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Can I reuse my solvent?

Migrated topic.
Also, could I reduce and drink the vinegar instead of fully evaporating it? Seems like it would be easier than trying to transfer a wax to gel caps.
iamdave said:
Using 69ron's D-Limonene extraction, after I pour the vinegar off do I need to discard the d-Limonene or can I reuse it for the second wash?
You can re-use the limonene. IMHO it's a good idea to clean it up with a bit of anhydrous sodium carbonate beforehand.

Also, could I reduce and drink the vinegar instead of fully evaporating it? Seems like it would be easier than trying to transfer a wax to gel caps.
That's all well and good if you're sure you know the alkaloid content of what you're drinking. And you need to make sure you're not drinking concentrated acetic acid by mistake. Probably better to take your time and do it properly.
Thanks for the input! The vinegar is just regular distilled white vinegar, 5% acetic acid. I occasionally drink it straight for the health benefits so if I could reduce it to a couple ounces that would be no problem for me so long as having vinegar in my stomach along with the rest isn't a problem. I have no idea what the alkaloid content of this concoction is but I'm prepared, even hoping, for a strong trip. I'm not really expecting that though.
The water evaporates preferentially so the acid will tend towards a higher concentration. After evaporating down fully, it's equally possible to dissolve the waxy acetates in water and drink that (although I do seem to recall drinking non-evaporated cactus vinegar on occasion which was also fine :D )

5% acetic acid is plenty strong enough, it wouldn't be nice drinking anything significantly stronger than that.

FWIW, ingesting as much mescaline as possible is a fairly reasonable goal. Taking one's time is prudent in order to mitigate stomach discomfort and/or avoid uncomfortably intense experiences.
Ah, I see. I did not know that. Thank you! I'll have about 150ml of vinegar when it's all done and that's a bit more than I normally like to drink so if the acetate dissolves easily in water I'll work with it that way.

Cheers! 😁
With solvents you need to take into account everything inside it fighting for 'solubility space'. So it depends on how many other things were pulled already with the previous extraction that are still in the solvent. But it also depends on how soluble the compound of interest is relative to the other soluble compounds. It is percentage based rather than mass.

Swim has reused d-limonene 2 times and had no decreased yield with ron's tek. Then it was distilled and poured back into the jug of fresh stuff. D-limo tek was too pricey for slightly less work IMHO.
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