and texture are very similar.

I made calea tea. Once.

Calea smoke is actually one of the tastiest single herb smokes I think I have had, though.
I myself tried some Calea Zacatechichi extract(10X) many years ago. The smoking didn't do much to me either.
I tried the tea; Never had anything more bitter in my entire life. Dreams were remarkably vivid one night
after drinking Calea extract tea, but the following 3 trials yielded no significant effet in my dreams.

Now you got me interrested in buying some Calea again, this time no extract but just dried herb.
I will soon pick up some and when I use it I'll report back results here.
Like I mentioned I smoked 9 lungfuls of my "calea", and all I got was the same slowing down and sleepiness, just weaker than the tea. It's definitely not salvia, now that I tried some real salvia, hahaha haha.. hah .ha. hmm. And the salvia isn't concentrated, it's the same plain leaf bag that used to give me little to no effects at the start of my salvia career. But now it drops bombs. And i still have a whole bunch of it left, just laughing in my cupboard, knowing.

yes thats what I'm scared of now, the willingness isn't really a variable. Maybe the reverse-tolerance will get so high that I don't even need to smoke it anymore, I just need to think about it and I'll be in the kingdom again.

Anyway .. here's the pics I took right before my reality shattered. On the left is the plain salvia leaf, and on the right is my "calea". Also tried to get one more pic of the biggest stems and leaves of the "calea", if that helps.
I have gotten my tolerance low enough I can think my way into a threshold salvia trip(I have done salvia over 350 times)
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