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Can DMT help me fix my life?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I feel like I've ruined my life with amphetamine and playing games online as well as spending most of my time on youtube. Six years went by and now I am stuck with a very weak body, lots of fear and hope that DMT will be a life saver. Anyone shed some light? Am I doomed? I feel so wasted... :(((((((
DMT is not a life saver. You don't need to rely on anything external to save you, and it would inevitably just pose more questions than it answers.

Take some practical steps in your life. You've already identified potential issues which shows you have the desire and ambition to make yourself into something better. Trading one chemical for another is not going to address the underlying causes of your malady. Exercise, diet, sleep. Have a job to take care of your basic needs. Groom yourself. Material needs of the body first, then think about far out mental needs :)

Save your energy and clean yourself up - stop using chemicals and address life head on. It may be uncomfortable or even painful but it is the most direct route to success, of any type. Once you have gained stability physically and mentally, then you can possibly think about whether you want to try DMT or not.

I fell through the cracks myself at a young age, as well experimenting with certain substances. It was pretty, insightful, potentially psychically dangerous, and helped me on my philosophical journey. But it didn't help fix my life, indeed it only kept me from doing so for longer - by refusing to tackle life head on.
Exercise, sport, study, music playing, garden working, nature strolls,....
Sometimes, people report that dmt got them motivated for those things, so not as a direct solution but a mediator, a catalyst, a motivator for changing life patterns.
No guarantees, as life is such.
hey man, i think i can relate a lot, i have been in a similar place back then in 2006.

more drugs wont save you. get therapy. consider to go to a psychiatric hospital for a month. unlike drugs, this can and will change your life.
Electro Monk said:
hey man, i think i can relate a lot, i have been in a similar place back then in 2006.

more drugs wont save you. get therapy. consider to go to a psychiatric hospital for a month. unlike drugs, this can and will change your life.
You have good recommendations all up to the last sentence. It is wonderful and I'm very glad you're experience was positive, but for many, interactions with the metal health system can indeed be life changing and not necessarily for the good. OP has a life that sounds like an absolute mess but doesn't indicate any need for hospitalization or heavy needs.

And OP no dmt won't fix you. No drug will. You can. But it takes work. You aren't going to pop a pill, watch a video or find a quick easy shortcut to be 'fixed'.

A fix is what a heroin addict craves.
xss27 said:
DMT is not a life saver. You don't need to rely on anything external to save you, and it would inevitably just pose more questions than it answers.

Take some practical steps in your life. You've already identified potential issues which shows you have the desire and ambition to make yourself into something better. Trading one chemical for another is not going to address the underlying causes of your malady. Exercise, diet, sleep. Have a job to take care of your basic needs. Groom yourself. Material needs of the body first, then think about far out mental needs :)

Save your energy and clean yourself up - stop using chemicals and address life head on. It may be uncomfortable or even painful but it is the most direct route to success, of any type. Once you have gained stability physically and mentally, then you can possibly think about whether you want to try DMT or not.

I fell through the cracks myself at a young age, as well experimenting with certain substances. It was pretty, insightful, potentially psychically dangerous, and helped me on my philosophical journey. But it didn't help fix my life, indeed it only kept me from doing so for longer - by refusing to tackle life head on.

This was rather helpful to me though I must say that your nickname kind of strings itself into cross site scripting and that creeped me out a bit. haha

I thank you for your response and in that case will need to stabilize myself first.

null24 said:
Electro Monk said:
hey man, i think i can relate a lot, i have been in a similar place back then in 2006.

more drugs wont save you. get therapy. consider to go to a psychiatric hospital for a month. unlike drugs, this can and will change your life.
You have good recommendations all up to the last sentence. It is wonderful and I'm very glad you're experience was positive, but for many, interactions with the metal health system can indeed be life changing and not necessarily for the good. OP has a life that sounds like an absolute mess but doesn't indicate any need for hospitalization or heavy needs.

And OP no dmt won't fix you. No drug will. You can. But it takes work. You aren't going to pop a pill, watch a video or find a quick easy shortcut to be 'fixed'.

A fix is what a heroin addict craves.

Thank you for your time. I must agree with the mental health system interactions, not always a positive experience.

Thanks to all who contributed, I've messed up big time on the integration part with other things and that can make life difficult.
messedupguy said:
I feel like I've ruined my life with amphetamine and playing games online as well as spending most of my time on youtube. Six years went by and now I am stuck with a very weak body, lots of fear and hope that DMT will be a life saver. Anyone shed some light? Am I doomed? I feel so wasted... :(((((((

Break it down.

"I feel like I've ruined my life.with......" Ok... now what. This statement is a form of acknowledgment of mistakes. Look at that and try and get out of that cycle. Quit doing those things that do not empower you.

"Six years went by and now I am stuck with a very weak body..." So get up and excercise, eat better and take care of yourself.

