hello there, just want to say first, I am very impressed with the site, best one i have seen on this incredible subject.. so well done. I am from London (where th scene is thriving) and am traverling across Australia at the moment.discovereing the beautiful country. I wanted to know if there is any like minded inderviduals around Australia to share experiances as there is much I could learn from you as you could learn from me. Anyway, once again congrats on this site I love it and am spreading the word. keep it going and also.. I have smoked DMT about 6 or seven times now and everytime is different but I get this wierd feeling as soon as it hits me of familiarity. I remeber it straight away but as the feeling fades, so to does my memory of this feeling. anyone else had that? And has any one done DMT in a dream? Soon after my first experiance I had a dream where I smoked it and felt the exact feeling! I wasnt scared but it was very strange