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Cali attempting to legalize Psilocybin.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
This comes after talking mad crap about calis other new laws that were ridiculous, they significantly reduced the penalty for knowingly spreading HIV to an person unaware that you have it and a medical pro. can now face up to one year in jail for using incorrect "gender pronouns". What do you guys think will happen with this?
JP said:
This comes after talking mad crap about calis other new laws that were ridiculous, they significantly reduced the penalty for knowingly spreading HIV to an person unaware that you have it and a medical pro. can now face up to one year in jail for using incorrect "gender pronouns". What do you guys think will happen with this?
Umm, can you elaborate? Not familiar with local ordinances, and that makes little sense.

I support California effort to legalize psilocybin in a manner akin to the recreational pot legislation over the proposed law in Oregon (full disclose, my state) which only allows for access through therapists. This seems elitist and says that psilocybin can't be used responsibly without a professional present. I think it sucks but unfortunately reflects the elite thinking here.

I'm glad it's there to open the discussion, but I will not be voting for it. We did not craft our anti corporate recreational pot bill by signing in the first one. Or the second, or third...
null24 said:
JP said:
This comes after talking mad crap about calis other new laws that were ridiculous, they significantly reduced the penalty for knowingly spreading HIV to an person unaware that you have it and a medical pro. can now face up to one year in jail for using incorrect "gender pronouns". What do you guys think will happen with this?
Umm, can you elaborate? Not familiar with local ordinances, and that makes little sense.

I support California effort to legalize psilocybin in a manner akin to the recreational pot legislation over the proposed law in Oregon (full disclose, my state) which only allows for access through therapists. This seems elitist and says that psilocybin can't be used responsibly without a professional present. I think it sucks but unfortunately reflects the elite thinking here.

I'm glad it's there to open the discussion, but I will not be voting for it. We did not craft our anti corporate recreational pot bill by signing in the first one. Or the second, or third...

Starting Jan. 1, it will no longer be a felony in California to knowingly expose a sexual partner to HIV with the intention of spreading the virus.

California Gov. Jerry Brown (D.) signed the legislation last Friday to lower the offense to a misdemeanor, CNN reported.

The previous law gave people who intentionally spread HIV up to eight years in prison. The new legislation lowers the jail time to a maximum of six months. It will also eliminate the felony penalty for those who knowingly donate HIV-infected blood; supporters of the law argue that all donated blood is already screened for the virus.


Look into senate bill 209 for the "gender pronoun" deal

I hope it's more geared towards medical use to start.
Well I've decided I identify as a teapot, we need to radically shake up the way the English language is being used to victimize me. You guys just don't understand how you are oppressing me. But you must stop!

Meanwhile it's a-okay to kill people with HIV if you're having sex with them in Cali, makes sense. It's illegal to pay someone to have sex with you also, but if you pay someone to have sex with you and film it that's okay. Solid rationality..

All the logic lights are lit, I can see the sparkles and they are sooooo pretty. Pretty lights. Oooh, sparkles.

edit: I have no idea what will happen with the shrooms. Possibly legal if you purchase a Monsanto GMO strain?
JP said:
null24 said:
JP said:
This comes after talking mad crap about calis other new laws that were ridiculous, they significantly reduced the penalty for knowingly spreading HIV to an person unaware that you have it and a medical pro. can now face up to one year in jail for using incorrect "gender pronouns". What do you guys think will happen with this?
Umm, can you elaborate? Not familiar with local ordinances, and that makes little sense.

I support California effort to legalize psilocybin in a manner akin to the recreational pot legislation over the proposed law in Oregon (full disclose, my state) which only allows for access through therapists. This seems elitist and says that psilocybin can't be used responsibly without a professional present. I think it sucks but unfortunately reflects the elite thinking here.

I'm glad it's there to open the discussion, but I will not be voting for it. We did not craft our anti corporate recreational pot bill by signing in the first one. Or the second, or third...

Starting Jan. 1, it will no longer be a felony in California to knowingly expose a sexual partner to HIV with the intention of spreading the virus.

California Gov. Jerry Brown (D.) signed the legislation last Friday to lower the offense to a misdemeanor, CNN reported.

The previous law gave people who intentionally spread HIV up to eight years in prison. The new legislation lowers the jail time to a maximum of six months. It will also eliminate the felony penalty for those who knowingly donate HIV-infected blood; supporters of the law argue that all donated blood is already screened for the virus.


Look into senate bill 209 for the "gender pronoun" deal

I hope it's more geared towards medical use to start.
Oh.. Well yes, that does definitely suck.

And people make fun of my anxiety over Oregon being taken over by California and that I'm out of line for calling Portland North LA.

What did Tom McCall's north - facing sign at the border say? "thanks for visiting, and thanks for going home"? Something like that...

I hear something, it's way far back in the distance, but... Wait, what was that, Jello?
Northerner said:
Well I've decided I identify as a teapot, we need to radically shake up the way the English language is being used to victimize me. You guys just don't understand how you are oppressing me. But you must stop!

