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Cannabis, dmt and anxiety

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Rising Star
Hey everyone, this post is about something I've been curious with for a while now and I'd like to get someone's opinion or know if there's anyone else out there who deals with this too.

So I've been wanting to try dmt for a good few years now and I've been let down a handful of times but now have decided to make it myself. Within a month after payday I should have everything sorted. Now when I started thinking about all this a couple years ago my plan was to first try dmt in a joint with cannabis. Mainly just so that I could get a feel for the effects without it being too intense. However recently, within the past year I've started getting intense anxiety when smoking cannabis. I'm not sure why this is, my first theory was as I used cannabis as a coping mechanism for years, just using it for months on end on a daily basis as a way to cope with the struggles of life. Once them troubles had gone the cannabis maybe returned me to that headspace I was in before. I'm not all too sure on the reason but when I smoke I can get extremely self conscious too.

My question is, if I do smoke dmt in a cannabis spliff do you think the anxiety would make me have a bad experience?
Also do you think I should take the dmt in a spliff to try confront the anxiety if that's possible at all?
If not which other alternative would you suggest for smoking in some sort of roll up, I don't smoke tobacco at all but would that be a simple way to mix it?

Thanks a lot in advance
It's not uncommon for long time ganja smokers to become affected by it this way. I know loads of people who it has happened to, it happened to me for a while, thankfully I can smoke and just get positive vibrations again most of the time now.

What I would say is that going into a dmt trip in a negative headspace, particularly one that has been induced by another drug is potentially not great. You may be fine but personally I like to launch from a position of safety and comfort, I wouldn't want paranoia and anxiety to manifest themselves as elements of my journey.

I would make changa with other healing herbs if I were you and put the changa in a spliff without marijuana or light it up in a bong.

I'd go for pao d'arco, mullein and caapi changa.
Yeah thinking about it now it doesn't seem like the smartest idea to mix the two, was hoping that maybe doing them together I could get to the root cause of the anxiety but maybe it's just chemical imbalance.

I'll have to check out the changa, thanks for your help mate
I don't think smoking a little weed with your DMT will do any harm. Marijuana can be a welcome and familiar friend with you to help you become acclimated to the DMT. If you are looking for a stronger DMT experience I would ditch the weed. I would not smoke weed for a couple days before. But for light doses of DMT a little weed would be fine I think.

Personally I would recommend that you try DMT alone with no marijuana for various reasons.

If you are having problems with anxiety when smoking marijuana I would not blame the marijuana. Likely any drug you ingest will bring up whatever emotions you are having. I would deal with that anxiety as best you can prior to smoking DMT. Psychedelics will bring up these emotions with great intensity. Nothing to fear when you are prepared to deal with it. Very daunting if you are not. Psychedelics, including marijuana can be used as healing tools. I feel if you use them as such you will be fine. It is fine to use tools together but sometimes they are better apart.

Good luck and happy travels!

My tolerence has decreased a little recently, I've been smoking for 9 years now but the past month or so I've been trying to quit, it's only been a few days a week if that. Nothing too major but for me I find it's hard to quit because it helps when you have a lot on your plate but also puts me into that negative headspace so it's tough.

And to dmnstr8 - I've thought about how strong it'd be and although I'd like it to be less intense I'm still not sure about doing it with the cannabis.
I've thought about that also because I've heard that cannabis will bring up emotions you're already having and I know psychedelics are know for doing it also as well as getting to the root cause. That's also why I'm not so sure if I should do it with the cannabis because that will bring the anxiety forward then maybe the dmt could help deal with it, but do you not think I could have an average trip first time just on dmt? I was more wanting to have a good experience first then next time around once I know what I'm getting myself into I could try combat the anxiety, as I'm completely new to it my only experience in psychedelics being lsd once. And you say nothing to fear there if I'm prepared, does that mean prepared for a bad trip because from my understanding from reading trip reports and things, when your combat some sort of problem it's through a bad trip or do you mean if I'm prepared to confront it and ready for it to come up then I can ease through it?

Thank you for the help so far though
DMT-Newbie said:
My tolerence has decreased a little recently, I've been smoking for 9 years now but the past month or so I've been trying to quit, it's only been a few days a week if that. Nothing too major but for me I find it's hard to quit because it helps when you have a lot on your plate but also puts me into that negative headspace so it's tough.

And to dmnstr8 - I've thought about how strong it'd be and although I'd like it to be less intense I'm still not sure about doing it with the cannabis.
I've thought about that also because I've heard that cannabis will bring up emotions you're already having and I know psychedelics are know for doing it also as well as getting to the root cause. That's also why I'm not so sure if I should do it with the cannabis because that will bring the anxiety forward then maybe the dmt could help deal with it, but do you not think I could have an average trip first time just on dmt? I was more wanting to have a good experience first then next time around once I know what I'm getting myself into I could try combat the anxiety, as I'm completely new to it my only experience in psychedelics being lsd once. And you say nothing to fear there if I'm prepared, does that mean prepared for a bad trip because from my understanding from reading trip reports and things, when your combat some sort of problem it's through a bad trip or do you mean if I'm prepared to confront it and ready for it to come up then I can ease through it?

Thank you for the help so far though

Tattvamasi said:
I let the experience have it's way with me. I try not to impose any of my own ideologies, thoughts, hopes, fears onto the experience. The experience is what it is. I try to let it flow through unimpeded. I just want to observe (all the while becoming). I try not to react - physically, emotionally, mentally. I try to accept it on its own terms. I try not to label (although it's easy to do with the monkey mind) or categorize anymore. Ready, set, puff.

I think Tattvamasi said it so well here. This should be a signpost for anyone who embarks on a psychedelic journey.

Relax is my advice. Anxiety will create more anxiety. Accept anything that comes up and don't fight it. Just observe it. Meditation can help with anxiety quite a bit. Think positively as much as possible. Your intentions will guide your experiences. Trust yourself. You can push past the fear and anxiety. You can overcome these negative emotions. You have already started. See it through.

Yeah that is great advice, I'm just gonna try relax myself as much as possible and let whatever happens happen. Although may be easier said than done lol
Thanks a lot for the help, feel well prepared :p
Will have to post how it goes soon

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