"lots of fear...." Deal with it. Fear can be a tool. Use it. Let it wake you up now.

"and hope DMT will be a life saver." DMT is not going to save your life but it can provide another perspective and you can save your own life. You can look at things from another vantage point and begin a new line of thinking. You don't need DMT for this. You can choose to change your thinking today... right now.

You will heal you when you choose to begin doing so. Use whatever tools you can find that empower you. Lose all the things that disempower you. Start feeling better by choosing to feel better. Start changing the conversation you have in your head that you are somehow a victim. Take back control of your perceptions and choose happiness.

It sounds like you have had enough of the fear and pain and depression. Now can you look at these experiences as a positive? Can you look at it in a way that empowers you, NOW? You can come out of this a great teacher! You can come out a survivor! I applaud you for asking for help here and now. It is the first step towards a new way of thinking.

DMT is a tool. Use it when you feel you should. Many tools in the tool box. Try and not use a hammer to fix a lighbulb though. Use the right tool for the right job in the right way. Learn about the tools and how they work, then apply them to the task in front of you. Take it easy. Allow yourself to be as you are right now and move forward gently. Fall down eight times, get up nine.

I wish you the best in your healing!!
Maybe start microdosing with mushrooms, I don't want to give ill advice anywhere, but personally I find microdoses of mushrooms to often give me aspects of the amphetamine feeling I would look for. along with an infinite amount more..

I don't have a solution to your problem, but when I first introduced myself to entheogens it got me out of a lot of terrible recipes for a bad life. have you taken psychedelics before? plunging into DMT may help, but mushrooms are more easily accessible and potentially more helpful for your situation.
I'm new here and would just like to say that the past 10 years of my life have been an absolute disaster, A complete mess.

I felt like i was dying and getting worse day by day and that i was at a point of no return.

But as of the past month or so I've come to realize that even if you have problems in life that aren't necessarily your fault, That self improvement is still the best thing you can do to make your life better.

As humans, We all have access to an infinite source of pure energy, From this source comes things like inspiration and passion and creativity and immense strength and focus. No matter how badly you feel you've messed up your life, You still have access to this infinite unlimited source of invisible energy that flows within us and without us, It's in your body and in the air. It's a constant presence that we can all tap into.

If you listen to the voice deep inside yourself, You know what mistakes you've made and what you need to do to change. You know when you are lazy or if you aren't trying your best to improve your life.

Yes life can be miserable, And fixing your life may seem insermountable.

But if you listen to the voice within yourself then it will help guide you. And if you listen to your inner voice and start putting an effort into improving yourself then you will build up an unstoppable amount of momentum and energy.

I'm happy to say that my life is getting way better. WE control our perception, WE control our reality, WE can shape and bend our destiny and reality to fit our will..........

If you need a direction to go in then i recommend doing push ups everyday. It doesn't matter how many you do, Just start the process. Then make sure to keep doing it every day. If you feel too lazy and unmotivated then just do push ups for at least 2 or two minutes a day. 1 or 2 minutes isn't much time is it ?? You could easily do it. And when you keep it up and do it everday, It becomes part of your routine.

As time goes by it gets easier and easier, So then you can spend 3 or 4 minutes doing push ups everyday.

Make sure to put in 100% effort, Do that then the positive momentum and energy behind you will be unstoppable.

You can do it man.
Yeah, Exercise has a tremendous effect on the brain and mood for some reason.

And if you are lazy and out of shape then no one expects you to start doing marathons and extremely difficult exercises right away.

In my opinion push ups is the best place to start, Even if you don't care about having big muscles, Push ups is just a very easy thing for people to do.

You can count how many you do each day, So you can get better and better and then try and do more push ups than you did the day before.

And when doing push ups, Your arms start to get tired and your arm muscles will feel a slight burning feeling, This is great !! Once you get to that stage, Just play mind games with yourself to make yourself push through it.

Tell your self " 5 more come on i can do 5 more " then " come on i can do 10 more " and just keep doing it and push yourself to see how determined you are to improve yourlife.

And like i said earlier - let's just say that you are out of shape and very lazy and unmotivated and you feel that your body is weak.

You can still do at least one minutes worths of push ups a day, Just force yourself to do it for at least 1 minute a day, And then as time goes by you can increase the time from one minute to two minutes. Then two to three or four minutes a day, And so on and so forth.

If you force yourself to do this, Your brain will start releasing more happy chemicals that give you a Natural high, It effects your general mood and makes you feel better and your perspective on life seems brighter and more hopeful. Life stops seeming insermountable.

It's easy man, You can easily do it.
Hendrix87 said:
...Exercise has a tremendous effect on the brain and mood for some reason...

And the reason(s) is/are thus:

1) It gets your blood circulating and your heart pumping more to circulate that blood.

