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California Orange - Fan help!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Started a new indoor grow, both from non-feminised seeds.
Started their lives outdoors but were moved in due to shitty weather,
Started in soil, also moved to straight coco and fed nutes every 2nd day.

Looking to clone soon so I can sex them.

Both will be Scrogd

Left is Lemon, Orange on right.


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Nice babies! Which breeder is the Super Lemon Haze?

Also, seconded on the perlite recommendation. The soil looks as if it needs more aeration. You can add some when you transplant to larger pots.
Would not have a clue!

Received the seeds in a trade a while back, only recently found them!

Yeah I was going to grab some perlite but thought I'd just grab it next time I re-pot

Still in the middle of buying everything I need too
So I topped to Lemon a little too late and now it's a bit stretched for my liking.
It's top heavy and leans without support.

So if I cut the top 2 growth tips for clones, then cut the main stem down the the next set of stems/leafs
Will be plant survive and be alright?
So basically it would get topped again but it'll be a big top, haha

Also, found this cooked leaf on the Orange.


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Ah yeah, didn't think about LST cause it was going to be a mother and didn't want to bother with it
But I might have to, haha.

Ah, what does over fed look like man?
Spiritofspice said:
Tie it down to the pot.
Start about 1/3 of the way down and bend the plant over and tie it to the pot just make a small hole.
I wouldn't be using full strength nutrient yet they look a bit over fed.

As the side branches turn upwards you can tie these down as well.

Definitely recommend LST/SCROG for the sativas indoors. Aim to grow your plants as wide as possible rather than tall. My plants are only 12" tall in early flower but have dozens of flowertops. I don't even top plants anymore, just bend over the main stem until it grows parallel to the ground underneath the SCROG. Make sure that as many nodes as possible receive direct light. At every node, 2 more tops will sprout, so you will then have 20-30 equal tops by the time you flower, rather than just a few big ones and lots of small stuff. It's less stressful to the plants as well. Veg for 6 weeks or more for yield++.
kubizm said:
Ah, what does over fed look like man?

Depends on what nutrient is in excess. Most commonly you will see the tips of the top leaves turn from green to brown. This will progress if you don't fix it until entire leaves will turn crispy brown. With excess nitrogen you get droopy dark green leaf tips. Your plants are looking pretty healthy though.
Biawak said:
Always better to err on the side of not enough nutrients rather than too much.

Seconded. Even if you do plan on going full strength on your nutes at some point, always start with less and work your way up.
Another thing to think about is how the concentration of nutrients changes over time as you continue to feed. The plant will use only some of the nutrients that you feed it with, and not as much of others, so if you continue to feed full strength for more than ~1 month then you will always start to see burn, even if the plant was ok with the nutrient concentration at first because the rate of consumption of different nutrients is not the same. Also, as the medium dries out, the concentration of the nutrients will increase, so don't let things get too dry.

The solution for this is to flush your plant with plain water every 2-3 waterings (always feed normally right after flushing). Another thing that will help avoid nutrient overconcentration is to feed your plants with excess solution, until there is ~30% runoff out the bottom (I do 1 gallon per plant for each watering). You can't overwater coco if the drainage is good. I use about 70/30 coco/perlite.

You definitely need to keep an eye on the pH (I go for 6.1-6.4), and also the EC (0.6-0.8 is safe), in order to reliably take care of the plants over a long period. Also important is to collect some of the runoff and test it to see what the conditions are like in the root area. Often, the pH there will progressively get lower into the 5.7-5.8 range as the nutrients concentrate over time if you don't flush. Too low or high and certain nutrients like Mg will not be able to be absorbed and you will see deficiencies.
I'm flushing every 7 days with straight water,
Don't have a pH or EC pen, haha. (Yet)
Still in the middle of buying all my shit.

Took 2 clones of each the other day, all seem happy so far.


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Ladies doing well in new house,
Will be flipping to 12/12 in a week


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Flipped to 12/12
Home is complete, installing exhaust fan in next 3 days.
Not scrog ging as they weren't trained properly for it.


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Super Lemon was male male!
Damn shame

And yeah I will be installing a scrubber eventually :)


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