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Can DMT really heal all addictions, or is it just a myth?

Migrated topic.
swimwithlove said:
arcana said:
Usually at about the 4th breakthrough you're addiction free.

During the course of how short or long of a timespan?

Apologies, it was mostly sarcasm. I was joking.

Why should DMT or any of these compounds be considered addiction cures?

You could have the most earth shattering experiences with these compounds and still be the exact same person in the end when it comes to tendencies, hang-ups, addictions, and everything else that makes us human. Why should these be equated to auto-cures? Whats your experience?

Takes alot more than some tokes on a DMT pipe to get your life together.
arcana said:
Usually at about the 4th breakthrough you're addiction free.

That's a preposterous response.

DMT (or any psychedelic, for that matter) is not some kind of magic band-aid or cure all. It may provide an experience that encourages you to look at your own personal issues from a previously unseen vantage point, and that may or may not help you in reframing both how you see yourself and the direction in which you want to go, but it's not going to heal anything at all on its own. That's just a lazy answer to a lazy question.

If you want to be addiction free, you've probably got a bit more work ahead of you than hitting a freebase pipe and tripping for 5-8 minutes.

Very happy to see that your response was snarky sarcasm and not goofdick propaganda, arcana.

You're a good egg. Carry on.

It heals the most dangerous addiction known to space time, oxygen. To prepare you for your own personal eschaton.
So that it's not so bad after all.
You're probably just a hyper dimensional unicorn farting succubus in the land of consciousness - addicted to breathing oxygen.
No it can't.

It's a tool that may help some people overcome addiction. It depends on a lot of other factors. Ultimately it is only a person that can overcome addiction.

A hammer does nothing by itself.
You don't need a hammer to build a house.
Some people can't drive a nail even if they have a hammer.
Uncle Knucles said:
arcana said:
Usually at about the 4th breakthrough you're addiction free.

That's a preposterous response.

DMT (or any psychedelic, for that matter) is not some kind of magic band-aid or cure all. It may provide an experience that encourages you to look at your own personal issues from a previously unseen vantage point, and that may or may not help you in reframing both how you see yourself and the direction in which you want to go, but it's not going to heal anything at all on its own. That's just a lazy answer to a lazy question.

If you want to be addiction free, you've probably got a bit more work ahead of you than hitting a freebase pipe and tripping for 5-8 minutes.

Very happy to see that your response was snarky sarcasm and not goofdick propaganda, arcana.

You're a good egg. Carry on.


swimwithlove said:
And does it take one breakthrough trip or multiple breakthrough trips to heal all addictions?
We expect people on this site to do their own homework, so at the very least you should have done your own initial research and presented those findings here.

It is good that you want to integrate in this community but for that you have to do more work than just creating threads with a clickbait title.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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