a lot of the herbs we make tea out of ... can also be taken oraly in capsul form ...or even made into a stronger extract and put in capsols..
this is just an idea i had when taking a herb in tea form for long time ..it sometimes becomes less effective over long period of time .
Oh..and another herb that will enhanse sleep is ....PAsion flower ...this is a serious sleep enhanser....
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Mount Sinai
https://www.mountsinai.org › health-library › herb › pa...
It is
still used today to treat anxiety and insomnia. Scientists believe passionflower works by increasing levels of a chemical called gamma aminobutyric acid ( ...
Plant Description ·
How To Take It ·
Dosage: Drink one cup of tea made with
1 tablespoon of dried passionflower per night for at least seven days to feel the effects. Possible side effects of passionflower Passionflower has very few side effects, but it can cause sleepiness or dizziness which may affect functioning.May 31, 2019
Voidmatrix..I want to add something ive learned about taking Valarian root for sleep...VALERIAN IS GOOD MEDICINE!!!
Ive found..... that quality valarian improves sleep quality by putting you into a deeper state of sleep in your first 3 or 4 hours and that allows your body to repair and rejuvinate itself ...And the remaining 4 or more hours it boosts REM sleep...the time when you dream a lot..
Ive been taking valarian extract tablets for months with great success.. ...but the valerian i take is so pure and potent..... ive only been taking 1/4 of a tablet at a time.....and it helps me get the deeper sleep i need on first half of the morning.../then on the second REM sleep half of the night ..i get DREAMS ..DREAMS...DREAMS! some can turn lucid!
I dont know what kind of valerian you take now .....but always look for valerian that says ...[standardized]! ... the cheaper stuff is too weak...
The valerian i take is called...... [NaturesPlus...Herbal Actives] .... Extended release]...standardized Botanical Supliment ...gluten free...600mgs 6 percent valerenic acid ..
I took one whole tablet only once... ... it knocked me cold...and that night i had an out of body experiance where i levetated out of my body at 3am floated through the roof... and went high into the sky ..and got cought in a wind current ...and flew with the wind around the world!
The recall of that experiance was extreemly vivid ..i still remember it like it happened an hour ago!
Now taking only 1/4 of the tablet it gives me healthy sleep..[and decent dreams]....but if taken long enough..the effects weaken after several weeks of taking it every night..
Then all you do is either [take a higher dose]...[or stop taking it for a week or so then start up again and works well ..
Ive found that valerian in the right purity..does more than just make you sleep better/ ... it also works like a medicine and makes you feel better in the morning... the deeper sleep allows you body to repair itself...
Ill try to get a picture of the bottle and post it below...If you can stay with valerian ...but get the best valerian you can get!
I f you try 1 whole tablet of this valerian... pictured below.. I almost guarente you will sleep 8 or 10 hours! Id be very suprised if it didnt work for you !
Probibly 1/2 tablet should work..
This valerian below is made to lab quality purity...And has the highest amount of..... valerenic acid ..... you can get per tablet!
like i said .....only one time.... did i take a whole tablet of this valerian...and that night experianced an out of body...or wake induced lucid dream..
It was quite an experiance!...Also this valerian has a bit of seditive qualitys that will keep you relaxed and calm even if you experiance a nightmare at 3am!
I ve been taking thisvalerian 1/4 tablet for months...and never felt fuzzy headed in morning always rested clear headed and awake!\
Like i said before..This is NOT normal valerian!...Trying valerian is not like trying .THIS VALARIAN!!....... its lab quality and very pure!!
more on ancient valarian...
Valerian root is an ancient sedative and anxiety-reducing herb that is proven to improve dream recall and enhance dream content. Used by every culture from the Saxons to the Greeks, its widespread use persists today
Valerian is first mentioned by Hippocrates himself around 400 BC. You can check out his wisdom on the matter (if you have such an inclination) in the Hippocratic Corpus.
As you will see, valerian root has spread throughout the world and there is evidence of its use across many varied cultures and locations.
Here is a random list of interesting historical facts about valerian – of which there are many:
- Valerian was commonly used by the ancient Greeks for several ailments. Dioscorides, the Greek physician, used it for maladies of the liver, urinary tract, and digestive tract.
- Mentioned in 924 AD by Isaac Judaeus in his famous work The Book of Fevers.
- During the 1800s valerian was widely used in both America and Europe for treating "hysteria" in women. Of all the natural remedies for anxiety in use at the time, it was in fact so widely prescribed that it would be accurate to call valerian root the "Valium of the 19th Century”.
- Used also in Eastern countries as a scent for bath water and as a perfume! Some people even used the root to give scent to their clothing. Note that there were (and still are) several species of Valerian whose roots smell more appealing than the kind you may be used to. Even today, types of valerian extract are used to underpin musky notes in commercial perfumes!
- Throughout history, Valerian was used as a spice. Anglo Saxton recipes containing Valerian have been tracked down. See Bald’s Leechbook, a famous 10th-century manuscript (leech was the Old English name for the doctor – since that was mostly what they used to cure you, via blood letting!)
- Cats adore valerian! It is not unusual to see a feline instantly attracted to any Valerian plant with bruised leaves or stems. Their reaction is similar to the way they act when they encounter catnip. It is known that many of the historic apothecaries judged the quality of the Valerian they used by the way a cat reacted to it.
- Many have experienced success in catching rats with a Valerian laced trap. It has even been suggested that the infamous rat charmer, the Pied Piper of Hamlin actually used valerian to lure his horde of vermin into the river – his pipe being just an elaborate ruse!
- Native Americans were known to use chewed Valerian in their ears to provide relief from earaches. The Blackfoot tribe, in particular, used it to treat stomach problems - whilst several tribes (including the Thompsons of British Columbia and the Menominee) have used valerian root topically to treat cuts and wounds.
- The root used was prescribed during the Second World War to those suffering overwrought nerves caused by the regular air raids that the population of England had to endure.
Valerian root is a bona fide dream herb.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that valerian influences my dreams. I know this not only from my own experiences with the herb but from this study.
When investigating the effects of the extract on stress-induced insomnia, 16% of patients formally reported vivid dreams as a side effect of the valerian mixture.
To be honest, I’m surprised the figure is so low. My suspicion is that if a proper trial were re-conducted with a larger sample size - and an emphasis on this measure - the figure would be much greater.
When I take valerian, the most pronounced effect I notice is an improvement in dream recall. It would be rare for me to take valerian and not remember my dreams the next day. But then I only take the supplement periodically for dream enhancement purposes – and not every night.
The second effect I notice is a marked influence on dream content – the dreams I have on valerian always seem more bizarre and sometimes more vivid.
So can you use valerian for lucid dreaming, you ask?
Whilst it doesn’t have the sheer lucidity-inducing power of a strong AChE Inhibitor, ultimately any dream herb can be used in conjunction with lucid dreaming techniques to ease your way into the dream world.
When you have bizarre dreams like this, you may be more likely to realize you are dreaming and become lucid.
Your mileage may vary.
Valerian is definitely not the best choice for inducing lucid dreams - when taken alone.
It is best used as a peripheral ingredient in combination with other stronger dream herbs. In this way, it promotes greater dream recall and bizarreness of content – in conjunction with the lucidity-promoting effects of other estrogens.
Lucid Dreaming - The Path of Non-Dual Dream Yoga: Realizing Enlightenment through Lucid Dreaming: 3 (Serenade of Bliss)
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David Power