2) It oxygenates your blood. The more oxygen that is in your blood, in combination with having good oxygen-carrying capacity in your blood (this has to do with the proper amount of red blood cells), the more oxygen gets to your brain. The more oxygen the brain gets, the better you feel, generally speaking.

3) Exercise promotes endorphin release within the brain which make you feel a lot better also. However, after many years of certain drugs your brain's ability to create endorphin neurotransmitters may be a bit rusty, but not to worry, if you make a commitment to quit the nasty drugs once & for all, and work on yourself every day, the ability will come back slowly but surely.

Hope this helps.

May we all find our Peace.
^^^^ Good stuff

Been very physically active most of my life, took me out've some very serious issues, far beyond the reach of any of my psychedelic experiences, meditations, mantras, gurus or anything of that sort. Not railing against those things. They can be a powerful adjunct to your thoughts on yourself, reality and the world, but that's where it stops.

Agree with everything regarding exercise. The studies are endless. It's so obvious how powerful it is. Though so many overlook it. That's unfortunate.

Throw in being somewhat intelligent and actually spending some time and money and effort on a thorough diet to cover in lieu of that type of continual physical exertion, and you do this for weeks, months, years, ...your life will change, and you will change, depression and all. It's not some bulls*&^ being peddled. Take control of your life.

<3 all the best
I will echo good advice that have been posted before me. Exercise (gym membership or if means are tight running and calisthenics or if time permits all of the above) will do wonders for you - good sleep, good mood, positive changes in body (I am assuming you will lay off heavy drugs/alcohol), mind and life outlook. Proper nutrition (cook your own food (that alone will eliminate 65% of all the crap in your diet) try to eat organic and eat clean (no sugars, junk, processed food). To summarize exercise and proper nutrition will go a long way to turn your life around, - everything else will follow.
Hendrix87 said:
Yeah, Exercise has a tremendous effect on the brain and mood for some reason.

And if you are lazy and out of shape then no one expects you to start doing marathons and extremely difficult exercises right away.

In my opinion push ups is the best place to start, Even if you don't care about having big muscles, Push ups is just a very easy thing for people to do.

You can count how many you do each day, So you can get better and better and then try and do more push ups than you did the day before.

And when doing push ups, Your arms start to get tired and your arm muscles will feel a slight burning feeling, This is great !! Once you get to that stage, Just play mind games with yourself to make yourself push through it.

Tell your self " 5 more come on i can do 5 more " then " come on i can do 10 more " and just keep doing it and push yourself to see how determined you are to improve yourlife.

And like i said earlier - let's just say that you are out of shape and very lazy and unmotivated and you feel that your body is weak.

You can still do at least one minutes worths of push ups a day, Just force yourself to do it for at least 1 minute a day, And then as time goes by you can increase the time from one minute to two minutes. Then two to three or four minutes a day, And so on and so forth.

If you force yourself to do this, Your brain will start releasing more happy chemicals that give you a Natural high, It effects your general mood and makes you feel better and your perspective on life seems brighter and more hopeful. Life stops seeming insermountable.

It's easy man, You can easily do it.

I agree that this kind of training has nothing to do with "getting ripped" but just training your brain to not have a problem with tediousness and uncomfortability. The more you become used to this the more motivation and stamina you find you have. Also, exercising alone increases testosterone and leads to a better state of control and well-being.
ridnovir said:
b]Proper nutrition[/b] (cook your own food (that alone will eliminate 65% of all the crap in your diet) try to eat organic and eat clean (no sugars, junk, processed food). To summarize exercise and proper nutrition will go a long way to turn your life around, - everything else will follow.

+1 for eating healthy! While i cant always keep to it (lifes too short not to have a treat every now and again), i am starting to become aware of how much better i feel after eating vegetables, fruit and managing my protein intake correctly + vitamins (iron,b12,vitamin D).
Laziness wasn't my problem, but my life started to improve after i began to take classes in DBT (dialectical behavior therapy) and anger management. Being an exceptionally recalcitrant student it took a good 1000 hours before i began to gain more mastery over them and build a certain emotional maturity and intelligence that had escaped me prior and had left me in a prolonged adolescence.

Growing into manhood in a society with no coming-of-age ritual, no fatherhood and vilification of masculinity can send many of us to the video game/YouTube machines to peek into a vicarious life that gives us more satisfaction and false sense of power and purchase.
null24 said:
It is wonderful and I'm very glad you're experience was positive, but for many, interactions with the metal health system can indeed be life changing and not necessarily for the good.

What most people cannot grasp is that psychiatry is a religion and the "mental health system" is a church. It is in fact the State Church of the modern world. I am being 100% serious and literal here. Psychiatry literaly means "soul healing". They have some good technologies that can be helpful (as do all religious traditions, yes, even scientology) but at the same time they can get stuck in harmful dogmatic bullshit loops. The fact of that matter is that in general, they have a very poor track record of helping people, but some people are in such self-destructive spirals that sometimes even a crappy religion like it can be a step up.

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