Meanwhile it's a-okay to kill people with HIV if you're having sex with them in Cali, makes sense. It's illegal to pay someone to have sex with you also, but if you pay someone to have sex with you and film it that's okay. Solid rationality..

All the logic lights are lit, I can see the sparkles and they are sooooo pretty. Pretty lights. Oooh, sparkles.
oooooh, do i detect a little micro-agression there? :?:
dragonrider said:
Northerner said:
Well I've decided I identify as a teapot, we need to radically shake up the way the English language is being used to victimize me. You guys just don't understand how you are oppressing me. But you must stop!

Meanwhile it's a-okay to kill people with HIV if you're having sex with them in Cali, makes sense. It's illegal to pay someone to have sex with you also, but if you pay someone to have sex with you and film it that's okay. Solid rationality..

All the logic lights are lit, I can see the sparkles and they are sooooo pretty. Pretty lights. Oooh, sparkles.
oooooh, do i detect a little micro-agression there? :?:
Oh my, I'm not if I could have ladled any more sarcasm into a post if I tried. :lol:
I have 0 faith in "the system" as it stands. Laws are not about justice anymore, just about the discriminate use of power according to ethics and economics. The whole thing makes rather disenchanted with the idea of democracy. And this representative democracy we have here is even more of a joke than the corporate democracy of the States. They are far more likely to introduce mandatory life sentencing for mushrooms here than decriminlise them. The prisons aren't ridiculously overfull and fully privatised yet... it's only when we get to that stage and the money doesn't any longer add up that Australians can expect to see any change.

Good luck to my Cali cousins though. I really hope this works out for you guys and it can start the world change. Australia inevitably follows America in almost everything and it will increase the chances of future generations of Aussies to live their lives as they will without interference.
Northerner said:
dragonrider said:
Northerner said:
Well I've decided I identify as a teapot, we need to radically shake up the way the English language is being used to victimize me. You guys just don't understand how you are oppressing me. But you must stop!

Meanwhile it's a-okay to kill people with HIV if you're having sex with them in Cali, makes sense. It's illegal to pay someone to have sex with you also, but if you pay someone to have sex with you and film it that's okay. Solid rationality..

All the logic lights are lit, I can see the sparkles and they are sooooo pretty. Pretty lights. Oooh, sparkles.
oooooh, do i detect a little micro-agression there? :?:
Oh my, I'm not if I could have ladled any more sarcasm into a post if I tried. :lol:
I have 0 faith in "the system" as it stands. Laws are not about justice anymore, just about the discriminate use of power according to ethics and economics. The whole thing makes rather disenchanted with the idea of democracy. And this representative democracy we have here is even more of a joke than the corporate democracy of the States. They are far more likely to introduce mandatory life sentencing for mushrooms here than decriminlise them. The prisons aren't ridiculously overfull and fully privatised yet... it's only when we get to that stage and the money doesn't any longer add up that Australians can expect to see any change.

Good luck to my Cali cousins though. I really hope this works out for you guys and it can start the world change. Australia inevitably follows America in almost everything and it will increase the chances of future generations of Aussies to live their lives as they will without interference.
Yeah, it's becoming harder and harder these days, to distinguish sarcasm from someone's seriously deeply held beliefs, isn't it?

The whole political correctness thing..i just don't get it. What's the lure?

My theory about why people fall for it, is that the whole ideological framework behind it is often presented as serious science. Wich it obviously isn't, and i could probably think of a Thousand reasons why it fails the test of proper science, wich i probably shouldn't do because it would be boring. But let me name one reason then: in science, it's allowed to be a critical thinker. To ask critical questions. To put theory's to the test to see if they hold up. Do that in a genderstudies 'studygroup', and they'll probably carve a swastika on your forehead. Or they'll tell you that you're a man, or white, or straight, so your opinion doesn't count, and you won't properly understand it anyway...oops, i contradicted myself here, i accidentally gave two reasons now, instead of just one, for why something like'genderstudies' isn't a real science.

But anyway..some people probably fall for the idea that it's all scientifically proven, that not giving boys a pink dress for their 8th birthday (even if they didn't ask for it, or said 'no' when you asked your son if he wanted such a pink dress), is oppressive to women and sexist in general.

They probably feel like: "well, it's science right?...you can't argue with science".
I find it hard to believe that many people realy believe in that crap. I think they just go along with it and buy the pink dress, only because otherwise the neighbours might think that they reject science or something.
Yeah, it's funny stuff. There is some serious science behind it though, but not in the way social justice warriors think.
It all started with Facebook "likes". What these likes do is give people a little endorphine hit for posted content. They literally feel liked, this has been studied. So from there people get depressed when they don't feel liked. They see other people's fantastic lives and read all these wonderful stories. Of course people don't generally jump and facebook and complain about how empty and inadequate they feel or how their life is difficult. (even though we all feel like that sometimes) They wouldn't get likes for posting that and the whole thing would be pointless. So they just make light of everything and repost nonsense to get more likes and avoid ugly truths, just to get that brain hit.
Once you have passed this barrier you've entered into psycho-social territory. Your emotions are no longer your own as they are being decided upon by other people and their approval of your posts. Now it is those same people who are responsible for your emotions. They are responsible for you. It's not your fault you are failing Uni, it's not your fault you can't grapple with your sexuality, it's not your fault you can't hold down a job, it's not your fault anything... It's them, the one's not giving you likes, on the internet and in real life now. So you play the victim card. It's the uni, it's the men, it's the system, it's white people, it's society, it's tradition, it's culture, it's anyone and anything but you that is causing your issues. You're being oppressed.
Now that would seem like a ridiculous notion to try and propagate socially, surely everyone would just snub such nonsense and attribute blame where it lies. But it spreads like wildfire through social media, people click like and justify the nonsense because it hurts less than facing the truth. Then the social media user walks away thinking that all this is true. The reason everyone else is having such great lives and theirs is crap is because they are being discriminated against and the "likes" prove it to be true. The brain believes it.
This is science. But they won't "like" it if you post it on Facebook. :lol:

Facebook is literally more dangerous than meth in some ways, it will scramble your brain chemistry and no one will tell you it's wrong.

But, I digress...
dragonrider said:
Northerner said:
dragonrider said:
Northerner said:
Well I've decided I identify as a teapot, we need to radically shake up the way the English language is being used to victimize me. You guys just don't understand how you are oppressing me. But you must stop!

Meanwhile it's a-okay to kill people with HIV if you're having sex with them in Cali, makes sense. It's illegal to pay someone to have sex with you also, but if you pay someone to have sex with you and film it that's okay. Solid rationality..

All the logic lights are lit, I can see the sparkles and they are sooooo pretty. Pretty lights. Oooh, sparkles.
oooooh, do i detect a little micro-agression there? :?:
Oh my, I'm not if I could have ladled any more sarcasm into a post if I tried. :lol:
I have 0 faith in "the system" as it stands. Laws are not about justice anymore, just about the discriminate use of power according to ethics and economics. The whole thing makes rather disenchanted with the idea of democracy. And this representative democracy we have here is even more of a joke than the corporate democracy of the States. They are far more likely to introduce mandatory life sentencing for mushrooms here than decriminlise them. The prisons aren't ridiculously overfull and fully privatised yet... it's only when we get to that stage and the money doesn't any longer add up that Australians can expect to see any change.

Good luck to my Cali cousins though. I really hope this works out for you guys and it can start the world change. Australia inevitably follows America in almost everything and it will increase the chances of future generations of Aussies to live their lives as they will without interference.
Yeah, it's becoming harder and harder these days, to distinguish sarcasm from someone's seriously deeply held beliefs, isn't it?

The whole political correctness thing..i just don't get it. What's the lure?

My theory about why people fall for it, is that the whole ideological framework behind it is often presented as serious science. Wich it obviously isn't, and i could probably think of a Thousand reasons why it fails the test of proper science, wich i probably shouldn't do because it would be boring. But let me name one reason then: in science, it's allowed to be a critical thinker. To ask critical questions. To put theory's to the test to see if they hold up. Do that in a genderstudies 'studygroup', and they'll probably carve a swastika on your forehead. Or they'll tell you that you're a man, or white, or straight, so your opinion doesn't count, and you won't properly understand it anyway...oops, i contradicted myself here, i accidentally gave two reasons now, instead of just one, for why something like'genderstudies' isn't a real science.

But anyway..some people probably fall for the idea that it's all scientifically proven, that not giving boys a pink dress for their 8th birthday (even if they didn't ask for it, or said 'no' when you asked your son if he wanted such a pink dress), is oppressive to women and sexist in general.

They probably feel like: "well, it's science right?...you can't argue with science".
I find it hard to believe that many people realy believe in that crap. I think they just go along with it and buy the pink dress, only because otherwise the neighbours might think that they reject science or something.

burnt said:
The ballot measure seeks to;

"Decriminalize use, possession, sale, transport, or cultivation of psilocybin (a hallucinogenic compound) by persons at least 21 years of age."

California Psilocybin Mushroom Decriminalization Initiative (2018) (sorry can't fix link its 2018 with a ) at the end

I'm all for it.
sounds good
why not ?
people act like, cannabis becoming a monopoly was NOT inevitable ?
also, no one can avoid this sort of thing, because its a part of our society/world
so let mushrooms become a monopoly

i mean ayahuasca is already money, and i feel good about that cause, even if they just sold drugs to people for a few days, people meet in those circles man, they make friends and sort of relieve the existential loneliness
to be honest, you payed to take drugs with people, sounds like you had a good time, made good friends and your sleep cycle is on track again
and you paid, whatever, you know how much you need to pay if your hand breaks and you don't have an insurance ? alot

ibogaine will 100% be money, because of the problems to grow it (which will elevate soon/already has), and its magnificent property to treat addiction as a "learning disorder" , and MANY miraculous other qualities that are being found, like the neurogensis etc
man i have thought of this and im sure it will be reality, someone in the future saying "well i'll try heroin for 2 months and then do ibogaine"
and you know this is gonna be reality, theres no doubt about it

we just gotta accept the symptoms of a free world , and don't say NO to freedom while its coming in the door
so if people say "should we legalize it"
say "yes" and watch it unfold
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