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Can anyone ID if this is PC or not?

Migrated topic.
Thanks for the responses guys, it does have little 'v' marks around the thorns, but its more a blemish on the skin, rather than those very distinct gull shape indents I see on other cactus.

Interesting about the TLC kit on live cacti, I'll have to give that a go if I can.

Hopefully all goes well! :thumb_up:
Yeah, those 'v'-marks are, it seems, only anecdotally significant. I'm interested because one of my cacti looks very similar to yours in terms of numerous aspects of its appearance - coloration, degree and colour of spination, aspect of the areoles (pointing slightly upwards). This summer it has developed the gull wings for the first time. This is the first summer I've put my cacti outdoors for any length of time.

Another specimen I have looks virtually identical except it hasn't developed the gull wings - yet.

I really ought to be getting on with the TLC analysis myself!

Maybe you've also noticed the rather exciting Cactus analysis thread?
My PC have the gull wings. Also, P.S PC is active, you just need to eat ~2.5 to 3 kg of fresh material to really get there.
downwardsfromzero said:
Maybe you've also noticed the rather exciting Cactus analysis thread?

ooooh nice find, very interesting read.

urtica said:
My PC have the gull wings. Also, P.S PC is active, you just need to eat ~2.5 to 3 kg of fresh material to really get there.

shame about the excessive amount, also I hate how much conflicting information there is online about this cactus, are there any definite signs of PC without sampling?

will be giving this cactus another go to see if anything happens, SWIM just ingested the green skin of a 1 foot piece from the same cactus. After boiling for 10 minutes (as a bit of an experiment), the green was scraped from the skin was washed down with soft drink.

Reported noticed threshold effects, trippy mindstate etc. but no real visuals, I guess there is still hope!

Has anybody else got new ways to try ingest this cactus? I think I definitely want to try this method next
I would do 3 15 minute boils with some kind of acid (lemon juice), then reduce to a drinkable amount. Also I don't see a picture of the cactus you are talking about in the early part of the thread, am I missing something?

There is also a good amount of alkaloid in the white flesh beneath the green skin, I think discarding the woody core makes sense but I would process the rest of the cactus.

You should look at Trout's info on this clone: pachanoi or pachanot? – Trout's Notes

There is also a nice thread on STS: Identifying Trichocereus pachanoi "PC" and "Real" pachanoi

And this one from EG: Premium Quality Trichocereus Seeds / Trichocereus Samen
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