I think is a lack of side effects what makes mj so addictive. Ilpt was addicted to both alcohol and mj.He was also addicted to cigarette but since lack of mental effects when smoking cigarete make quiting it easiest.
He gave up with booz 5 months ago and don`t wanna start again, but wasn`t that lucky with mj.
Once he gave up for three months but then idea of smoking creeps in. Last summer he hated weed and was about to give up, when he found weed addicted girlfriend(more then him)
Girlfriend gone 3 months ago but ILPT is still addicted
Today he has the same idea to give up and called for help elephant creeper(with 5 datura stramonium seeds and 3 grams of yohimbe bark to soothen up side effects)
Unfortunately 8 seeds (as a pepermint tea macerate) wasn`t enough to produce strong trip and idea of smoking some weed to support psychedelic effects creeps in again.
he came over that anxious periode you were talking about(harmalas helped a lot)
He loves weed for giving him numerous ammount of flasbacks from stronger psychedelics(dmt,lsd,shrooms)
He knows it`s bad for him and wanna give up,but it`s so hard because of great psychedelic effects and lack of side effect. Munchies from weed are so enjoyable, it`s so plesurable to eat when you stoned
He thinking he would call cactii for help.
Last time he vomit grately and lost half of the dose which gave him very mild effects, so he drank few beers(that time he was drinking)and got massive headache
Now, when he isn`t drinking and have some datura seeds handy ,it could be much nicer or stronger sort of insight trip to reconsider using of weed
Or maybe just go for higher dose of HBWR